Report: 2nd Amendment rallies - All capitals April 14th, 2018

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Dec 25, 2010
I found 1 thread, but that got closed.

I just wanted to do a research, took me 6 hours to find info and some photos.

As far as I see, most people were just normal looking Average Joe at these rallies. Nothing too right winger(ish) type, really. In photos I seen a few militia clothed people, some biker looking ones, but mostly just every day clothed random people and hunters.

I guess the only reason these small groups organized these events, because the large groups (like NRA) won't.

I personally asked our county NRA, and they said nothing. Last month I organized a counter march against some anti-2nd A march, the local NRA didn't even reply, when I asked them if they want to attend and march. I guess if they don't do it, then small groups and individuals do.

The problem is, there is a lack of experience, and the media's blackout and censorship, so going against all of these, is a huge fight, the result is low attendance.
Well friends, I called the NRA and asked this question directly, does the NRA support or start rallies


LoL Well all jokes aside, eeeeeveryone I talk to that's remotely interested in the NRA supporting marches phone banks or even the lowly organized letter writing campaign says the same thing gets the same answer.

It's kind of like the fellow who went to the local restaurant and said ''I'll take an order of beans please.''
Barely into the mouth 1st bite straight spit them out all over! He said '' MaN! these beans are salty!'' To which the owner replied,''yea, everyone complains about them, but that's just how we make 'em''

Great video BTW :thumbup: including the summation at end of why low turn out etc
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At this point you are validating the anti agenda if you protest IMHO. The fringe and the groups OCing long guns (usually AR's) do not help the cause these days. I feel that the local average person doing this is having their say and do not begrudge them but if we have to do this then we better get EVERY gun owner on board and do it in the middle of the week not on a weekend. The powers that be need to see that many of us are working a normal job and feel that taking a day off for our rights is needed to affirm that right. We need to be the good guys that have a bunch of signs that say "133 million guns and their owners did nothing wrong today". Then we need to stand and non violently (no firearms present) march with us NOT being tempted into a clash with those of opposing views as they usually will use violence to further their agenda. Then the next day we all go back to work as normal and use grass roots means to educate those that were influenced by the large show of restraint and tolerance we as firearms owners should have exhibited. The last local gathering was civil, reasonably well attended. and had virtually no counter protesters on site. Take this how you may.
I got some more info since then. The NY one and 2 other states had permit issues. 1 of the 2 had a scammer problem too, he asked money for getting a permit, people donated thousands of dollars, then he disappeared with the money. That's just sad...
I don't know, I didn't attend this one, we only had our little protest last month. We were quietly marching with "March for Our Rights" signs.
Zero news coverage. Which in a way is a good thing, because adverse news coverage would be a lot worse.

A poorly attended rally is worse than no rally at all. It just shows weakness, especially compared to the turnout at antigun rallies.

This is why the NRA doesn't promote rallies. Letter-writing campaigns and votes are far more effective.
This is why the NRA doesn't promote rallies. Letter-writing campaigns and votes are far more effective.

I would rather say, these events had low attendance, because the NRA was not part of them. Just think of the annual NRA meeting, they easily get 70,000 people, and it's not even a cause, just an annual event.
We're having a rally at our capital in Olympia on Saturday the 21st. Seattle news media (the mainstream networks) reports possible attendance around 2,000 ... (and gosh, some folks will be carrying firearms!) ...
Rally tomorrow Sat 4-21-18 at the Statehouse in Columbus, OH. Expecting a great turnout. Look up Patriots Day Rally Columbus Ohio 2018 , already getting news coverage

Re: Post#7
''AlexanderA said:
This is why the NRA doesn't promote rallies. Letter-writing campaigns and votes are far more effective.''

''I would rather say, these events had low attendance, because the NRA was not part of them. Just think of the annual NRA meeting, they easily get 70,000 people, and it's not even a cause, just an annual event.''


Rhode Island had a rally recently, four thousand (4,000) citizens showed up. It's on youtube, no where to stand. RI legispotators tucked tail & pulled all bills.

So yes we see when rallies are managed correctly, they yield very effective results.
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The Nation's Gun Show in Chantilly, Virginia (a suburb of Washington, D.C.) is today through Sunday. As usual, the crowd is expected to number in the thousands. If we could get half those people to attend a rally, it would be a resounding success.
I would think pro gun rally’s have smaller turn out than anti gun rally’s because pro gunners work for a living. Anti gun rally’s are full of paid, bussed in professional rabble rousers.
I hear that a lot, but I don't think it's true. After all, these "working people" have time to go to gun shows. And I don't think there are many "professional rabble rousers." People attend rallies because they are emotionally pumped up. Apparently this emotional factor is working for the antigunners, but not so much for the pro-gun side. Yes, gun owners don't want their guns taken from them, but they don't make the connection between that and political activism in the streets. And in general, gun owners are less emotional people than antigunners are. Our rationality works against us in this situation.
The Nation's Gun Show in Chantilly, Virginia (a suburb of Washington, D.C.) is today through Sunday. As usual, the crowd is expected to number in the thousands. If we could get half those people to attend a rally, it would be a resounding success.

I hear that a lot, but I don't think it's true. After all, these "working people" have time to go to gun shows. And I don't think there are many "professional rabble rousers." People attend rallies because they are emotionally pumped up. Apparently this emotional factor is working for the antigunners, but not so much for the pro-gun side. Yes, gun owners don't want their guns taken from them, but they don't make the connection between that and political activism in the streets. And in general, gun owners are less emotional people than antigunners are. Our rationality works against us in this situation.
Prior to many left wing protests, there are ads for “extras” , who are bussed in and paid.
I don't blame the NRA in the least for not organizing, or even attending these events. All it takes is one Nazi or Rebel flag and the media would jump all over it.

The NRA doesn't need the risk of bad publicity when they've shown their strength is in lobbying and getting people to get out and vote.
lol, if there is no rebel flag, they call gun owners racists anyways. When we were at the March for our Lives to counter-march, we got called "a racist KKK hategroup" by a strange liberal woman who keeps having interviews with the local press and media, and she did post her nonsense all over Facebook. It was just me, 2 veterans, a nice old lady there, etc. Later the gun-hating woman publicly said she was wrong about us, but she never replied to my messages.
Damn, they even said "15 militia members in full camo were there scaring everyone", and that's never happened. So if you show up anywhere, holding a 2nd Amendment quote sign, you get called everything in the book. If no one shows up, they make up scary stories anyways.

"The NRA doesn't need the risk of bad publicity"

They literally has nothing else, but bad publicity. (Not because of flags, but because of their pro-gun message.) They are literally called "NRA, the blood on your hands organization". I doubt that if a rebel flag at a Texas event would be their main problem.

The NRA should have balls and step up, be active and say it's enough. They know the media and the liberals are going to hate them, no matter what. Or they could be straight to their members and supporters and say why won't they show up, or they should just send a note to everyone about events, and saying "you can go, but the NRA as an organization is not going to be there". Not that it matters, since all these events have people wearing NRA caps and T-shirts.

Or, they could just help out organizers with a list of how to organize an event, give advice, unofficially.

I like the NRA and I became a member 6 years ago, I just think they should change a few things about their tactics. I see many gun owner feel the NRA is not backing them.

This is only my personal opinion though. :)
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Protests is the wrong word here. Demonstrations more like it. It is a good thing because unlike the last 50 years or so of "defending", it is high time to go on the offensive and pro active. And keep the fire burning.

Oath Keepers is just one organization actively involved in this. The NRA ought to join the fray too. We have a window of what may be just another two and a half years longer. The momentum should be maintained on all fronts.
Last weekend Washington state had a rally with 2,500 people.

Today Minnesota had one, the press says 2k showed up, but It looks more like 3k to me.

The NRA got mentioned, but I have a feeling that it's more like only a local NRA members' group or something and they didn't ask "blessing" from the NRA HQ.

Anyway, the turnouts are getting better. 2k-s - 3k-s are not bad at all.
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Just observation...

The numbers are very good considering imo. Many people - like me - are wage slaves that work six days a week and can not afford to take a day off (let alone "go on vacation").

There are many too that are wary of appearing at such an event being photographed, filmed, having their licence plates recorded etc etc. Not something that would deter me, but I am aware some folk worry about this.

Then there is location. And obscure to some, but very real imo is the possibility of the opposition staging some violent, perhaps deadly incident(s) at demonstration venues.

But the numbers look pretty good, and best regards and happy off to all who can and do participate in these events!
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