SC carry law changes?

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Oct 17, 2003
Clemson, SC
SC residents:

I've heard rumor that there was a change made somewhat recently to either:

1) Allow carry in a vehicle on a school campus, or
2) Allow carry in resturants that serve alcohol.

Neither of these seem to be reflected on Does anyone know the details here?
I haven't seen anything from GRSC or GOA about this. Only recent change I'm aware of is the NC reciprocity, but I'm no expert. It would be awesome if I could have a gun in car on campus though...USC meters are half as expensive as City of Columbia's. That's why I walk 6 blocks to get to class...I'm not paying $40/yr for a parking tag that lets me park in lots that are further away from campus than The Pit (since you're a Clemson person), and I'm not giving Columbia any more money than absolutely necessary because they are shady, greedy bastards.
$70 a year, but I park closer than the pit. :D

I've heard more than once that one of these laws has been changed. I think it is the on campus car law, but I'm looking for confirmation...
I work at Clemson ($75/year parking... NOT for a reserved spot) and would love the ability to have a firearm in my car for the daily commute.

In fact, my job involves travelling to schools, college, and universities across the state. It would be real nice to be able to leave it in the car and not back in a hotel room.
As far as I know, relaxing the reciprocity requirements is the GRSC priority for the time being. I think there was a brief thread on it not too long ago. I'm pretty sure there haven't been any recent major changes other than the NC reciprocity thing and the repeal of the one-handgun-a-month law.

Yeah, having an SC permit recognized in FL and/or especially GA would be nice, but isn't that a state matter for those places, and outside the realm of influence of GRSC?
Rep. Mike Pitts has introduced a Bill on behalf of NRA and GOSC that will increase the number of states that recognize SC issued CWPs. GRSC has also voiced their support for our bill.

It is true that last year we successfully arranged CWP reciprocity with North Carolina and repealed the awful one handgun/thirty day law.

Finally, I'm told that GRSC will be introducing a "restaurant carry" bill this year. Although we have had concerns in the past, given the proven success in other states, GOSC is now fully supportive of this effort.

Rick Daniel
Legislative Director
Gun Owners of South Carolina

Any hope in allowing CWP holders to have firearms in their personal cars while parked at colleges and universities?

Thanks so much for all of the hard work you guys do for the rest of us!
Unfortunately the law is now very clear regarding possession of a firearm on school grounds. Last year the wording of Section 16-23-420 was changed from "unlawful for a person to carry onto" school grounds to "unlawful for a person to possess" on school grounds.

Prior to this the law was unclear. SLED said no guns on school grounds and the AG said a gun in the glovebox was okay. Now the law is clear. You can't possess a gun on school grounds, PERIOD.

This change was slipped through in the Grass Roots South Carolina bill (H.3482) last year. I'm told GRSC did not propose this change and they were snookered. I have no reason to doubt this and I understand GRSC may try to fix it and along with a couple of other things.

haven't seen anything from GRSC or GOA about this. Only recent change I'm aware of is the NC reciprocity, but I'm no expert. It would be awesome if I could have a gun in car on campus though...USC meters are half as expensive as City of Columbia's. That's why I walk 6 blocks to get to class...I'm not paying $40/yr for a parking tag that lets me park in lots that are further away from campus than The Pit (since you're a Clemson person), and I'm not giving Columbia any more money than absolutely necessary because they are shady, greedy bastards.

you mean USC actually still has any lots left??

when we left there a couple of years ago, after my wife finished Grad school, we were pretty sure they were well on their way to eliminating all the lots. :D

course the wife was spoiled and paid every semester for a spot in one of the garages, pendleton if I remember correctly. at $160 a semester :barf:
I haven't heard anything about cars or schools. By the way, has GRSC not sent out a newsletter in 3 months or has my membership run out?
Don't despair, SC guys; things can be changed gradually. Here in VA, we seem on the brink of success in one endeavour. This from VCDL this morning:
Great news! HB 2535, Delegate Ingram's bill to allow a permit holder
to carry concealed in his vehicle while on school property, has just
passed the Senate by 28 to 11! That is a nice, bipartisan margin.
The bill now goes back to the House for approval of the two Senate
amendments. If the House accepts the amendments, it will then be on
its way to the Governor's desk. We will probably know something
about the House accepting the Amendments either on Thursday or Friday.
If we can do it, so can you. Keep the pressure on!

TFL Survivor
It can be a problem to post unfounded or speculative information. If there had been such a change, I believe I would know about it. I suggest, short of being a GRSC member, that you follow the discussions on scfirearms on Yahoo Groups. Members can post but anyone can read it.

I dropped someone off at the Clemson campus yesterday and had to go unarmed. We won't say whether there was a gun stashed in the car, but I didn't park or get out. The law is unreasonable and is one of those potential entrapment things that GRSC constantly watches for and tries to get corrected. Personally, I think a person's car is sacred. I could allow a restriction for dorm rooms, but telling me a gun can't go anywhere near campus, period, is out of line.

Furthermore, lumping universities with grade schools and parental worries about smaller children imparts too much emotion to the college and university issue. I would have them considered separately, although I would certainly be in favor of being able to drop off or pick up kids at school while either carrying in the car or having a gun stowed. Getting out of the car while packing is a different level of concern and a separate battle. I'd vote for that too, wanting any privilege that a policeman has.
The restaurant carry issue in SC may improve; I certainly hope it does. But isn't the issue of possession on school grounds a Federal one? Haven't the feds banned any type of firearm possession on any school property, including parking lots?
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