Senate votes to extend Patriot Act - 6 month extension

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Dec 25, 2002
Good news. I was heading for the bunker if they didn't do this, now I know I'm safe. Hasn't his excellency threatened to veto this?

WASHINGTON - The Senate passed a six-month extension of the USA Patriot Act late Wednesday night, hoping to avoid the expiration of law enforcement powers deemed vital in the war on terror.

Approval came on a voice vote, and cleared the way for a final vote in the House.

Several provisions in the current law expire Dec. 31, and President Bush has called repeatedly for new legislation.

The House was scheduled to reconvene Thursday, but senior Republicans there have opposed any temporary extension of the current law, insisting that most of the expiring provisions should be renewed permanently.

The Senate vote Wednesday night capped several days of backroom negotiation conducted against the backdrop of presidential attacks on critics of the legislation.

The extension gives critics — who successfully filibustered a House-Senate compromise that would have made most of the law permanent — more time to seek civil liberty safeguards in the law. Democrats and their allies had originally asked for a three-month extension, and the Senate’s Republican majority had offered a one-year extension. The final deal split the difference.

“For a lot of reasons, it made the most sense, given that there are significant differences that remain,” said GOP Sen. John Sununu of New Hampshire, one of a small group of Republicans who joined with Senate Democrats to filibuster a House-Senate compromise.
rick_reno said:
Good news...
Agreed...good news!

Strange that politicians have to fight about a measure to protect the nation; shows that the Democrats support everything that is dangerous to America! The Patriot Act is one of the measures that have prevented terror in the nation since 09/11/01... therefore why the resistance from the Dems?

Al Qaeda's best friend? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid! It wouldn't surprise me that perhaps the reason we haven't found Osama bin Laden is that we haven't yet checked Howard Dean's basement! :uhoh:
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Live free or die...

...has lost it's meaning in annals of time
Strange that politicians have to fight about a measure to protect the nation; shows that the Democrats support everything that is dangerous to America! The Patriot Act is one of the measures that have prevented terror in the nation since 09/11/01... therefore why the resistance from the Dems?
Yup. But USA PATRIOT doesn't go far enough. You know what would really keep America safe? If everybody was subject to random strip-searches for weapons. Especially on airplanes. Matter of fact, we could also handcuff you to the seats--then you couldn't get up if you wanted to! Bet that would prevent a hijacking.

What? Warrant? Rights? What are you, some kind of terrorist sympathizer?

And, for the record, saying that the USA PATRIOT Act prevented terrorism is like saying that elephants painting their toenails red enables them to hide in strawberry patches. Hey, you've never seen an elephant in a strawberry patch, right? It must work!
Camp David said:
Agreed...good news!

Al Qaeda's best friend? Nancy Pelosi and Ralph Reid! It wouldn't surprise me that perhaps the reason we haven't found Osama bin Laden is that we haven't yet checked Howard Dean's basement! :uhoh:

Ralph Reid? You''ve lost me with that one. Do you mean Senator Harry Reid from Nevada? If they want to find Osama, they need to look in Cheney's large intestine. I hear they're hiding him there, waiting for the right "moving" moment to expose him.
You know what, i'll take my chances with al queda. I am personally a lot more suspicous and afraid of a government that can spy on me, imprison me and kill me than a bunch of terrorists who dont run my country and mostly keep to old fashioned violence.

This isnt about protecting the country, this is about controlling us. Do you think government will give away all its wonderful powers when Al Queda is no longer a problem? The road to serfdom baby.
“This is the right thing to do for the country,” Schumer said after the deal had been announced. “To let the Patriot Act lapse would have been a dereliction of duty.”

At least we have men like Charles Schumer in the Senate, men who aren't afraid to do their duty.
Evidence, this is evidence.

The Democrat party is evil and the republican party is stupid.
Democrats and their allies had originally asked for a three-month extension, and the Senate’s Republican majority had offered a one-year extension. The final deal split the difference.
Splitting the difference between 3 months and 12 months would be 7 1/2 months.

These are our rulers. :(
Maybe Flyboy and that nude airline are onto something. We will all have to be nude when we fly, then noone can hide any weapons. :rolleyes:
Camp David said:
Strange that politicians have to fight about a measure to protect the nation

I wish there had been a harder fight to preserve civil rights, and limit domestic spying authorities.

The fourth amendment is wheezing its last raspy breaths as our other civil rights have been.

This is how you boil a frog. You don't throw him in a pot of hot water. You throw him in a pot of cool water and raise the temperature slowly so he doesn't jump out.
yonderway said:
This is how you boil a frog. You don't throw him in a pot of hot water. You throw him in a pot of cool water and raise the temperature slowly so he doesn't jump out.

Side observation: You must have some tremendously stupid frogs in Pennsylvania! ;)
Camp David said:
Agreed...good news!

Strange that politicians have to fight about a measure to protect the nation; shows that the Democrats support everything that is dangerous to America! The Patriot Act is one of the measures that have prevented terror in the nation since 09/11/01... therefore why the resistance from the Dems?

Al Qaeda's best friend? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid! It wouldn't surprise me that perhaps the reason we haven't found Osama bin Laden is that we haven't yet checked Howard Dean's basement! :uhoh:

Man, can you stretch any more? 95% of the law is already perminate and deal mostly with info sharing between intelligence departments. This fight is about 16 sections of the law that could be used against American citizens and violate their liberties and rights that would have sunset’ed Dec 31.
MrTuffPaws said:
Man, can you stretch any more? 95% of the law is already perminate and deal mostly with info sharing between intelligence departments. This fight is about 16 sections of the law that could be used against American citizens and violate their liberties and rights that would have sunset’ed Dec 31.

And thank God there IS a debate over these things. Whatever the final outcome, checks and balances are good. Without some boundaries, the statists in the Republican party won't stop -- just like the statists in the Democrat party.
bg said:
Lets just make sure that this Congress doesn't get it their heads
to try and pull off what England is going to do..This is outrageous.


Are you driving around in your car doing bad stuff? I'm not, and (weather permitting) I usually ride my bicycle. Maybe something this nutty would get people to drive less - a good move in my book. This won't happen here, we've got leadership that believes in perserving liberty and freedom.
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