Senate Votes To Address U.N. Gun Ban Crusade

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Aug 20, 2006
Senate Votes To Address U.N. Gun Ban Crusade

Friday, September 07, 2007

With the United Nations continuing its efforts to enact draconian, transnational gun control laws in countries around the world, yesterday the U.S. Senate passed the Foreign Operations appropriations bill, which included an amendment by Senator David Vitter (R-LA) that seeks to address the U.N.’s ongoing international gun ban efforts.
By an overwhelming 81-10 vote, the Senate passed Sen. Vitter’s amendment to prevent any funding to foreign organizations that infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of lawful American citizens. Any organization that adopts a policy anathema to the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment would no longer be eligible for U.S. financial assistance—including the U.N.

The gun ban issue in the U.N. has been percolating for more than a decade, and while NRA has been successful to date in precluding the U.N. from enacting its anti-freedom agenda, the bureaucrats at Turtle Bay remain committed in their zeal to push for additional restrictions on the rights of free gun owners in the United States and around the globe.
Global registration and tracking of firearms would inevitably lead to the global disarmament of free citizens everywhere; something that we cannot and will not let happen. NRA will remain vigilant in monitoring the U.N.’s anti-gun actions and speaking out in the international community in support of Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
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Great, but...will the House pass it, and will the President sign it? If not, then all we have is a gesture by the Senate that doesn't really amount to much. If I were even more cynical :evil:, I might think that the Senate passed the bill knowing it didn't have much chance in the House. I hope and pray that it indeed does pass, if for no other reason than it will finally get our money out of the U.N., because I really can't see them giving up their gun grabbing ways.
Of course the president will sign it. He's only vetoed 2 things in 6 1/2 years. The odds are with him signing anything that crosses his desk.
that and he has already told the UN to (basically) shove it , so i would say he will take at least one last chance to do that while being backed by congress on doing it.
Scared of the House

I'm afraid of the house but a BIG +1 jerkface

Of course the president will sign it. He's only vetoed 2 things in 6 1/2 years. The odds are with him signing anything that crosses his desk.

Could it be were finally seeing the benefits of the Blue Dog Democrats from the last election? Wasn't it Wade and his ilk?
The House will approve this also. The House is generally more pro-gun than the Senate.

I'd also like to point out that the Democrats have a majority in the Senate, and still passed a pro-gun bill? Whats up with that?
It was tied to the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.

I'd be more impressed if they had voted for this all on its own. As is, once the rider was attached, there wasn't much chance of the whole thing's not passing.

Still, does mean that the House is likely to pass it, too.

Edit: My mistake, the 81 - 10 vote was on the addition of the amendment to the bill. I'm not sure if the bill has passed yet, still researching on Thomas.

Edit 2: Final vote has taken place in neither the House nor Senate. Last action listed as "9/6/2007 Resolving differences -- Senate actions. Status: Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Leahy; Inouye; Harkin; Mikulski; Durbin; Johnson; Landrieu; Reed; Byrd; Gregg; McConnell; Specter; Bennett; Bond; Brownback; Alexander; Cochran."

edit 3: Text of amendment

Sen. Vitter said:
On page 410, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following:


Sec. 699B. None of the funds made available under this Act may be made available to any international organization, agency, or entity (including the United Nations) that requires the registration of, or taxes a gun owned by a citizen of the United States.

(Sidenote: Page 410! Page 410! Yow.)

I do think that none of these things ever go far enough. The UN continually seeks to raise the price of firearms for U.S. citizens by funding the destruction of guns and ammunition. I would be much happier if the Vitter Amendment addressed that. I'm offended enough that the UN does these horrible, wasteful things; I'm appalled that I have to help fund it.
Does anybody know the ten Senators who voted against the amendment? I'll bet half of them are Democratic presidential candidates.
Wonder who the 10 were? You can probably guess:

Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Menendez (D-FL)
Schumer (D-NY)
Reed (D-RI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Whitehouse (D-RI)

Not voting were:

Biden (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Obama (D-IL)
McCain (R-AZ)
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Sorry to jump in again but I just reread the article. This passed 81-10...

Where the :cuss::cuss::cuss: were the other 9 senators!?!?!

Isn't this their job? Somebody needs a pink slip!
Not voting were:

Biden (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Obama (D-IL)
McCain (R-AZ)
Not wanting to tip their hand just yet...

Sec. 699B. None of the funds made available under this Act may be made available to any international organization, agency, or entity (including the United Nations) that requires the registration of, or taxes a gun owned by a citizen of the United States.
Hmm, nothing there mentioning destruction or confiscation though.

Or am I just cynical?
oh its so on purpose. that way they cant be accused of supporting gun rights by Democrats. and they cane be accused of wanting to hurt gun rights by gun owners
Or they could have been busy campaigning. Instead of, you know, doing what we pay them for.

Exactly my thoughts, they should resign their posts when they run for President.
By an overwhelming 81-10 vote, the Senate passed Sen. Vitter’s amendment to prevent any funding to foreign organizations that infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of lawful American citizens.

That's great, but even IF it is signed into law, it won't hold water if Heller v. DC goes the wrong way. If SCotUS rules that 2A is not an individual right, then it really won't matter. You'll hear something like this: "Well, because the 2nd Amendment only protects the rights of the States to organize their militias, we can continue to fund the UN's [insert latest gun-grabbing scheme here] with money from the American taxpayers."

God forbid.
By an overwhelming 81-10 vote, the Senate passed Sen. Vitter’s amendment to prevent any funding to foreign organizations that infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of lawful American citizens.

Grandstanding or not, there IS still hope.

Or they could have been busy campaigning. Instead of, you know, doing what we pay them for.

Just be glad you don't get all the government you pay for. If we did our health care would be run like the the Post Office and DMV :D

No coincidence that McCain's on the did not vote list. He may be nominally a Republican, but he's not on our side, ie. pro RKBA.

No coincidence that McCain's on the did not vote list. He may be nominally a Republican, but he's not on our side, ie. pro RKBA.

I think it's just that he's a presidential candidate and A) didn't have time, or B) didn't want to go on record, like all the other presidential candidates. A lot of anti senators voted for the measure, namely:

Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Let us hope. Without US money, the UN will fold like a cheap accordion.


I wonder how many anti-senator actually took the time to thoroughly read the bill before voting for the bill! :rolleyes:
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