Renewed CHL background check failed!

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RDhood: Don't know what your intent but you give the best reasoning for discontinuing the NICS system. Writing the "reps" will do nothing though, they're responsible for the problem in the first place.

Actually, TNBilly, it will. I got no action whatsoever from NICS after I disputed my denial. After sending off prints and waiting for 5 or 6 months, I wrote my Senator. One week later I heard from NICS.... they confirmed that it truly was me that they were denying, and that the "felony" had been forwarded from the State of GA. Thus, the other part of my reply. I was VERY fortunate that there was a clerk in podunkville police department that was willing to help me... with the police chief and with the judge. She recognized right away that they had made a mistake (some 20 years prior) when transcribing old reports to digital media/state database. They had turned a $35 fine into a felony. (BTW, I wonder how many jobs and other opportunities I was denied over 20 years based on having a faux felony come up in my background check). Had the clerk not been amicable to fixing my record, my only recourse would have been to hire an attorney and pay big $$$ (my dime) to force them to fix the mistake.

Hopefully, the OP won't have to go all through that, but need to get the ball rolling ASAP to get this thing cleared up.
File an injunction on them through a local WA lawyer. It will get cleared up faster than you just calling. Its what I had to do.
A good friend of mine had 3 renewals in FL, and on the 4th they found an arrest that was supposed to be expunged 30 years prior, "when he was a teenager", for smoking pot. He had to go through the same nonsense, hired a lawyer to straighten it out, they never destroyed the records. That happens often. They mix everything up, it's like calling social security with a question, if you ask 5 people you get 5 different answers.
Thanks all for letting me vent a little, but I must say kudos to the WA, Benton County sheriff’s department. They responded much more quickly than I expected and resolved the mistaken identity issue tagging me with a warrant. My new FL State CHL should be in hand in a week or two.

It was a “type” of identity theft as my name was a perfect match, but nothing else matched nor the description of the perp from the initial charge. No lawyer needed, but I did get a quick consult from a local attorney and our military lawyers.

What’s ironic is that I have done the “voluntary appeal file” with the FBI in NICS due to another similar issue back in 2006 (somebody used my SSN to purchase a firearm). This is another background check, finger printing and anal-probe. After a lengthy discussion with an FBI agent and him pulling my records, he saw no red flags at the federal level and couldn’t explain how FL caught the error in WA.

I still think this must be addressed at the representative level and am going to draft up some letters. My concern is that is that any form of national background check system is going to be severely prone to errors and these “red flags” are where their constituents are going to bear the burden of proof (and fees) to fight errant criminal charges or records.

Glad to hear someone took ownership of it and got it resolved. There is a huge problem in the bureaucratic side of law enforcement, especially when you start hopping agencies and state lines, in just getting someone to take responsibility for figuring it out and not just passing you on to someone else.
BTW, you are now one of the millions of "DENIED" purchases the government loves to tout they stopped from buying a gun. They make no distinction between felons who tried and failed and lawful gun owners denied their rights.

Congrats on joining the club.
At least it wasn't some kind of hokey "terrorisim"-type mistake and you got thrown in Guantanamoleavenworth incommunicado for an indeterminate period.

I can see that happening under the Patriot Act or whatever... but we won't hear about it, will we?

Terry, 230RN
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I'm glad that your problem was solved. I received my Conceal Pistol License from the Bwnton County Sheriff's department in WA State. They are very courteous and polite.
Four other men in my small (30K) town have the same first and last name I do; two have the same middle name as well.

This caused some troubles in the 1980s when the local PD "computerized." Apparently their programmer didn't consider that there might be more than one person with the same name in the same town...

I haven't had any trouble from that for many years now. Unfortunately, various credit bureaus seem to lump all of us together, and since all of the other four appear to be credit deadbeats... after years of fighting it, I finally gave up. I'd spend months getting my credit cleaned up, and then a few months later "my" report would start showing deinquent accounts from places I never heard of.
Active military do have a problem when they are transferred regarding the CCW permits (and residency). Glad you got this worked out and I am pleased that you got some action.
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