Schwarzenegger to seek re-election

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Dec 25, 2002
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will run for re-election next year, a top aide said Friday.

Schwarzenegger "felt it was very important to let the people of California know this governor plans to be around for the long haul," campaign spokesman Todd Harris said. "It's not a 24-month job, it's a five-year job and he intends to see it through to the end."

The governor had been expected to make the announcement when he speaks to guests at a noon (3 p.m. ET) rally here.

The Republican actor-turned-governor, who has hinted as much for weeks, had all but launched a campaign Wednesday, telling supporters, "I'm not in this just for the short term."

The announcement coincides with the opening day of the state Republican Party convention in Anaheim, which Schwarzenegger is scheduled to address Saturday.

State Treasurer Phil Angelides and Controller Steve Westly have announced they will seek the Democratic nomination. Two liberal Hollywood luminaries, director Rob Reiner and actor Warren Beatty, also have been mentioned as possible candidates.

Schwarzenegger, whose popularity among Democrats and independents has eroded badly, must generate enthusiasm within his party's base if several ballot initiatives he has championed are to pass in a November 8 special election.

The initiatives are intended to curb the power of the Democrat-controlled Legislature and allied public employee unions.

Harris said Schwarzenegger would formally kick off his campaign after the Nov. 8 election.

Strategists had said the governor had to cement his November 2006 re-election plans now to improve his fund raising for the initiatives, which would establish a state spending cap, strip lawmakers of the power to draw political boundaries and make it harder for public school teachers to get tenure. Recent polls show none receiving majority support.

Schwarzenegger was immensely popular his first year, but his job approval ratings have dropped sharply in recent months. His decision to push the ballot measures generated a backlash from labor unions, which have spent millions on television ads since the spring to discredit him.

A nonpartisan Field Poll released last week found that just 36 percent of California voters are inclined to re-elect Schwarzenegger.

The challengers already are lining up.
Great, just what we need. Yep, run Arnold instead of someone that can actually handle the job such as McClintock. Running Arnold will be like the Democrats running unopposed.

And for the person who stated they would vote for him again, you own guns, right? How in the heck could you vote for Arnold when he banned the BMG50 when it has never been used in a crime?
Schwarzenegger is way better than the alternatives (no, not McClintock, but McC. can't be elected). S. is trying but the usual greedy pigs are blocking his reforms. Meanwhile, the State continues to hemorrhage red ink in the good socialist cause.
Sorry to say this guys, but could you please wake up and face the music?

Arnold is our only hope in Cali. Anybody else will just give the leftists the election. Anyone who does not live in Cali cannot imagine the extent of statism and socialism supported by a big number of dumb poor, teachers, students, potheads, rappers, actors, hippies, fake intelligentia, etc. The leftists control the assembly, both senatorial seats, and a bunch of congress seats.

Arnold is our only hope for a moderate governor with conservative pragmatic views, who is actually electable. He showed it in the previous election too by ripping Davis's arm off and beating him to death with it.

So he did not veto the 50 cal. Big deal. Boo-hoo. That is realpolitik we are talking about here. My hope is that with a bit of luck he can be the kind of Bismarck figure this state and country desperately need.

He's got my vote already unless he does something galactically stupid.

So he did not veto the 50 cal. Big deal. Boo-hoo. That is realpolitik we are talking about here. My hope is that with a bit of luck he can be the kind of Bismarck figure this state and country desperately need.

One of the reasons I left the People's Republic of California in 2002 to return to the United States was that the self-styled "realists" kept pretending they were just going to give the leftist extremists one more small bite. Just one. Then they'd draw the line. Well, maybe an extra one more very small bite. Then they really would draw the line. Well, maybe one eensy-weensy little teeny tiny extremely small bite—but that's really going to be it this time, gosh darn it all to heck and back!

Republicans in the P.R.C. impressed me as a bunch of Neville Chamberlains.

Beautiful beaches. Wonderful weather.
California - a bad place with good weather.

It's a sad state of affairs when the BEST person to vote for is a gun banner.
Well, how about you all get together and elect a real conservative, liberty loving president come 2008. Then get back to me. :rolleyes:

I don't (and you don't either) know that Schwarzenegger will be promoting firearms bans. But you do know that a Lockyer or Bustamante will most assuredly push not only bans, but outright confiscation. Would I rather see McClintock as governor? Sure, and I'd vote for him, too. I just don't think enough other voters would.

Do you honestly think that in 100 years firearms ownership is going to be legal anywhere in this country? I seriously doubt it. Your grandkids will be the last Americans to have firearms, if it lasts that long.
Do you honestly think that in 100 years firearms ownership is going to be legal anywhere in this country? I seriously doubt it. Your grandkids will be the last Americans to have firearms, if it lasts that long.

I'm much more pessimistic than that. I think my kids might be the last Americans to legally have firearms.

Back to Arnold, he doesn't have to "push bans", all he has to do is sign his name - and yes, we do most certainly have proof that he is willing to do that. In my book signing them into law is far worse than promoting them, especially given his low approval numbers.
Do you honestly think that in 100 years firearms ownership is going to be legal anywhere in this country?

Regrettably, no I don't. If statism and leftists survive the inevitable End-of-Oil crisis, I prophesy that blue states will lose all gun ownership in 25 years, while red states may hold out for 50.

On the upside, nature kills stupid, so I give 30% chance that leftists and 80% chance that statism survive EOO, to a cumulative chance of 24% for both. Aaah, somehow I feel better already...
Nothing like Kalifornians agreeing to re-elect a gun banner and actually trying to make an arguement for it! :barf:

If Ahhnuld is doing such a great job, why are his approval ratings in the sewer?

Another thing for you to think about, he didn't ban the .50's because they were evil. He banned them because he wanted his budget passed, the dems offered him the deal and he sold out. So go ahead and justify it in your own minds, I'll still vote for Tom again. At least I can sleep at night knowing that I didn't vote for the "lesser" of the two evils. Or is it because you've already decided that you're going to cut and run out of the state anyway? :rolleyes:
If Ahhnuld is doing such a great job, why are his approval ratings in the sewer?

His ratings suck because he is a rep gov in a leftist state. Duh. :evil:
And because he is pushing for reforms that piss off statists that think the Cali flag bear is a big furry milk cow.

Arnold can do a lot of good and help delay the inevitable far more than a Tom. The reason why it is inevitable is not because gun-owners in Cali are Chamberlains or defeatests, but because there is no conceivable way to win the political argument and turn enough voters away from the unholy union of gov handouts and leftist populism.

The basis of responsible gunownership is self-reliance, intelligence, and self-respect. Tell me which of these qualities are characteristic of leftists, socialists, welfare-collectors, potheads, hippies, and the rest of the dems here in Cali or anywhere else?

Let's view it in its true colors - this is a clash of worldviews and cultures, and we are in the clear (shrinking) minority.
Schwarzenegger is, for those of us following him, not the perfect candidate, yet I think there's really a lot to like about the guy in many ways. The alternatives to S. for Governor are, in a few words, grim and grimmer.

This thread has taken a rather dark turn with its predictions of lost gun ownership rights and, in general, lost freedoms. I agree, unfortunately, that that looks, right now, like the mega-trend, but if we really feel that way, why are we not doing something way more dramatic than posting on THR? I think we've all learned--this is the "good news"--that linear extrapolation of current trends rarely if ever pans out. I don't know that the world will look much if anything like what we hope OR fear in fifty years. Those "world of tomorrow" predictions from the old World's Fairs were way off. Maybe an all-powerful one-world state will control our every thoughts. Maybe. Or maybe a few EMP explosions or an unknown virus will put Mad Max and his brotherhood of bandits back in the game. Or maybe we'll stumble along. Who would have necessarily predicted the Renaissance? Or the Enlightenment? Or the Industrial Revolution? None of that was a sure thing back in the Dark Ages.

Don't panic. Not yet.

And fight the Beast.
Cali gun owners are their own worst enemy, that's why!

I'm willing to bet that 99% would turn their guns in today if told to do so by Arnie and Frankenswine. I can hear it now "guns should only be used in movies and by the police/military", so please turn them in.

His ratings suck because he's in over his head! Our school system is already seriously lacking in more then one dept., he steals the money for the schools and now can't/won't pay it back.
Well, most people, even in the freest nation on earth, will, when pressed, just follow orders. Human nature, I guess. America is built on DISOBEDIENCE but today's culture is about going along, not "hitting," and playing well with others. Where was that learned? In the schools, mainly in the public schools. And the schols are not underfunded. In California we are now spending over $50 billion a year on public education. An increasing portion of that is now going to educating the children of illegal immigrants and/or "special ed" programs. Political agendas rule. As I said in another post, the flashpoint will be the push to overturn Prop. XIII to guarantee "enough money" to educate the children. I get it, I should lose my house so that kids from Mexico will get a free education? Overstated? I don't think so: that is exactly where all of this is going, only a matter of time and voting quorums. Schwarzenegger is trying to just say no to the madness that inflames the hardcore leftists in the California legislature. Will he succeed? I don't know. As you say, people can be stupid, can't they? And they can be weak and fearful. So, so true.

Do you honestly think that in 100 years firearms ownership is going to be legal anywhere in this country?

Yes, I think you've forgotten that after we got over that lingering "we are all one nation" fantasy there was what was generally referred to as The Great Cattle Drive of 2020--when the annoying leftwing elements of America were herded into Canada and Mexico and left to form the perfect socialist Amerika they'd dreamt of for so long.
How can some of you defend this guy? Let's face it, Arnold is a dumb ass that just can't play the game. Every one of his initiatives has failed. He has done nothing to curb spending. He fights the wrong fights, calls his opposition childish names and expects no consequences, he is anti-gun, anti-civil rights, can't solve the power issues, never completed one of his campaign promises, was going to vote for illegal driver licenses then back down at the last moment, and is just a dumb ass, oh, sorry, I said that already.

This crap of vote for the "best" instead of the "right" choice has sunk CA even to a new low. Honestly, I would gladly risk 4 more years of liberal rule just to build the argument for election of people like McClintock. Real conservatives that will do conservative things.
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