Rescued a Knife

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Your welcome. I like Imperial/Schrades :). My latest four "saves" ,all within 3 days.



"Kingston" (Imperial/Ulster) MIL-K-818D WWII issue pocket knife

Ulster, USA (owned by Imperial Schrade) BSA knife. The Boy scout etching is intact on the blade.

Imperial,Prov USA Kamp-King

Imperial,Prov USA Jack with crown Shield.
Todd A

I love the that Kamp-King; I've still got mine from when I was a little camper. Thanks for reminding me of some great knife memories.
You're welcome.

I started some memories yesterday for me and my son. I caved in and gave him that Imperial jack with the longhorn for an early B-day present,his first non-China knife.We poured through my knife collectors guide and now he wants to "rescue" old slipjoints himself.He also turned every stick he could find into tiny shavings.

He liked looking at the Kamp-King,too.Was amazed that knife companies used to make decent inexpensive knives marketed just for young boys,like his new/old slipjoint.

Didn't show him the Ulster/BSA. Because if his Mom and her Boyfriend don't come through with an Official Cub Scout knife,like he thinks they are. I know one special little Cubbie ;) will be packing a cleaned up 80's vintage Ulster BSA knife to Den meetings. :)

I already know were I can get a replacement for myself.
Sometimes the sun's all shining on me.

Got lucky this weekend, "rescued" this Gerber at a yard sale for fifty cents.
Hopefully the factory will replace the scale or maybe I'll do some elk horn I have or perhaps just toss it in the hunting day pack as is.
Blade is nice and tight like new, with great snap.


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Yrs ago, had to go fix a trough some jerk had shot a hole in. 30 drgrees +/- 6-8 inches of snow on the ground. Bolt & nut w/ 2 rubber washers fixed the leak. Looked down, there laid a Uncle Henry folder, stag handles, stainless blades. Big blade had tip broken off by a mill file fixed that. Takes a good edge. Unfortunately, not a lock back! Anybody need a shave?

Another memorable "save": this one was a top of the line Wenger Swiss Army knife that I found in a local department store's Scratch and Dent case. Brand new, with all the trimmings, this knife would have retailed for close to $100; that is of course if someone hadn't dropped it and sprung the entire blade assembly out of whack. It sat in that case till it was marked down to $4.50, and that's when I bought it. I figured that even if Wenger charged me $25 to $30 to fix it, I would still be way ahead on the deal. So I sent it to their U.S. importer's address, along with a note asking if they could give me an estimate for repairs. Imagine my surprise when a couple of weeks later, I receive my knife back, looking factory fresh (but still showing the small scratches on the scales from when it was dropped); and all of this done-free of charge. Thats right, I didn't even get billed for return postage. To me, that's got to be some of the greatest customer service in the world.
Yard sales, once in a while a guy gets lucky. These were in a box along with worthelss junk all priced at $.25 apiece, my cost was $2.25 for all.
All are Forschner except the white handle which is Henckles, some have never been sharpened. BTW since when are Henckles made in Brazil?
+1 to Spyderco

I 'rescued' one that I found in the street, all beat up, run over, and a broken tip. Sent it to Spyderco and they sent me a new one under their warranty policy.
The Promised Pictures

It came to my attention recently that I promised you guys pictures of the Buck 301 after I got it back . . . and then I didn't deliver on that promise.

So, in the spirit of "better late than never," herewith the promised photos.

(Photo quality leaves something to be desired.)

(That's a little better.)

(And better still.)

(Let's get a little closer.)

(Yes, there is still some rust on the springs.)
A friend of mine found a mucked-up Gerber AR in the dirt. He thought it was junk so I took it. The thing barely opened and closed, but I have since completely dissembled and reassembled it, cleaning out all the nooks and crannies. Touched up the edge a bit too and gave it back to him. He uses it all the time now.
Found a beat-to-hell Spyderco lockblade in the road. It had a broken-off tip, and looks like it had been run over a zillion times. Sent it to Spyderco and they sent me a brand new one!
I don't know what to call this one. It was in a box of tools that I found in the attic cleaning out the farmhouse. Made from a straight razor and what looks like a Mora handle. No markings on the blade that I can see. Sharp as all get out. I'm guessing around a hundred years old.


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I bought a handful of carbon steel kitchen knives for a few bucks. some have no markings. One is ontario old hickory.

Also got a free US made gerber the other day. Brother did not want it. I took it gladly, And now it shaves.

I like restoration in general.

And that Razor, looks like a straight razor stuck in a different tool handle. Nice find.
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