Shot in the teeth in Iraq

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Didn't Carlos The Jackal try to kill some dude at PBR and do the exact same thing? I remember seen a photo of the guy with an odd round scar just above his upper lip.
While it did happen, it happened during the seige of Falluja. Not last Christmas, and obviously not this Christmas. At least that is the story coming from the Army.

The bullet entered his upper jaw just under his nose (as you can see in the smiling pic) and blew out his tooth. The bullet then came to rest in his upper lip which you can barely see in the picture. He did not know he had been shot, he thought his tooth was blown out by the muzzle blast. The Iraqi immediately surrendered, go figure.

This story was on the Unit webpage. If I can find it I will throw up a link, there are a bunch more pictures.

And balistics be damned. If God loves you you can get shot in the face with a .50cal and walk away from it. Or just sit there like a smiling snapperhead.

I would leave the tooth out and the hole in my lip. Then at parties I would shoot milk at people as a party trick. But thats just me.
he should rush out and buy a lottery ticket while his luck still holds.
But you can never tell what bullets will do once they strike something. I recall seeing photos at Camp Edwards, MA of a steel pot which was penetrated by a bullet that went round between the pot and the liner and exited the back.
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