Revolting! Man in Seattle gets Swat team sent on him for having 3 handguns

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OMG, I can't believe all the condemnation over an initial news report. Usually everone is all over the press for getting their facts wrong and/or reporting before all the information is in. But I guess, in this case, the reporters got the full story and the :cuss: cops are trying to steal our guns again.....

Isn't it possible that the father told the police some additional, and unreported, information that caused the SPD to send out a SWAT Team? Maybe the son stated that he was going home and kill himself (either self inflicted or "suicide by cop") or get his guns and start shooting people. Maybe the police were told he is on meth or LSD and is out of control. Who knows for sure what has happened? All I know is that no one here does.

Spitting on the motives and actions of the police isn't any different than spitting on the troops overseas. They are out there protecting and serving the public and they don't have the benefit of clarivoyance - that so many of you seem to have......:fire:

Go back to the bunker, plug in the Red Dawn movie, and wait for the UN to show up will ya.....
My entire point is that none of us were there apparently.

So...jumping to the conclusion that the police overreacted is unwise. Do you believe EVERYTHING you read...especially in the press? Do you KNOW what was said to the call center when he called them regarding his son?

As of yet I have not heard that anyone here does.

If you DO believe everything you read in the press I have some oceanfront property to sell you. It is right at the base of the Franklin Montains.

Phetro, did you convict the Marine that shot the insurgent that was down before the facts came out as well? seems we see things similarly but just have different ways to go about it.
There's a tendency amongst humans to want to use the skills they have acquired. Warriors don't like war, but they don't like never using their skills. Doctors don't like to see people injured, but they want to practice medicine.

To date, the only group that I've ever heard of that didn't want to use their skills for real were Air Force missileers. Bombers pilots get to fly, boomer crews get to be holes in the water, but missileers just sit in holes and hope their skills are never put to the test.

When all you have is a hammer, you see every problem as a nail. The corrollary is that when you have other tools but also have the biggest, baddest hammer on the block, you go looking for nails or anything resembling said protruding item.
My entire point is that none of us were there apparently.

So...jumping to the conclusion that the police overreacted is unwise. Do you believe EVERYTHING you read...especially in the press? Do you KNOW what was said to the call center when he called them regarding his son?

As of yet I have not heard that anyone here does.

If you DO believe everything you read in the press I have some oceanfront property to sell you. It is right at the base of the Franklin Montains.

Phetro, did you convict the Marine that shot the insurgent that was down before the facts came out as well? seems we see things similarly but just have different ways to go about it.

Raptor, you're new here, so I'm going to fill you in on what this forum is all about. If someone's civil rights could possibly have been violated by the jack booted thugs (police), nobody cares about the facts. The facts are just useless pieces of information that cloud the truth. What you're failing to see is because this guy was detained for no reason and for committing no crime, it means we have to start a revolution and begin the SHTF bugout. We don't have to be there to know what really happened: the utter disregard for the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 8th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.

I think this has gone on long enough. Members should refrain from posting deliberately inflammitory topics based on news atricles that don't contain enough information to allow a reasonable person to make a judgement one way or another if the action in question was correct.

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