Ruger Standard Opinions

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Just standard velocity, I may be so accustomed to shooting it at those distances that I don't notice the hold over.
on assembly disassembly. I took this out today - Ruger MKII, to clean out the firing pin channel assembly - wanted to do that before firing it. While doing this I noticed some rough spots on the bolt stop pin and wear marks, little burrs. I stoned those smooth and it made getting the pin in and out significantly easier. Not easy, but easier and I'm able to do it both ways without the help of a punch - for the most part.
Put some aftermarket wood grips on this guy. Don't know why, just wanted a light wood grip on this, kind of like the contrast and it will weather and age over time. LS Grips - Maple, no checkering. The old Lugers that these are kind of reminiscent of visually had wood grips, and the commemorative Ruger Standards had light colored grips, so - I thought this was a good way to go. ha, guess I do know why I wanted these just figured it out ...

I have a Camp Perry model MK 1, I have hit rabbits at 150 To 160 yards consistently since I got it. I feel no need to change anything about it. Disassembly is easy once you know how, I can pull mine down in about 15 seconds and can re assemble it in about 30 seconds.

I'm not sure I could SEE a rabbit at 150 yards. :)
Put some aftermarket wood grips on this guy. Don't know why, just wanted a light wood grip on this, kind of like the contrast and it will weather and age over time. LS Grips - Maple, no checkering. The old Lugers that these are kind of reminiscent of visually had wood grips, and the commemorative Ruger Standards had light colored grips, so - I thought this was a good way to go. ha, guess I do know why I wanted these just figured it out ...

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Good job film495!

I like my Standard and Buck Mark a lot. My FiL's MKII is equally excellent.

The field-stripping complaints have nothing to do with pins or springs flying anywhere. You just have to have a couple of different parts oriented correctly when you slide everything back together. It's mildly annoying, but not actually difficult.

Couldn't agree more. I have had way more Ruger Mark pistols apart and reassembled correctly than most, I believe. There is a process that needs to be followed to get the mainspring housing assembly back into the grip frame correctly. If one will just remember to tilt the muzzle up slightly so that the hammer strut swings back and over the top plunger over the mainspring, all will be sunny, the sky's will be clear and happiness will overwhelm you. And, best of all, the mainspring housing assembly latch will close into the grip frame as it should.
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