Sen. John McCain – dysfunctional?

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Mar 18, 2003
…… a Republican?

He just appeared on “Hard Ball†on MSNBC and outright said that he sided with the Democratic minority in the all-important, upcoming judicial nomination hearings.

We have won, when shall we ACT like winners?

I REALLY dislike this guy now. :banghead:

W're just now noticing?

I respect the man for what he went through during his captivity and torture during the Vietnam war, but I disagree with his political philosophies almost entirely.
I'd be glad to buy the man a round and thank him for his service to our country, though. I have no doubt he's a nice guy, but he doesn't represent my idea of a Republican.

Whenever I hear John McCain supports something I usually find that the opposite position is the one I agree with.
McCain's worst idea, Campaign Finance Reform, has been embraced by our President and signed into law.

At least McCain, unlike Bush, isn't on record saying he thought campaign finance reform was unconstitutional.
I have no doubt he's a nice guy,
When he was my flight instructor years ago as a Lieutenant in VT-9, he was known as "The Screamer."
He, I fear, is showing his true colors as an elitist from an elitist Navy family. He and John Warner are in the same RINO boat, IMO.

McCain was always known for having . . . attitude issues. When he was no longer the favored son of the Republican party, those issues led him to do anything and everything he can to hurt the party.
He's not dysfunctional - he's simply pointing out for those who still believe that there are differences between the parties that there aren't. They're just one happy family back there in D.C.
We have won, when shall we ACT like winners? [/b/]

Like when we announced our support for renewing the AWB? Or when our DOJ acts as the Washington, DC attorney to opposed the court challenge to the DC gun ban? Or when we quickly and efficiently armed the pilots. Or we throw the weight of our office in favor of the manufacturer's protection bill as compared to our enthusiasm to sign Schiavo bills or repeal the death tax so Paris Hilton can inherit tons for showing her ....

Big news - all politicians are corrupt. Some say crap you like more than others. None really care about anything but getting re-elected.
Bush said CFR was unconstitutional but signed it anyway?


You didn't know that?

I find people who are very pro-Bush and anti-McCain to be very amusing. Now that Bush has gone along with CFR, there really isn't much to seperate them.

If you voted for Bush, you might as well vote for McCain.
I've always maintained that the Viet Cong should have kept that <guy>.
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McCain lost all my support well before he washed out of the 2K election.

RINO. Too bad the pols can't be forced to actually support thier Party. He really needs to 'switch sides' officially.

Maybe he'll run as Hillary's VP. :barf:
Hey, he was institutionalized for his entire life!

Whaddaya expect? Third-generation elite Navy brat, Annapolis, Naval Aviator, POW, US Senator.

The man has spent his entire life in one govt. institution or another.

I used to think that he was weird because they slammed his head up against the wall one too many times in Hanoi. Lately I think they should have done it more.

In other words, "What Leatherneck Said!"
Bush said CFR was unconstitutional but signed it anyway?

Yup. In fact, he later complained, because he'd expected it to be an even BIGGER attack on freedom of speech than it had turned out to be. He mistakenly thought it was going to silence the "527" organizations, too.

But I don't know how much I'd read into his signing that bill. After all, he signs EVERY bill that reaches his desk. He's never vetoed anything, and I think he stands an excellent chance of maintaining that record through his second term. Unless a ballanced budget hits his desk, or something equally freakish.

As I see it, there IS a difference between McCain and Bush. Put a bad bill in front of Bush, and he'll sign it, even though he knows it's a bad bill, and unconstitutional.

But he won't exert himself to see to it that the bad bill lands on his desk. He's a passive sort of evil, for the most part. (The Medicaid drug bill was an exception.)

McCain, on the other hand, is definately an active evil. He works for his bad ideas, and really hard, too. You can bet that if McCain had been elected back in 2000, he'd have moved Heaven and Earth to get the AWB renewed, for instance, instead of just passively hoping Congress would sent it his way.
He calls himself a Republican but acts and talks like a damn Democrat and plainly put, he's an AH! :cuss:

He should just be done and over with it and change parties.

I don't care what his military record was, that was then, this is now. He's no good for the party that he tends to hurt and criticize.
McCain thinks he's the answer.

That's just about it. I've been watching him for years. He has no idea what it means to be a "team player." You could say it is because he doesn't agree with most of the ideas of the Republican Party but I don't really think that's it. I think McCain is a classic poll watcher. He checks out which way the wind is blowing and that's suddenly what he thinks.

As I told some people on another board, McCain's REAL party is John McCain. You can believe that's because he still hopes to be President or think he just likes to see himself on the news. The outcome is the same whatever the core reason.

I intensely dislike the guy. I would use the term "media whore" to describe him.

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