Seattle PD Supports AWB Renewal

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"These are the weapon of choice for criminals, as criminals desire the most firepower they can get. We need to keep these weapons off our streets and out of our communities."

yes and we all know that criminals, people who break the law, will not use these guns if they still illegal because using them would be against the law.
These are the weapons of choice of the police too, when they desire the most firepower they can get. Obviously these guns have legitimate purposes, these people just do not trust us with them.

Of course just because some police brass want something doesn't mean we should do it. I seem to remember a while ago a police organization was in favor of eliminating Miranda warning requirement, and submitted a brief to the supreme court to that effect.
Several police chiefs in the Porltan,Or/Vancouver,Wa area were on the news doing the same thing recently.:(
Ya,sure nice to know that if something is illegal the BG's are gonna tow the line.:banghead:
Of course in Porland if ur unarmed and make a what is considered an 'offending movement',they shoot ya four times then Taser ya for good effect.:cuss:
This is the same department that watched a man get beat to death by a group of animals and did nothing to stop it.

That this department is supporting renewal officially would tend to re-inforce my belief that it will die this September.

I wonder what the beat Seattle cop thinks about this?
I swear a lot of people around here had their heads in the wrong place. Norm Stamper (no friend of ours by the way) got 'fired' for being hardass during WTO and then we get this dingleberry who decides that we should just let riots rin their course regardless of their consequences. And now he wants to support any gun controll that he can. I swear these guys WANT the badguys to run the streets.
I live in Snohomish county also. This doesn't make us immune however, as the initial newsclip on the radio had members of this coalition (Brady Bunch, MMM, City of Seattle)talking of taking this to the state legislature should it not be renewed nationally.
I live in Snohomish county also. This doesn't make us immune however, as the initial newsclip on the radio had members of this coalition (Brady Bunch, MMM, City of Seattle)talking of taking this to the state legislature should it not be renewed nationally.

The same MO they are using in Minnesota. If the Feds won't ban the things, they are going to try and get state law to do it. We have heard that the Brady Bunch was going to try and go low level and hit state and local govts. in an effort to get their many tentacled agenda moved forward. They believe that the national Democrats have gotten cold feet on gun control, and the BB, VPC and the MMM are hungry for a victory somewhere. If they can't get victories at the national level, they are going to fight big time at the state and local levels, including environmental issues to close ranges (ie lead, noise, etc.). We must not lose our vigilance just because we have seen these anti civil rights groups lose battles on the national battlefield. They would just as soon kill our rights with a thousand cuts if they can't get our rights in one big blast.

Watch these folks. You can't trust them, and they are not going to go away.
I swear a lot of people around here had their heads in the wrong place. Norm Stamper (no friend of ours by the way) got 'fired' for being hardass during WTO and then we get this dingleberry who decides that we should just let riots rin their course regardless of their consequences. And now he wants to support any gun controll that he can. I swear these guys WANT the badguys to run the streets.

Hey, if the badguys aren't running the streets, how the heck do you justify getting a 14% increase in budget each year? Politically, they are going to be for every law that makes more criminals, otherwise they are out of a job. Chiefs aren't the type of officer that is there because he belives in helping his fellow man. He's the type that believes in a political career. At least once your municipality exceeds about 100k people.

The other question, is if assault weapons are the weapon of choice, how come they are used in so few violent crimes?
Response I sent:

Dear Chief Kerlikowske:

I was disappointed to read of your stance regarding renewal of the "assault weapons" ban in the Seattle PI on 28 Apr and in a city news release. Your statements showed either ignorance or willful disregard of the facts surrounding this issue.

The statement that this is the weapon of choice for criminals is patently untrue. Department of Justice statistics regarding crime gun traces show that none of the so-called assault weapons are anywhere near the top ten. If I look at the news from your own city, it would seem that the automobile is used far more often as an assault weapon than any of the firearms affected by this law. This law has merely affected the cosmetic features of new semi-automatic firearms that are sold. New, yet cosmetically altered semi-automatic versions of the AK-47, M-16, and UZI mentioned in the city's news release have been available since the ban was enacted, yet statistically violent crime has gone down since 1992.

Your statement that these weapons serve no legitimate purpose outside of law enforcement is also incorrect. If you read the Bill of Rights, you will notice a general trend that the amendments were written not to recognize a threat from street criminals, but rather from a tyrannical government. The mere presence of these arms in the general populace is a deterrent to any tyrant. The statement made by one of your SWAT officers that he wouldn't want to be facing one of these demonstrates the effectiveness of the deterrent. This is not to impune the service of your department which by all indications is honorable, but any police force of a free nation should be given pause to consider before deciding to kick a citizen's door in. At one point in my life, I raised my right hand to swear to protect and defend the Constitution. I understood that my life was secondary to the freedoms that I was protecting. Anyone who does not understand this should not be in public service.

The above paragraph is not to say that these firearms are any more deadly than a hunting rifle. I'm sure hunting is probably one of the purposes you consider legitimate, yet the round that the M-16 fires is considered too weak for deer hunting in this and most other states. Yep, grandpa's 30-30 lever action Winchester fires a more damaging round than an AR-15.

Two other legitimate purposes that you have overlooked are hunting and competitive shooting. The AR-15 is routinely used in varmint hunting and in marksmanship competitions.

Either you were unaware of these facts or you used this opportunity to score points politically in which case the shame belongs on you and not the congress members you accuse of not acting in the best interest of police officers.
Makes me glad I live in Snohomish County instead of King County.

Hey now, City of Seattle is not all of King County. Seattle has 500.000 people, King County total has 1.8 million. I live down in Federal Way which is near the King/Pierce County Line.
I, for one, could give a rats ass as to what some political appointment meathead Police Chief says about guns.

Why get worked up about it? His thoughts aint gonna convince anyone to change their mind on the issue way way or another.

I once tried to explain to SWMBO about the ban...her response "why more bad, both go shoot bullet"

Then I tried to explain why it costs extra $200 for a supressor (she loves supressors)..."Why pay extra, silencer not so noisy, more healthy for ear"...

This from a woman that never even saw a gun in real life until 3 years ago.

Common sense will always win out

The article also appeared on Seattle's KIRO-TV website and included an online poll asking you to vote to support or oppose the extensio of the AWB. The last time I looked at it, it was about 97% AGAINST the extension of the ban.

Of course, these poles are not scientific, but you can bet the Chief will either not see the results or comment on them nor will the TV Stations report the results. While I like Seattle (great town to visit) liberals run the place and IMHO, suffers for it. The Seattle PD can't do effective crowd control (like the last two WTO protests) without risk of being depicted as jack-booted thugs so there's no reason to think that this Chief will want to see anything resembling "Evil" guns in the hands of the citizens.

Washington is a great state for hunting and there are a lot of responsible gun owners here. Hopefully the Chief will realize that our residents aren't the sort of people that will cause him and his police department any concerns.

Unfortunately when the general public sees a responsible individual like the Seattle PD Chief of Police support the anti's, a lot of them begin to think that there should be a ban extension or even a law making the types of weapons the Brady Bunch is after illegal to own period.

The two Washington lawmakers in the letter are not really leaders in the WA Legislature
so I would expect that their names won't have a lot of force behind this letter.
Seattle Police Department supports gun control.

And now the former chief exposes the department as corrupt.

The Straight Dope on Crooked Cops

Reason's Hit and Run is highlighting some well documented problems with the so-called "War on Drugs". Last month, Norm Stamper, the head of Seattle's Police Department for six years, published Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing. Alternet has this excerpt:

Almost all of the major police corruption scandals of the last several decades have had their roots in drug enforcement. We've seen robbery, extortion, drug dealing, drug stealing, drug use, false arrests, perjury, throw-down guns, and murder. And these are the good guys?

Yikes. Where's the money the IRS stole from me to fund this fraudulent war on drugs? I want it back!

Posted by Peenie Wallie on June 21, 2005 at 06:56 PM
I almost hate to say it (almost) but this is the police chief who let his pistol get stolen from his vehicle. "Gun control" begins with controling your own firearms... but it is easier to just pass laws than actually do something productive.
His statements make perfect sense - take them (assault weapons) away from everyone but me and my employees.
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