Serious Question: Have you ever had to....

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Go to and find asimilair thread with a reply by "Roadrep" actually screw it I'll cut and paste...

You won't hear a story of an Uzi or AK because thugs want unarmed victims, but this may wet your whistle a bit.

A guy and his lady friend are walking down a street after eating a nice steak dinner on Friday night. The area is busy and the only parking available was a nice walk away, not a problem on a beautiful October night.

So the guy, who has had a lot of firearms courses notices a van slowly driving the other direction on the street. The guy notices the deep gurgling sound of the exhaust, but really doesn't think much of it. Then he notices a couple of thugs crossing the street; said GTer is uncomfortable because he and his lady friend seemed to get too much attention from the guys crossing the street. One of those "it just doesn't feel right" type of things.

So the couple continue walking toward the parking garage, when the GTer notices the gurgling sound of that van slowly passing by them. Then the GTer, who regularly uses windows to watch his 6, notices the two thugs that crossed the street coming up behind them. One of the thugs is clearly holding his right hand suspiciously around his belt buckle area. Then said GTer notices the van stopped on the side of the street just ahead and the 2 thugs behind them are getting closer.

GTer tells his lady friend that they are going to duck into any open business they see, but there were not any available. Just as they were coming up on the van, 2 ****-eaters jump out of the van and block the sidewalk. Gter draws his Kimber .45, and moves to engage the thugs 5 feet behind them; the intention was to go to low ready and size up the situation. The two from the van did not appear to be armed and one behind them was already spotted as armed.

So GTer turns and starts to shout at the two thugs on foot when the armed one begins to pull a revolver (SW .38 special). GTer, had the jump because the thugs in the rear did not see him remove his pistol from his daytimer style carry (they had been where alcohol was sold, but he did not drink).

The GTer always, always, always shoots failure drill at the range and trains at least twice a month.

As the BG #1 pulls the pistol, the GTer puts two rounds COM and moves up and puts one in the eye area. There was absolutely no reaction to the chest shots in the BG. The second thug turns to his falling comrade and tries to get his pistol, as GTer puts 2 slugs in his COM and one in the side of the head, GTer didn't know he hit BG #2 with the first 2 rounds. The second thug didn't have time to get turned around to face GTer, and didn't go down from the two to the chest, so said GTer puts one is the side of his head. Both third shots, at 5 feet, were very messy. Luckily for GTer, the second thug did get his hands on the pistol (a fact that would greatly help him in the future). So after the two in the rear were neutralized, GTer turned to check on the two from the van who had started moving his way. When GTer turned to engage them, gun at low ready, they turned and ran to the van got in and the van sped off.

The thugs were linked to other rapes and 2 abductions of similar method, and had sheets as long as your arm. (funny how that wasn't admissable in court) The thugs from the van looked more pissed than scared, and GTer would encounter them later in life. Turns out they were members of the Gangsta Disciples. The Gangsta's don't take lightly to seeing their bro.s being shot down in the street.

The aftermath: Said GTer was charged with manslaughter (the jury was given other options too) and was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Deliberations took less than 3 hours. Some of the city council PERSONS believed that failure drill represented too much force and GTer should have not made the last shot on the guys. Of course, if he had not made the third shots in the failure drill, the thugs would be alive today. So city council PERSON, pressures the DA and viola, the decision is made to charge him.

The cost to GTer to stay out of prison was $18,000+. That works out to be $3k per shot, or $9k per bad guy.

The situation doesn't often end as well in his dreams, as it did in real time, but he never can quite get it behind him. He carries a strange sense of guilt.

The girlfriend that GTer was trying to protect, broke up with him 3 weeks later. She just never could get over it and could not understand the violent nature of his counterattack. She dumped him, which broke his heart, but she was a very good witness for his defense, and for that he is eternally grateful.

The follow up encounters (turns out during a trial, it isn't hard to get the home address of the defendant) with the Gangsta Disciples were a little better; and no charges were placed in those instances.

Sorry if GTer wasn't armed with and AK, but then they would never have picked us to attack.

The morals of the story: Live with what happened, or with what may have happened- his girlfriend being abducted..... It is better to be tried by 12.... When the SHTF, you fall back on your training in automatic mode. So train well and often.

I have been in a situation where I needed a gun and didn't have it. Luckily, my scars have healed and my gf (at the time) recovered from her emotional trauma. You'll have to take me at my word, carrying a weapon is worth the hassle.
I was enroute to my credit union one cold sparkly morning with $2,200 cash in my pocket ready to be deposited when I was approached by a man (with a passenger in the car). He was rather built, somewhere around early 30's, and he kept fidgeting with hands in the pockets on his jacket as he approached and started talking the typical "Excuse me sir. Could you help me? I just need a few bucks ... ". With pistol at my right hip I faced my left side at him with my hand on the grip, but never had to release it from the holster. Even with the display of an awkward stance, I suspect that by the way he was rambling on, he never for a moment knew I was so ready to deal with trouble.

He didn't get any money from me. Afterall I'm not charity on wheels or foot. I simply told him I couldn't help him with his problems and moved on. Had he continued an approach towards me in an aggressive nature (armed or not), my next step would be to draw and hold barrel face down making sure he saw it. The sight of a sidearm out of holster would deter most. Just the sight of it sure means business!
Only had to use it once. Was useing my metal detector at the beach when a young man in his twenty's asked if I could help pull his car out of the sand. Well I took my truck and hooked up a chain and pulled him out. When I was unhooking my chain I heard a click and turned around and he was holding a switchblad on me and said he needed my wallet to so he could get some gas for his car too. Being the nice guy that I am I reached around my back and came out with my Model 10 smith and cocked the hammer. You never saw a knife hit the ground so fast! I then proceded to let him have four flats and told him to get another person to pull him out. I guess I'm just a old 57 year whw can't put up with the S anymore. I still have that knife. The car sat on the beach for a week before the cops towed it away. Never did see that kid agin!!

Keith beer.gif
QuarterBoreGunner: I just read your story, wow! :what: :eek: You saved a lot of lives that day. Did anyone suffer hearing damage? Where the others armed, did any of the others shoot, and if so did they hit the guy too?

wow, that was an intense story.

Good on you for the lives that you have potentially saved.
So, the cat wanted to know if you had the WS-6 Ram Air package and ask if you had any timeslips in the glovebox, and you flashed your gat at him?
Well, I've never had someone seemingly sneak up on me to ask what my Fairmont has in it. They normally just ask, sometimes they ask loudly depending on how far away they are and if my car is running...
LiquidTension's post reminds me of my late teens, when I ran a store in Atlanta. I was held up twice in four months taking the morning deposits to the bank. Once, the perp had a gun, but it wasn't drawn. Second time, the gun was pointed at me. Both times, I just said, "hey, it's not MY money," and handed it over.

The owner, of course, told the insurance company that I lost far more cash than I really had in both cases. Still, that was the main reason I applied for a permit as soon as I turned 21. Started taking classes three months before my birthday, and I realized just how bad my situational awareness had been. I was fortunate both times.

The first time was really quick, but had I needed to, I could have drawn. The second, the perp had the initiative, and it would have been out of the question. Thing is, two weeks after the second one, Atlanta Police came around to follow up, and they had a picture of the guy. I identified him as the robber, and they said, "oh well, he just got shot trying to hold up a grocery up the road." Good riddance.

To be honest, I'm still not sure I'd have done anything differently if I were armed, but having gotten some training, I'd have seen it coming. Still, I hated that job, and I think that my lack of concern for the owner's money was pretty obvious :rolleyes:

Incidentally, I remember reading about that a couple of years back. If I'm ever in a spot like that, I hope I have half your presence-of-mind. Good to know you didn't get sued or prosecuted for it, but it's even better to know that you and yours got out without getting shot. God bless.
(Highly condensed version of all that happened, with just the pertinent details, I think)

The tenants in an apartment building across the parking lot from my building had been pounding on my door, threatening to beat me to a pulp (and had bats in their hands) I'd had the temerity to ask them to turn down their stereo during the day, and called the police when they refused. I called the police, who couldn't arrive before the creeps went back to their apartment. The cops took a statement, went back over to the creeps' apartment, then left. Back to my apartment they came for more of the same. When they finally tired and left, my wife and I ran to our car, and drove to the next town where we could buy a handgun without a waiting period (can't tell you why I didn't consider a shotgun, but it worked out in the end).

When we got back to the apartment, and parked on the opposite side of the building, the creeps had been watching for us from their window. As we approached our building, they came running across the parking lot.

I turned a bit, putting my hand on the new pistol that was holstered on my hip, and they stopped, turned away, and never bothered me again.
dustind, Black Majik, Erik F; thanks for the good thoughts. To answer:
Nope, no hearing damage at all, I had complete sensory attenuation at that point: tunnel vision, temporal displacement (everything in slow-motion) and auditory exclusion. Very much like a dream. Except for all the yelling and the blood. That was nasty.

The others weren’t armed; ‘Mary’ wasn’t a shooter and ‘Bob’ had just taken off his firearm to put on a Tyvek haz-mat suit to clean the range.

And, yes I was sued by the mutt. But it was a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things, much like 'a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.'
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