Senate approves amendment requiring handgun safety locks

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We have been doing this in California and it is just a formality.

I hope that all of you have gun safes. Yes?

Hopefully, you just sign a form stating that you have a gun safe.


Why oppose a law that would have widespread support? You can't make people lock their guns, but this bill looks good to John Q Public and our opposition is fuel for our enemies. Yes, I do believe in watching for that frog that sits in hot water.
You can't make people lock their guns,

You can make them civilly or criminally liable if they don't.

the bill was defeated a long time ago

That doesn't mean it's a dead issue. I believe it is only dead when the sponsor gives up. I see sponsors tending to be fanatics, so these intiatives are persistent, often reincarnated.

I don't believe anyone really trusts the AWB as similarly "defeated".
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