Should We "Brain Wash" People Against Guns?

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I have to say, extremists on both ends really tick me off.

I carry a gun almost every day. I work for a living, and don't think being fat should qualify you for state aid/disability (i'm fat. It is my fault, i still work for a living). I think criminals should be PUNISHED, not given room, board, and free cable. Am i a republican?

I also support gay rights. Let 'em marry, and be as miserable as straight people, I say. I hate the rantings of the religious right saying the country's woes come from turning it's back on God. That may be, but most of the people ranting about it strike me as rich hypocrites. I've found that most muslims are peaceful, tolerant people. So am i a Democrat?

I oppose war on principle, but I'll buy a beer for any man or woman who's been through it. I believe in respect and courtesy to all, but have no qualms about bringing violence to those who would victimise others.

So, i have no affiliation. I see valid points on both sides, and feel that calling names just hurts your side. Cheers.
Rubikees said:
They know they have the teachers in their pockets so it is no problem to 'brainwash' the kids in any subject.

Perhaps most, but there are very pro-gun teachers and administrators out there. Particularly in rural communities.
Holder purposely makes no deliniation between illegal guns, and legal guns. That is really the issue, but instead he demonizes the "gun", an inanimate object so the constituency that he and Obama rely on can remain blameless.
Well, to be honest, Holder started out sounding like Bob Dole in the '96 campaign, who criticized Hollywood for promoting a cultural atmosphere of violence (among many other things). Only difference is Dole got crucified by Hollywood. Holder didn't.

Imagine that.

But then Holder got into the notion of creating, through media, an all omnipotent social atmosphere where opposing viewpoints "cower" (as he put it) like social outcasts. Apparently he thinks getting people to cower shouldn't be too difficult in a "nation of cowards."

You can talk around the issue, but when he says "young people", he obviously means inner city problem children (judging from the fresh prince, martin and jesse jackson references.) What that group of young people need are PARENTS, not positive TV images.
Part of what the guy is saying is right. Can we all agree that kids growing up in certain cultures in this country thinking drug sales and standing up for one's territory or honor with a gun is a prefered lifestyle? How do you get them into believing in books and passing grades? Brainwashing is bad choise of words. He also goes over the top when he lumps all guns and their uses into a negative catorgory - he's a politician.

PS: I do believe in the United State of America and compared to some liberal on gun ownership. Does that make me a liberal statist?
No, none of what he says is right, because he doesn't believe that any of those kids should ever be allowed to possess guns, ever. Unless they grow up to be members of a mexican drug cartel, in which case old eric will gladly allow thousands of guns to be trucked right into mexico. Obama claims to have an open and transparent administration, but holder refuses to produce thousands of documents to congress. Why?
Kudos to you, Driftertank. a very nice assessment. i just love this forum (generally, all the forums here). i love my colleagues at too. went there and learned much about my xd40, and some sage xdtalker suggested this forum to me.

spending way too much time on both. gotta get my Lee Loadmaster going, cuz i'm out of bullets, and i can shoot all day, every day at my local gun club if i could afford to. only 12 Fiocchi 165 gr JHP for my PD weapon. sheesh!
Someone said that OBAMA allowed guns to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels... Well, that "Fast and Furious" thing was started while BUSH was President. Interesting how it's all OBAMA'S fault, though.........

The point, people, is that Holder is a politician -- and politicians ALWAYS do and say what they think will get them the most votes. Period. Now please leave your anti-"other guy" POLITICAL bias at the proverbial door.
The plan to track guns smuggled to Mexican gangs started during Bush, but the idea of purposely make gun dealers break the law and send illegal guns into Mexico allegedly to track them (Fast and Furious) was the work of Holder's people. And when it plays out it'll probably be proved that it was intended to be used to leverage more gun control legislation.

There is no excuse to defame gun owners. Those who misuse guns and those who use guns to commit crimes are no different than those who drive cars recklessly or use them to commit crime. There are criminal laws now that punish illegal acts and civil laws that mitigate reckless behavior. It does not matter if these laws are violated with the use of guns, cars, rocks, or bare hands, the law is broken. And you can't stop these criminal acts neither by law nor raping the Constitution. All society can do is punish people after the fact. Anything more is control, and it must necessarily be applied against law abiders.

Control is the means and the objective, and it will always be so as long as we have diabolically ambitious and greedy people who care nothing of our liberty.
In answer to the OP's original question:

I remember after the Korean War any hint of brainwashing would be met with nearly universal anger (and I remember no one doing it). I also remember during the cold war any suggestion of socialism, and especially Marxism, would have and was met with nearly universal anger.

I'm quite surprised how it's now pretty much accepted that the progressives are socialists, even Marxists, and many still vote for them. But I never thought I'd see the day when a government official like Holder could appear on national TV advocating brainwashing our children without hoards of pitchfork wielding people chasing him down.

Times have changed and we are a different people. Shame on us.
It used to be ok to brainwash people into taking the Law into their own hands. It was back when lynch mobs were formed to hang whoever the mobs thought was guilty -- without benefit of any trial. Too often all the "guilty" had to do was have a differing opinion, look different, or come from the "wrong" place.

It is not so surprising to me that there are no "hoards of pitchfork wielding people" chasing this Holder fool today. I am not surprised because people in general are more willing to allow "Authority" more leeway because "Authority" supposedly knows what is best. We have been taught from the cradle that "Authority" is to always be listened to, that the Government "is never wrong", after all. I think you know the phrase: "My Country, Right or Wrong"; it was huge in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's.

Now that politicians are no longer able to cover up their "mistakes", y'all complain about how it's the other guy who is always at fault?
Brain washing? Sheeple do what sheeple do no sense in fixing what can't be fixed?

I vote we quite with the name calling and "liberal" thing. I learned what it means and if your liberal good for you to each their own. 1st amendment and all that. The T@RD part is wrong. We help people with disabilities (mental, learning and physical) learn to shoot and respect guns here. Can we stop the name calling this is the High Road?
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