Should Muslims be in the military?

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It's silly to lump all Muslims under one umbrella and view them as suspects.

It's just as silly to ignore that some branches of Islam ARE dedicated to our destruction! Those groups SHOULD be singled out and "discriminated" against in every way possible. We know (and YOU know) who these people are, and yet you lump them all together as "Muslims" and argue that we should just overlook the untidy facts associated with these groups.

We "discriminate" against members of certain groups all of the time. We discriminate against the KKK, Aryan Nations, Crips, Bloods - no admitted member of these groups is going to pass a security clearance or even get into a government position where they would get a security clearance. Yet, Wahhabi Muslims get into the military and through our immigration portals without a second thought - insanity!

Many Islamic sects should be treated in the same way as we treat any criminal organization. We know who they are. We see the money flowing from them to the Terrorist groups. We hear the violence preached in the Mosque. Why pretend they aren't what they proclaim themsleves to be?

It's just as silly to ignore that some branches of Islam ARE dedicated to our destruction! Those groups SHOULD be singled out and "discriminated" against in every way possible.
So, you would agree that the measures listed above should be enacted? If not, do you have a better method?

We know (and YOU know) who these people are,
I don't, actually. I say I'm a muslim. I say I'm not "one of those people." Is that enough? Will the "real" terrorists say otherwise, and readily identify themselves?

and yet you lump them all together as "Muslims" and argue that we should just overlook the untidy facts associated with these groups.
Sorry, as a member of the affected group I'm having difficulty understanding what you're talking about. Or was this comment directed at someone else?
Perhaps your "aquaintance" Aaron could explain racism to you more fully

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


NOUN: 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Nope, no need to bother him.
I don't, actually. I say I'm a muslim. I say I'm not "one of those people."

OK, fine - I believe you. The state department has a list of groups who have contributed money to Al Qeada and other terrorist organizations. We also know which branches of Islam preach Jihad.

If you're not a member of one of those known groups, or a member of a sect like Wahhabism then I have no issue at all. However, if you fill out an application for a position of some kind (or an immigration form) and are asked what branch of Islam you belong to, or what mosque you attend... and you answer Wahhabi - then I think you should be turned down, period. End of discussion.
If you're not a citizen, you should be deported immediately. If you are a citizen you should be carefully investigated for criminal activity in the same way we'd investigate a member of the mafia. Did anybody whine about discrimination against Italians when members of the Sicilian Mafia were caught and deported n the old days?

I don't want these people in the ranks of government, I don't even want them in the country!

Of course you could just lie and there's nothing much we could do about it. But when evidence of membership in one of these political or religious groups comes to light, I think we should act on it.

Folks, I think that this thread has gone on long enough. It's obvious that we're not going to agree on this issue. Many of us - including yours truly - believe strongly that one is innocent until proven guilty, that guilt is an individual rather than a corporate/group/sectarian reality, and that one cannot single out a particular religion and take action against its adherents en masse, despite the wrong/sinful/illegal/criminal actions of some of its adherents. Others among us want to stigmatize the entire group based on the actions of some of its members.

I hope that this exchange of ideas has opened a few eyes on both sides of the debate.

End of discussion.
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