Sean Penn to the Rescue

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Silver Bullet

Dec 24, 2002
From Fox News,2933,168582,00.html
Sean Penn to the Rescue
And finally, upon hearing the plight of New Orleans residents, actor and political activist Sean Penn (search) sprang into action, flying to the beleaguered city to help in the rescue effort. But it was Penn who wound up needing to be rescued after the boat he was piled in sprang a leak just seconds after launching. Penn and his entourage, including a personal photographer, were seen frantically bailing the water out of the shrinking vessel with a plastic cup.
Adding insult to injury, the boat’s motor failed to start, forcing Penn to paddle himself down the flooded streets of New Orleans.
Mr. Penn, welcome to the real world. BTW, you might want to bring better gear next time.

Is this guy going to run for office soon? Like his recent trip through Iran, it seems he is trying to gather as much press for himself and politicizing as possible these days. It seems pretty designed.
And finally, upon hearing the plight of New Orleans residents, actor and political activist Sean Penn (search) sprang into action,

uh ... can I say that here?
Well there you go. The world is safe once again.

Where's one of those sniping looters when you really need one?
Agree with the above, but at least he was willing to get off his backside and do something, rather than sit around the pool sipping champagne and badmouthing the government for doing nothing, the police for shooting looters, etc.
Here's my highly unpopular 2 cents.... New orleans....average elevation -8 ft. Now knowing that you live below sea level....and are in a hurricane prone area....Why are there all the calls for federal funds to rebuild? I dunno, maybe common sense is dead, but using tax payer dollars to rebuild a city that is below sea level isn't exactly the brightest thing in the world....maybe it's just me.
I don't know. Penn took his photographer, his entourage and apparently a reporter from Rolling Stone along for the ride. Contrast this with Travolta, who leased a jet and started flying in massive amounts of supplies with no photographer or entourage in tow. Travolta's personal contribution is worth millions, I'm not sure what Penn did. Some reports say he managed to get some people off their houses before springing a leak. But frankly he would have been more helpful dipping into his savings and giving money.

Also, while Travolta is delivering badly needed medical supplies Penn is taking the opportunity to quip and moan about the "criminal negligence" of the feds. I am deeply suspicious of the man's motivations.
but at least he was willing to get off his backside and do something, rather than sit around the pool sipping champagne and badmouthing the government for doing nothing,
I guess I pretty much have to agree with that.

And it's a good thing he had is personal photographer there to help document how much he cared about his fellow man. You know. Long as he was at it and all.
Maybe he is going to run for president some day. Those liberals always seem to have a photographer handy to capture their exploits on film. Didn't that Kerry feller have a photographer follow him around in some Asian country where he won 3 purple hearts? He said he was in Thailand or Laos or some place like that.
If he'd have shown up without a photographer and reporter then I'd believe he sincerely wanted to help.

As it is, I think he was there for the photo-op and to politicize the event.

Shameful Mr. Penn, shameful. :scrutiny:
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