Ruger gp100 357 hammer mod

I kinda disappointed that ruger doesn't sell hammers as I wanted to get aggressive and turn it into kind of a colt style hammer. Now I'll start by rounding the edges a bit with a stone.
They sell the SA revolvers triggers and hammers but not for the DA revolvers.
Not gonna try to find a hammer,

I took my spyderco diamond rod to my gp100 and was happy knocking off sharp edges. Did my sp101 22 and older security six why I was at it. Ruger is for sure consistent, my 70's security six has same hammer profile as new gp100.

Happy with results.
As others have noted nothing that some sandpaper or file cannot rectify. In times past there were some gunsmiths who welded up the thumb pad and reshaped and enlarged it sort of like on a S&W target hammer. Jim Stroh comes to mind but he is out of business. As to the staginess in double action pull here is a thread I found on another site:

Go to Post #17.

Here is a link to a gunsmith who machines new hammers in this posting.
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Excellent info. I can work on the smoothness of it but the shaping of the hammer kills me. That to me is what makes a colt or s&w worth so much more. The simple things.