Shades of gun bigotry

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN

That's from a political cartoonist for the Virginia News Leader.

If the clock were turned back we'd see this sort of thing with a racial misrepresentation instead of a "class" caricature. Is this any better? Is it any more accurate? Of course not, but it seems to be common anti tactic to demonize gun owners and RKBA advocates.

Simply put, the majority of gun owners are middle class. The vast majority of RKBA advocates are educated (look at THR for example), politically active citizens.

If you want to respond to this stupidity, please do not play to the stereotype.
There are many reasons that some people support gun control. Plain old fashion bigotry is just one of them.
Typical anti gun/anti gun owner cartoon. They try to demonize the person as well as the tool. It is working pretty well. Non gun owners believe all kinds of drivel because they are fed it by the media and have no way to know it's BS, simply because they don't realize all the normal folks around them that are responsible citizens as well as gun owners.

Our South campus hospital recently fired a maintenance man for carrying a pistol around the hospital, while on duty, showing it off and talking about how he had 20 guns. (moron)

This does not help, and since many of the folks who witnessed his behavior do not know any responsible gun owners, they are quick to believe all the crap the media pushes on them. Why wouldn't they?
Gun control is generally racist and against the poor. It seems to be more about controlling certain groups of people than about controlling guns. Look up the etymology of the word "Saturday Night Special" which is a favorite of politicians to describe guns that are at a price people with a lower income can afford.
Aren't antis great? Unless you're willing to accept the extrajudicial punishment of limiting your firearm purchases to one per month, you are an in-bred paranoid hick. They have no rational basis for these laws, so they're left with character attack.
The humor?

Most political cartoons, usually satirical, have an element of humor to them. I don't find this funny in the least. A weak attempt.
The only thing I can agree with, regarding this cartoon, is the line, "...I have the right...".

Other than that, it's just a load of elitist bilge.
While to many here it may be an innocuous attempt at political humor, to the millions of soccer moms who hover over every move their child makes for fear something evil will befall them, this hits a nerve on the protect the children route.

Do NOT just blow this off, but retaliate through letters to the Editor, comments on line where the cartoon originates from, etc. and show those wavering on the fence that this cartoon is wrong. If you do nothing, then they have already won...................
OK This is funny...

First of all this guy LOOKS like my Father-in-Law who is an ex-government agent.
Except for the poor gun control stuff, that is...

Second since he IS A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN what busniess is it of anybody what his individual reasons are for having guns? Has he gone 'postal' on a 7/11?, Shot up a school?, Gone hunting in the city for two legged 'deer'? NO! He is LAW ABIDING!

This kind of thing make me wonder if the cartoonist had gotten his start depicting Jews for the NAZI party!

I mean COME ON!
Well, in his bio McCloskey does admit he’s a “soccer dad” so that might be why he has an attitude. However, he says he’s in Staunton, Virginia, and that’s an odd attitude for that neck of the woods, or at least, for the Shenandoah Valley.

It seems he got ripped fairly well in the responses to the paper.
The ultimate insult here is that anyone against the one-a-month club principle suffers from antisocial paronoia and feelings of inadequacy. He's an idiot!
Political cartoonists are paid to stir the pot. Just like Doonesbury, they polarize the viewers and get folks all riled up. It's one cheap shot after another, but how would you like to earn a living like that? Rather sad, really.

Remember when they were newspapers? Now they're just another form of entertainment, and a rather miserable one at that. They are living on borrowed time. There just aren't that many birdcages in need of floorcoverings anymore.
Ridiculing ones political opponents has a long and honored history in the American marketplace of ideas. I certainly don't want it stopped; I may need it someday.

Besides, we're big boys and we can take it.
I actually feel sorry for the ignorant cartoonist, who is a clear example of too much "education" and not enough learning. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so thankfully not much was wasted here.
If I could afford one gun a month, I'd feel anything but inadequate :D

As another said, a shining example of recruiting ad homenim attacks when the facts don't suit one's prejudice.

I honestly think Hoplophobia will be diagnosed as a mental disease someday.
Comments on the web site seem to be running against the cartoonist. I added my opinion to the mix as well, in a polite and civilized way of course! :evil:
The vast majority of RKBA advocates are educated (look at THR for example)

With all due respect (and I really do mean that), do you truly believe that? Honestly now.

Please dont take that personally or as an attack aganist others here. It is NOT meant to be. But if you want to understand where I am coming from, do look at the posts as an outsider would.

There is quite a few educated posters on this fourm - but a vast majority ...sorry, but I would have to respectfully disagree.

RE: cartoon - mass media is meant for consumption by the masses. The cartoon feeds into common stereotypes of firearm owners. Stereotypes are often (not "always", not "mostly" mind you) portrayed for a single reason. They are often true.

Mass media is there for ONE REASON ONLY:

Titillation, not information.

This has been the case for as long as I can remember (20+ years). This will not change w/o a massive outcry from the majority.
I posted earlier in this thread regarding gun control but I want to explain something else as well. I can probably find a political cartoon that offends any demographic you could name without breaking too much of a sweat. Just make sure if you are offended by the stereotyping in the cartoon you understand the why anti's, liberals or whomever are when they are all lumped together in some caricature type cartoon.

Not trying to support anti's or really anyone for that matter but a few hours away gave me a different perspective on the whole situation.
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