Senator Lautenberg Proposes Legislation to Restrict Reloading

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Because the Boston bombers were avid handloaders and they used that evil to harm innocent people.

So that's what Tamerlan Tsarnaev went to Dagestan for; to learn the tricks of handloading.

Yeah, uh, sure.
Nothing he says or does should come as a surprise.
Or get much legislative traction. Look out for this one to simply fade away.

He's a nut and is not likely long for this whirl. He's firing off a few shots on the way out the door, but he's not going to be able to turn them into action.
Let's hope that is the case. I just hope that Obama or Bloomberg don't get behind it and try to make it more than an idiotic publicity event.
My 2cents:
What about a FEDERALLY issued photo I.D. card so that we can buy guns, loading components and ammo PLUS practice Concealed Carry nationwide?
The Political Clowns just WILL NOT stop but they STILL wnn't address the real issues.
If they try to license pressure cookers I bet a bunch of grandma's will go all granny Clampet on his ass with a frying pan.
We've got a whole 'nother thread around here somewhere about a federal "Right to Exercise your Rights" card. Let's not muddy up this thread with more of that discussion.
Because the 2A issues are the most emotional , the politicians fear them the most as the issues bring more voters to the polling place.
For that reason the Lautenberg/Feinstein types are always looking for new ways to harrass!
Sadly, they wait for a mass/school shooting/bombing to try to further their adgenda.
I think in Diane's case at least. it's become a personal thing.
Libs in high places wanting to control the lives of lawabiding citizens.
I am a reloader and can't find any components on the shelves.What a tool head.No wonder why this country is going down the crapper.:banghead:
The reason you can't get components is because people with ocd hoard them. I reached conclusion that Americans can not fix America and outside view is needed. One does not fix things by re-electing people that do nothing for the country and its electorate.
Let's hope that is the case. I just hope that Obama or Bloomberg don't get behind it and try to make it more than an idiotic publicity event.
They will get behind anything they can use to push their anti-constitution agenda. In this case, even though the Boston bombers used black powder, they will try to regulate smokeless reloading components because the general public doesn't know gun powder from talcum powder.

Black powder, which the bombers actually used, is essentially immune to regulation since it is easily made from common ingredients. That is, unless they are going to require a federal license for backyard grilling and going to the bathroom.
I'm reminded that Lexington and Concord were the result of the British attempt to seize the colonists' muskets and powder. Not suggesting anything here ... just making a historical observation.
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I reached conclusion that Americans can not fix America and outside view is needed. One does not fix things by re-electing people that do nothing for the country and its electorate.

Can't wait to hear who you think we should put in charge of fixing US.

Lautenburgs stink is on pretty much every successful piece of anti gun legislation in modern times so he is a danger to liberty. Our so called recent wins could turn on a dime and UBC didn't fail by a majority.
Don't fireworks contain black powder?
I'd imagine some do. In this case, however, much has been made about the difference between what they used and traditional black powder.
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