Serbu Super Shorty?

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I love mine, but it's a bear to shoot with anything other than Feather-lites. The fold-down forward grip is like holding a wood rasp...

Michael B
I love mine, but it's a bear to shoot with anything other than Feather-lites. The fold-down forward grip is like holding a wood rasp...

Michael B

Is yours the Rem or Moss?
Specialized tool

The Serbu shorty or any short pistol gripped shotgun is a tool for special applications. I used to carry a 870 that was cut off at the pistol grip and mag tube under a jacket when I was doing high risk transport details for Uncle S.
This had the blessings of the U.S. Gov't. We carried them with WW #4 buck.
Rigged them with a bungee cord similar to a "merc harness" for under arm carry. I have carried one under a windbreaker along with my pistol and mags and never been made for being armed. They are unpleasant to shoot, but at 7yds to contact range they are awesome.
Not something for the meek or timid, they have a tremendous muzzle blast, huge muzzle flash and lots of felt recoil. Specialized tool for specialized applications. Bigger hammer for bigger nails.
Thanks Loc N Load for the reply!

I was just looking purely at it for a range toy and was planning on a Hogue Tamer pistol grip to help with felt recoil and also reduce recoil ammo at the range.

I wish they still made the Rem version in 20 gauge to help with the "fun factor" even more. The Moss version can be purchased in 12, 20, or 410, but I like the stoutness and more heirloom like quality of the Rem 870.
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