Saddam Captured.. 1700-1730 GMT Sat. Dec. 13 [MERGED]

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Well, as it looks like this is the "official" thread, I thought I'd chime in.

I feel such a huge sense of accomplishment (though I had nothing to do with it), as well as overwhelming pride and gratitude for our Armed Forces.


Heh. Hiding in a hole, no shower/shave for months, very little food and water...that's what you get for messing with the USA!!!

The only downside to this is listening to the sick liberals in this country and their screeching. Not that it will hamper my enjoyment of this event, just that it sickens and angers me so...

Heh...I guess we haven't heard from too many of the resident THR liberals because they're too busy crying and lamenting saddam's capture. :rolleyes:

Father, I took a sec to glance at the first link you posted to DU, and MAN are there some sick, sick people in this world...:barf:

Anyhow, congratulations to our Armed Forces and their wonderful Commander In Chief!!!
Actually I find the concept of leaving him to the population ( at the market place at this time) rather appealing.
True it doesn't fit our american justice system, but it is more in line with their cultural views. (We shouldn't be accused of trying to influence them too much!) :)
More proof that he is a coward, instead of fighting to the end with the arsenal he had in the house, he crawled into a hole like the vermin that he is.

Like all bullies, he is nothing but a coward. After ordering thousands into battle and certain death, he then fails to take his own life at the fall of Baghdad. Now he has a pistol and still allows himself to be taken alive? Well, at any rate, the people who have suffered the most at his hands should be the ones to decide his fate. . .:evil:
Love that free speech thing.

One nice thing about the freedom of speech is that the DU whiners have the right to entertain me and make me laugh until I fear that I may suffer a stroke. Those people are just purely FUNNY.

Saddam never hurt me. Did he ever hurt you?

Hell, Hitler never hurt me. In fact he's caused me to have some great entertainment over the years.

How does this help someone who is out of work?

Simple. It increases the chance that the out of work guy will find a job in the crying towel industry or can become a Loonywood grief counselor.

Do these people really exist or is all that drivel really written by "the vast right wing conspiracy" to make liberals look stupider than even I believe they are??

Come to think of it, King George never did me any harm. Why the hell was Washington harrassing all of his loyal troops and not letting them into Valley Forge? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Well, I've got to get some sleep so I can spend tomorrow smiling.


I don't like their BB structure at all. it's a royal PITA to read anything there. I might read a bit if I didn't have to click every single flipping thing I wanted to read. Blech.

Why do I have this feeling tha Bush is going to somehow snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Here is a report that they have taken SH out of Iraq, maybe to Qatar.
Take him out just to bring him back for his own safety.
I have this sinking feeling of SH going to prison in some neutral country, writing a book and then being made into a major motion picture. And I believe he will fair much better than RR did in the holliwood debaucle concerning RR.
Simply put, Well done troops.
God bless America.
Please be safe, come home soon.
Have a Merry Christmas where ever you may be.

I'll field this one, even though I didn't do it.

There are some issuses that are so prevelant on our common consciousness, that to refuse to address them would be to attempt to hold back the tide. At the time that this broke, hundreds of THR Members began logging on to share the news. It was all over the site. Well, we at THR Staff are of course interested in this, too. We are likewise interested in keeping the off-topic threads to a bare minimum. The best way to minimize the impact to the board, with regard to this timely if slightly off-topic issue, was to merge the threads and the merge on the top of the General forum thread list, for folks to get it out of their system. Like I say-- I didn't make the call, but I agree with it. We did some similar things in the past-- when Bagdhad fell, and at TFL, on 9/11 (though the scale was obviously different there, as was the mood).

In a little bit --maybe today-- we'll unsticky this thread from the top, and it'll drift down from the top. But for the time being, think of it like a trail through the wilderness-- a way to minimize the impact on the rest of the board.
When I first saw Saddam I thought it was Victor French from Little house on the Prairie.

Who isn't happy about Saddam's capture?

From the WSJ online

December 15, 2003
1:43pm EST

Monday, December 15, 2003 1:32 p.m. EST

Who's Whooping It Up Now?
We don't know for sure that Saddam Hussein was directly involved with the attacks of Sept. 11, but in at least one respect his capture allows Americans to enjoy a measure of revenge. Remember how Palestinians whooped it up on that infamous day, dancing in the streets and handing out candy, unable to contain their joy over the mass murder of Americans? Well, they're pretty bummed right about now, and it serves them right.

"Palestinians in the West Bank reacted with shock and disbelief to the capture of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, with many expressing deep disappointment that the man who symbolized defiance against the US and Israel surrendered without resistance," reports the Jerusalem Post's Khaled Abu Toameh:

Jihan Ajlouni, a 24-year-old university student, said, "This is a big loss for the Arab nation. Saddam was one of the great Arab leaders who supported the Palestinian people and many Arabs. We feel very sad today, and we say to all the traitors and collaborators: Don't rush to celebrate because there are millions of Saddams in the Arab world."

A million Saddams? All we can say is bring 'em on! Come out of those holes with your hands up!

The Post adds that "the Palestinian Authority declined to comment on the arrest of Saddam, but a senior PA official in Ramallah said Yasser Arafat was 'saddened' by the news from Baghdad. 'President Arafat was sad to see an Arab leader in an humiliating position,' said the official."

Arafat won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

America's Palestinians
Here's a sampling of comments on Saddam's capture from the Howard Dean campaign's "Blog for America (some appear on this page and this one):

Carrie B: "I can't believe this. I'm crying here. I feel that we now don't have a chance in this election."

Leslie in SF: "I think it is shameful that the ACLU has not commented on the obvious mistreatment Hussein has suffered at the hands of the American military."

Muslims4Dean: "If the Death toll mounts--good. It will teach the American people not to support Nazi Republicans who invase [sic] Muslim lands."

Johnny Smith: "Muslims4Bush [sic]-- don't think we can put it that way. We don't want Americans to die. But if Bush will not bring our boys home--then they're going to have to die so that Howard Dean can win."
The Angry Left is America's equivalent of the Palestinians: a self-destructive political movement based on nothing but a collection of grievances rooted in a falsified, self-justifying history. These grievances so distort their view of the world that they lose the capacity for ordinary moral judgment and cannot understand something as simple as that the fall of a genocidal tyrant is a good thing.
Now maybe our Moron in Chief can look at the dropping dollar.

Unnoticed by most Americans, Shrub has presided over one of the most disastrous dollar drops in recent history.

And today, even the stock market doesn't see anything marvelous coming out of our weekend escapade of pulling a washed up old madman out of a hole.

There is far more danger in our trade imbalance than from ANY outside enemy.

Sure it "feels" good to see Saddam looking like a rat. But a covert op could have accomplished more at less expense and saved a BUNCH of good American kids from being sacrificed on the Bush altar of goodies for his cronies, Halliburton and Bechtel.

Wake up folks. It's the economy, stupid.

I was up bright and early yesterday morning to go to work when I discovered the news here on THR, as I often do. During the hour drive I was busy scanning all the news channels on my SIRUS satellite radio. Fox, CNN, C-Span, BBC...............................
Of course while all this was going on, ABC was doing an extensive, in-depth interview with the WIFE of some democratic presidential candidate that I never heard of. :rolleyes: And these tired old networks that do nothing but spout the democratic party line wonder why no one listens to or watches them anymore.
I found it ironically appropriate that the guys who got stuck in Turkey and missed the war were the guys who drew the Ace of Spades.

Congratulations, 4ID!
Wake up folks. It's the economy, stupid.

Stupid? You point at one indicator...the value of the dollar. Every other indicator, employment, industry, stock market...all up...

It IS the economy, stupid.

Fortunately, Joe Public recognizes the insular left as transparent...they also are much more concerned (rightfully so) with foreign policy.

Four more years!

Go back to DU and cry about it where intelligent people aren't allowed to speak.
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