S & W 627 moon clip question

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Steve H

Nov 10, 2006
Southern Utah
I was looking at a few 627's and noticed that they can be shot with or without using a moon clip. What is the advantage in using a moon clip with a .357?
Also, if you reload, you don't have to crawl around on your hands and knees picking up the brass.

It's all together in neat little six-round packeges!

I was looking at a few 627's

It's all together in neat little six-round packeges!

Those would be neat little eight-round packages.

faster reloads

moons holding 8 long skinny rounds aren't quite as fast as those holding 6 big fat .45acp rounds (think pushing spaghetti). And getting fast with either still takes a lot of practice. Without that practice, a good revo shooter with speedloaders will still eat your lunch. Nonetheless, their 8-shot capacity make moonclipped-fed 627s very popular on the ICORE and Steel competition circles, but even they'll be shooting gamer loads that often use .38 Short Colt brass.
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