Shoe bomber sentenced

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Dec 24, 2002
Western Washington
I am watching the news (OK, listening as I surf THR) and they report that richard Reid just got sentenced to life in prison + 110 years! ***, +110 years? I guess that life without parole isn't good enough.

If he is so stupid he couldn't light a fuse, he should be taken out of circulation. BTW, I AM glad he couldn't light it. Too bad the passengers and crew dind't pummel him a little more.:D
Thank God they got him off the streets before he could breed! We do not need anymore mental defectives running around.

He should have gotten an Arizona Necktie Party. But I do take solace in the fact that we will very shortly be some guy named "Bubba"s property and being passed around for a pack of cigarette's. It will be interesting to see how long he lives in the pen.
Considering it costs more to keep a person in prison for a year than it would to send a deserving young person to virtually any college in the nation, I believe he should have been hanged by the neck until dead.
Dog: Actually, I doubt that will happen. Like Manny Noriega, he'll be sent to a supermax federal prison and be put in solitary, locked in his cell 23 hours a day. He'll die an old man in prison.

A pity. We could have raised quite a sum by auctioning off positions on his firing squad.
They should put him in general population and let some of today's finest murderers & rapists our country has to offer have their way w/ him. Life +110 years isn't enough...public execution! :cuss:
Lock him up in a bomb-proof cell. Give him back his shoes. Tape it. Sell it. Donate proceeds to 911 victims and Homeland Security.

Okay, that was evil, but I just can't stand the idea of wasting tax dollars on keeping him alive.

:fire: :cuss: :banghead:
Anybody see the flim of that junk 727 the law guys blew up to show what that nut could have accomplished? The whole front end of the plane blew off! Yeah, I think a rope would have been the right decision. However, there are guys in prison, criminals though they may be, who will take great umbrage to Reid's actions. I don't think he'll live too long. (Or die too pleasantly.)

BamBam-31, please advise when you run for elected office. :D

God I wish they'd put me in charge for a week. First thing I'd do is remove the electric chair and install a electric bench. 3 at a time, I wouldn't even take a lunch. I'd free up LOTS of prision space which could then be used for ordinary inmates.
Guys, I think you truly don't understand just how horrible life imprisonment is. I work as a chaplain at a maximum-security Federal penitentiary, where almost half my "customers" have life sentences or longer, and it's about as miserable an existence as you can imagine. They have clothes, food, etc., but live in an environment of constant danger (from other inmates, gangs, etc.) where you can't let down your guard for an instant: have almost no contact with family, friends, etc. (most inmates find their families break contact after five years or so); live in a constant world of concrete, steel and glass, with the knowledge that you will NEVER live in any other surroundings; earn a pittance for manual labor jobs; etc. Believe me, they suffer every day, and will do so for the rest of their lives. It's a lot worse punishment, IMHO, than the death penalty. With the latter, your troubles are ended: with life in prison, you have every day to reflect anew on what put you where you are, and you know every day that you will never again be free, or live in a civilized environment. I think life imprisonment is a very fitting punishment indeed... and in this case, the judge has taken care of any reduction on appeal by adding on extra years. Sounds like another inmate I know, who has six life sentences, running CONSECUTIVELY, plus 138 years! (One gets the feeling the judge really didn't want this guy running around out there... :D )
I understand how bad they have it in prison. But why should subhuman scum like this be kept alive? And at what cost to our country. The prisons are over flowing with vermin like this and to what end?:banghead:

He should be DEAD, tied to a tree with his stomach cut open so his guts fall out and the wild anmials can eat him while he's still breathing. END of story.
There's no benifit to keeping anmials like this alive.
Preacherman, don't the inmates earn themselves a place in prison? They don't just go there for vacation do they? No sympathy for those that willingly inflict evil on society.

I hope it doesn't appear as tho I'm picking on you. My belief is that we have capital punishment for those that commit the worse crimes against society.
God bless you for the work you do w/ these poor souls and may you reach at least a few so they really do understand the wrong they've commited before they meet their maker.
Anybody see the flim of that junk 727
I believe that was an L1011

Preacherman: I strongly suspect he won't be in any danger from other inmates because he'll be in isolation. He's going to be in a supermax unit somewhere, locked in his cell 23 hours a day.

I agree it is indeed a horrible existence. And he deserves every moment of it.
Preacherman, you are obviously a nice person. I'm not.

Nobody got in there by accident. You wanna feel sorry for these guys, you'd do far better by looking up their victims. You wanna know about a miserable existence go talk to some people who "used" to have a daughter before some lifer raped and murdered her.

NOTHING you can do to these guys is enough. NOTHING makes up for what they've done. The fact that you deal with these death deserving individuals is "almost" offensive.

I know you are trying to follow a "calling" and I try and understand that. But many people (the families of the dead victims) are probably more deserving of your time and attention.
NOTHING you can do to these guys is enough. NOTHING makes up for what they've done. The fact that you deal with these death deserving individuals is "almost" offensive.

He should be DEAD, tied to a tree with his stomach cut open so his guts fall out and the wild anmials can eat him while he's still breathing. END of story.

If you are Judeo Christian:

"Vengenance is mine, sayeth the Lord"

Neverhteless, INHO, the most heinous of all crimes does deserve the death penalty, not for the cries of revenge I see here, but solely to reinforce the fact that in the most solemn circumstances, and with the greatest safeguards possible, society must inflict the ultimate punishment on the very worst offenders.To do it any other way sinks us to the level of the scum we may need to execute.

And Mr Reid is not such an offender.

And calling for barbaric death upon him cheapens us a human beings.

So you are saying he is better than the 9-11 terrorists simply because he is incompetent?

He desired the same thing. He tried to make another plane full of people's families mourn their loss.

I never completely understood how "attempted" murder is a lesser crime. The intent was EXACTLY the same. The fact that the person making the attempt is a walking cluster.... should not make them any less guilty.

And it is people LIKE "Mr Reid" who "cheapen us a human beings." His "barbaric death" is nothing more than he wished on others who unlike himself are innocent.

As for "Vengenance is mine, sayeth the Lord", when he shows up and starts to take care of this stuff I'll leave it to him. In the meantime we seem to be taking up his slack.
And it is people LIKE "Mr Reid" who "cheapen us a human beings." His "barbaric death" is nothing more than he wished on others who unlike himself are innocent

You can choose I suppose to lower yourself to be like the animal that he is...I for one choose to be better. If I am going to participate in the death of another human being, I am going to do so in a dignified, legal constitutional manner, not "ripping his guts out" like some type of freak.

I never completely understood how "attempted" murder is a lesser crime. The intent was EXACTLY the same.

Write your lawmakers then, and if they choose to change the law you wont get any arguments form me.

As for "Vengenance is mine, sayeth the Lord", when he shows up and starts to take care of this stuff I'll leave it to him. In the meantime we seem to be taking up his slack.
Sound like what the Crusaders used to say as they massacred Jews and Greeks on their way to the Holy actually it sounds just like what the Islamo fascists think.
Wildalaska, just a question.

When a special forces soldier kills a enemy soldier in a "brutal" manner. Does he lower himself to that of a animal?

Also crusaders and Islamics murdered innocents. I'm not suggesting or advocating anything like that. Mr. Reid is hardly innocent.
So a soldier who kills a enemy is not lower than a animal BUT a person who would execute a murdering terrorist is?

Just trying to pin down your reasoning?

Editted to add: Reid most certainly IS a killer. The fact that he didn't pull it off doesn't make him NOT a killer.
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And when the next Terrorist sees Reed or any other scum like him, gets jail time, aposed to a violent brutal death. What will be the message to him? Damm, there going to lock me up and feed me 3 times a day. Hell, thats better than I have it now.:uhoh:

You have the idea that these are people like us. I do not have that misconception. There anminals, like a rabid dog and must be put down!

Dose that lower me to there level? Maybe so. Sometimes that's where you need to be to see your enemy.

Wild, if your daughter,son or wife had been on that plane would you really feel the same?

If war is brought to you, then it is incumbent upon you to SHOW NO MERCY. Surely you will be shown none, and you will be a traitor to your people and as good as there enemy if you let any clemency slip its bounds. For your people will pay for you mistake with there lives.

If War is brought to you,then let there be war like you enemy has never imagined in his most frightening nightmares.Anything less, and you hand victory to your foe.
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