Sci-Fi Gun Control

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And while we're mentioning the good guys of S.F., I'll throw another name into the discussion. Charles Stross, author of "The Family Trade", first of a trilogy. The second is "The Hidden Family", followed by, "The Clan Corporate".

Stross is also a member of the greater British conglomeration, being born in Leeds & now residing in Scotland. However, his characters certainly seem to embrace firearms & the RKBA philosophy with enthusiasm. He also seems to be writing, if not living, proof that the state educational system failed miserably with it's indoctrination of socialist ideals.

Vernor Vinge: "The Peace War", "Marooned in Realtime", "A Fire Upon The Deep", "True Names", etc. All very well-written, individualist, with realistic future weaponry and a lot of good thinking about the freedom of computer networks. IMHO "A Fire Upon The Deep" is better than most Heinlein.

Then his latest is about heroic bureaucrats who work in some agency that enforces an even-more-draconian Patriot Act which has to control everyone down to their laptops and vacuum cleaners (otherwise they might build GUNS)... guess he decided there weren't enough customers for pro-freedom books.
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