Securing a pistol vault to the floor?

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Jan 14, 2007
The neighbor's house got burglarized today...he was home, was hit in the head and knocked out. He had a full sized gun safe but was unable to get to it. I am thinking about getting a small pistol vault, but am worried that it can be pried up and stolen during a burglary. Any suggestions other than lag bolting it to the floor?
First I'd just suggest concealed or open carry while home, there is no time wasted getting to an enclosure.

That said there are several different types of secured rapid access pistol enclosures, GunVault is one of the better but more expensive ones, most of which come with mounting instructions / hardware. If mounted properly they should be pretty hard to pry up and they are designed to resist prying on the door but if they have enough time they will probably find a way to breach it.

You can also get flush mount wall enclosures that you install between the studs, this type of application could offer enhanced concealment.

We have 1 rifle enclosure and 2 pistol enclosures throughout the house plus if I'm awake and not at work I'm carrying.

One of the more popular placements of the Gunvault type is this: Pull the mattress & box springs from the bed. Size a 1/2" thick plywood sheet to go across two slats & deep enough to mount the Gunvault. Mount the vault to the plywood & put the mounted vault so it hangs between the slats. Replace the box springs & mattress. Make sure the bed skirt keeps the vault from observation.

Then practice the finger form code till you can literally do it in the dark. Yes, the door slaps you in the wrist, but so what? This is good for households that have kids, or a lot of casual friends in & out.

It's not high security, but it is hidden and readily accessable when you're in bed. If you're concerned about burglary when you're up & about in the home, by all means carry at home. Why not? No laws against it in free states.


I bought my GUNVault about six months ago so I didn't have a pistol around my bed loose if my kids come in my room. I know that's why many people have bought one. I can get into it in about a second and half, two tops. But again that's on my nightstand with a surfire flashlight. Invaluable for middle of the night house clearings!

As for securing it, it also comes with instructions and hardware for cabling it to "ANYTHING" else. I actually lag bolted it with that cable to the I beam that goes through my wall. I wish I had a camera should any burglar try and pick it up and run as they'd get about two feet before they "reach the end of their rope..."

I agree with many other folks about carrying, but realistically if it's a Saturday and you haven't mowed the lawn today? Will you be carrying? Probably not. What if you just got out of the shower? After I realized how handy the GunVaults are I went back and bought four more. I have one in each room I spend a lot of time. Living room, side mounted to the couch where others cant see it. On my nightstand. next to my computer and next to the (no laughing) the JOHN. Cmon, is there a worse place to be unarmed? I think not!

Just remember you don't want the things you love (guns) to hurt things you love more (family).

Also Gun Vaults only run about a hundred bucks... cmon I spend more than that on Ammo!
yeah he was asleep, dogs were barking and woke him up...he opened the bedroom door and smack, got hit with something (flashlight, tire iron, pipe, something like that).

Thanks for the advice everyone
For concrete flooring. If you want to secure a vault to the floor rent or buy a hammer drill and concrete drill bits, lag bolts. Get the lag bolts with Epoxy and run Epoxy packet all of the way in. do it on all four corners.
Floor joists Find the actual floor joists that support the floor "below the subfloor" and measure them. 16'' on center or whatever. You measure. Order a Pistol safe/ Floor safe/ Cut hole and drop in safe/ Secure safe to floor joists. Preferable places are. Closets, peel back carpet and there is your safe.
Wall Safe (pistol). They make these things 16'' on center so measure your wall studs first. Get a stud finder and make certain that your vertical studs are 16'' on Center. Order Wall Safe and install/ Hang picture. I like the type that you just take off and toss the picture frame to the bed open pistol safe.
Mine isn't secured at all, though it is pretty hard to see. I bought it only for tiny hands that don't belong in my house, let alone my computer room. It's not meant to be a safe, but a measure of security against visiting relatives. When home, I have a gun on me at all times, and then next to me while in bed.
The neighbor's house got burglarized today...he was home, was hit in the head and knocked out. He had a full sized gun safe but was unable to get to it. ...

Then that gun safe served its purpose. It prevented your neighbor's gun from hurting or killing anyone. He got a little bump on the head, the criminals are safe, and no one is the worse for that little episode. :)
Gun Safe

I'm presuming the burglar(s) didn't get the contents of the safe?

'Cuz sometimes, if they make note of something like that, they will sell or trade that data, or if they're already well connected will share with comrades.

This can result in a return engagement specifically aimed at the safe and it's contents.

Just thinkin' out loud.

A guy could get to bein' paranoid and start packin' while at home.
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