Russian Ammunition Update: Bizarre Twist

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Sep 4, 2005
Amerikan Twilight Zone
I find this interesting that the DoD just bought ammo from the Russians for
use in Afghanistan:

Chavez in Russian arms factory deal

By Adrian Blomfield in Moscow
(Filed: 01/06/2006)

Weeks after a US ban on weapon sales to Venezuela, Russia has agreed to build arms factories for President Hugo Chavez's Leftist government - a move likely to further sour relations between the White House and the Kremlin.

Though sharp differences have emerged over a wide range of foreign policy issues, the United States is likely to be particularly incensed because it regards the South American nation as being in its sphere of influence.

Hugo Chavez wants to buy Russian fighter jets

President Chavez - famed for his colourful attacks on George W Bush - revelled in America's discomfort. "The Russians are going to install a Kalashnikov rifle plant and a munitions factory so we can defend every street, every hill, every corner," he said.

"The United States is failing in its attempts to blockade us, to disarm us."

Washington announced the ban earlier this month ostensibly because of concern over the president's ties with Iran and Cuba and his alleged inaction against guerrillas in neighbouring Colombia.

Mr Chavez, who visited Britain earlier this month, has whipped up public opinion with repeated declarations that the United States is planning to invade.

The Russian state's official arms exporter, Rosoboron-export confirmed that talks were taking place with the Venezuelan government, but would not give details about the factories' production capacity or when they would be built.

Last year Russia was criticised by the White House when it signed a contract to supply Venezuela with 100,000 Kalashnikovs. The first shipment is due to arrive later this month.

Mr Chavez, who has accused the United States of being behind an attempted coup four years ago, also wants to buy Russian fighter jets and helicopters as part of an ambitious military modernization programme funded by Venezuela's vast oil profits.

Close allies in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Vladimir Putin and President Bush have fallen out over Russia's retreat from democratic principles and US support for the revolutions that toppled pro-Moscow regimes in Ukraine and Georgia.

I don't think they've fallen that far out due to the kudos from Putin
during the Russian State of the Union address recently....;)
So Wolf is going to be selling a lot of their stock at prices they can charge a government, to Afghanistan?

Huh. Find out what the preferred brand of gun cleaner is that's used there and buy stock, they're gonna need it! :D
Impossible. Didn't W. and Putin grill hamburgers together in Crawford? Everything must be okay. Anyone who gets the whiff of burgers passes the smell test. Vicente Fox made it, Putin made it, various sheiks made it.

Russia is a paragon of New Capitalism, their chief exports being weapons, drugs, vodka, and blonde prostitutes.

Everything a globalist could hope for.

And it's certainly not deterring our money people from investing in their "emerging market."
And it's certainly not deterring our money people from investing in their "emerging market."

Sad to say but our money people in my opinion have poor values and care
nothing for this country other then the money they obtain from America and
it's taxpayers. In time we will all "pay" dearly for this greed.
"Russia is a paragon of New Capitalism, their chief exports being weapons, drugs, vodka, and blonde prostitutes."

I've lost money on bad investments before, but how can you go wrong with weapons, vodka and blonde prostitutes? ...where do I sign up ? :evil:
Wasn't it recently reported that Venezuela halted the deal due to Russia sending them used, abused, or incomplete AKs? In other words, not new production stock like the contract was believed to state?

ETA: Yes, I now noticed that this article is from January, 6 months ago.
I can't believe

people are bashing the Russians for being Capitalists. There is a market in Venezuela for guns and ammo, there is a market here for gasoline. Run down to your local Citgo station and buy a tank of socialist gas. What with gobalism and free markets, we ought to be selling them AR-15s/M16s and ammo. what is Bush thinking?
When I was in Venezuela a few years back, they had riots and people were killed when the price of gas went up to $.10/gallon.
ETA: Yes, I now noticed that this article is from January, 6 months ago.

Sadly, NO, this was the news for the Telegraph's June 1st edition --the Euros
often list date in order of increasing time: day/month/year.

So just like Iraq's Hussein, Chavez buys from BOTH the US and the USSR/FSU.

The deal is going through and it would seem the politicos in DC are OK with
it. But, of course, they would be since it won't be them or their kids who are
tapped in 10 years to perform "regime change" in Venezuela. ;)
You know, I'm not too worried about Chavez. He's suffering from little man syndrome to the max. He wants to make himself look like a big dog. The fact is, he's a failure as a leader and soon his country is going to be ridden into the ground from his socialist policies.

I'm actually happy about the arms exports. As another poster said, in a few years, when the country is bankrupt, we're gonna start seeing cheap exports of Venezualen gun parts and ammo again :D Of course, I'll do my best to help out the poor, disenfranchised country when that occurs...
You know, I'm not too worried about Chavez. He's suffering from little man syndrome to the max. He wants to make himself look like a big dog. The fact is, he's a failure as a leader and soon his country is going to be ridden into the ground from his socialist policies.
Just for a minute there, I thought you were talking about GWB :p :D
It'll take longer, though, as he's paying for those socialist policies with capitalism. Funny, that.
You know, I'm not too worried about Chavez. He's suffering from little man syndrome to the max. He wants to make himself look like a big dog. The fact is, he's a failure as a leader and soon his country is going to be ridden into the ground from his socialist policies.

You mean his oil rich, OPEC membered, finger-on-the-throat of world oil production country, don't you? That's the guy you're not worried about right? I just wanna be clear. :cool:
Maybe Chavez is a passing fad, maybe not. All I know is Bush and his globalist buddies want a United States of the Americas and more and more of the American states are overtly or covertly leftist.

As for the Russians, they are "capitalists" the way the Mafia are.
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