Sean Penn's New Orleans rescue bid s(t)inks

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Dec 29, 2002
Anti Bush loudmouth and all around Democratic Party shill Sean Penn decided to show us just how stupid he is..



Sean Penn's rescue bid sinks
From correspondents in New Orleans

EFFORTS by Hollywood actor Sean Penn to aid New Orleans victims stranded by Hurricane Katrina foundered badly overnight, when the boat he was piloting to launch a rescue attempt sprang a leak.

Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina's flood waters, but apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of the vessel, which began taking water within seconds of its launch.
The actor, known for his political activism, was seen wearing what appeared to be a white flak jacket and frantically bailing water out of the sinking vessel with a red plastic cup.

When the boat's motor failed to start, those aboard were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down the flooded New Orleans street.

Asked what he had hoped to achieve in the waterlogged city, the actor replied: "Whatever I can do to help."

With the boat loaded with members of Penn's entourage, including a personal photographer, one bystander taunted the actor: "How are you going to get any people in that thing?"
CNN had an interview with him where he gave his "expert" opinion on how many more NG troops were needed along with more federal aid. No mention of him almost sinking because he was so stupid to replace the drain plug.
This is hysterically funny. Another pompous, self-important dilettente (sp?) has his dreams of heroism dashed by rude reality. Okay, actor-boy, whatcha gonna do now, hmmmm??
Let my start by saying I don't like him anymore then anyone else here. But at least he went to try to help. I would like to see the Bush twins and Cheney's daughter doing that.
Penn didn't go to help. He went to get his picture flashed around. The boat is sinking faster than his acting talents.

Sean was just there for comedy relief, you guys need to cut him some slack :rolleyes:
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