Republican Presidential Debate

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Feb 9, 2006
After watching the Republican debate last week, I was rather disappointed that I did not hear any gun control questions. Out of the candidates on stage, I liked Mitt Romney, Jim Gilmore, and Mike Huckabee, and Tommy Thompson. My vote will probably be going to Tommy Thompson. However, I am still wondering out of all the Republican candidates which one is the most pro gun/anti gun control. Do you know? Which candidate/candidates did you like? Thanks.
In the order of the ones you liked from best to worst...
Thompson, T
Mitt Romney

Edit: Just so you know the biggest reason I do not support Tommy Thompson is the fact that he wants to implant everyone with a microchip and I do not want to be implanted with one.
Titan said:
Just so you know the biggest reason I do not support Tommy Thompson is the fact that he wants to implant everyone with a microchip and I do not want to be implanted with one.
Oh, come on. That's really all we need to complete our transformation into sheep. How could you possibly be opposed to that?!?!


Paul, Hunter, and Tancredo would probably be on the top tier - won't likely support ANY gun control legislation. Huckabee, Thompson, Gilmore would be in the middle - pro gun, but might sign "sensible" gun-control legislation. Romney, McCain, and Guiliani are at the bottom - an assault weapons ban is entirely possible with McCain or Guiliani.

I'm really not sure about Brownback.
I donno, first they implant microchips, then they change human parts for bionics....I sure could use help in some areas :evil:
Edit: Just so you know the biggest reason I do not support Tommy Thompson is the fact that he wants to implant everyone with a microchip and I do not want to be implanted with one.

More than half of the other candidates support real ID cards for immigrants only....sure, like we don't know where this is going.
The Man Who Wasn't There

In my humble opinion, "The Man Who Wasn't There" has probably the best chance of actually winning the Presidency. He's not yet a candidate as he's waiting for the field to be thinned out a bit and doesn't feel waiting a few months is going to hurt his chances.

That is - former Senator FRED THOMPSON of Tennessee. Many know him as an actor ("Hunt for Red October", "In the Line of Fire", "Law & Order" etc.) but he also served with distinction in the United States Senate. He is a plainspoken, tell-it-like-it-is, very practical Republican who has a real good shot at beating whomever the Democrats put on the ticket. He is Pro-2A.
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