SHTF Dreams?

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Oct 4, 2006
hear me out for a minute. No tomatoes yet!
I have been thinking about this thread for a long time and sit here, at work, during lunch, at the close of another great school year, and decided to do it.

I am curious to know if anyone else out there has had a dream, at any time in their life, that caused them to become more alert or prepared than they otherwise would have been.

This is not what you think is prophecy, it does not have to even be serious, but it does have to have been a dream you had, and it does have to have been something that stayed with you for some reason. Just to break the ice and give you an example, I'll start.

I grew up as a boy scout and was outdoors all the time. I read My Side of the Mountain and got into Tom Brown at a very early age (as well as Alan Eckert among others). I always 'dreamed' of getting into the woods for a long time. When my best friend since 8th grade and I went into the mountains we would pretend we were going forever, and talked about how depressing and exciting it would be....then it happened.

I had a dream one night that something terrible was going on. There was a disease that was sickening many people in the communities, and food was getting short, and there was an impending sense that things were going to get worse, like someone bad was coming and people had to hide. I remember what it felt like, to grab my grandpa's semi .22 and a few bricks of ammo, stuff my old duffel bag full, and say goodbye. My family thought for whatever reason that we had a better chance out there than near the cities. I remember distinctly the hard lonely road passing beneath us as we walked away from everything we loved, and I remember the fear of not being prepared enough as well as the rush of surviving in the wild places I loved so much. I remember the affection I felt toward that simple rifle, and the pricelessness of those few rounds I would carry until who knows when (I began to really take care of my weapons after this dream). We turned and looked back one last time and cried, then I woke up.

Now since that time I have matured, perhaps, a great deal in understanding various elements of fallacy in this or other SHTF type scenarios, nevertheless, TO THIS DAY, the feeling I got in that dream so long ago has haunted me and helped keep me motivated to be alert, fit, and ready in whatever form is most appropriate for the unexpected.

So you see I am ultimately a fan of SHTF threads, as I have enjoyed the discussion since middle school. :evil: The good thing about dreams is some utopiacrat that happens to have a gun can't rail you about how stupid you are for discussing the possibility, after all, it was only a dream. . .

Now it's your turn.

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Much to my wife's chagrin, I am a fan of terribly written and casted B-rated Zombie movies.

If I have had a dream, I'm not gonna say. :)

I will say this:

When the zombies come, you'll thank me.

-- John
The only dream I have about SHTF is that my gun jams. Any time I dream about using my pistol, it jams, or the person just sits there and takes shot after shot with no effect.
It's interesting to hear that people have had dreams about their firearm FTF'ing or malfunctioning in some way....

For the first few months that I started carrying, I had a re-occuring theme in my dreams (a few different dreams, same problem). The problem in my dream was that when it came down to having to use my handgun, I couldn't pull the trigger...not as in mentally couldn't, but physically couldn't no matter how hard I if the trigger pull was 400+ lbs or was welded in place.

Had the dream a few times during the first 2 months or so, never since.
The human subconscious is a weird thing...
If you are REALLY into SHTF, you should be breaking your cultural food taboos ASAP. People go on about how they're going to do this that and the other to procure food, but they never acknowledge the zero sum game they're envisioning being a part of.

You will be eating maggots, and whatever insect protein you can obtain when the deer, cattle, chickens, dogs, and other food animals have all been cleaned out. Most "survivors" will eventually turn to cannibalism in an epic SHTF world.

Butchering your own pork might be good practice. Some cannibal tribes in Indonesia used to call their human prey "long pigs."
You will be eating maggots, and whatever insect protein you can obtain when the deer, cattle, chickens, dogs, and other food animals have all been cleaned out. Most "survivors" will eventually turn to cannibalism in an epic SHTF world.

Its amazing howmany people who never have eaten insects or know how to find them and which are safe to eat and so on, the same with plants or finding water. The people who have no experience starting fires without matches, never made their own tools, shelters and so on. I find it sad howmuch bushcraft has really gone down when such things are really helpful in these siturations.

At least we have a few shows no on tv hoping to start interest in such things back up.
Had a dream last night that's somewhat related, in fact.

Bad things were happening, and I was out of ammo (very unusual circumstances, obviously). I asked someone nearby if they had anything at all that I could use (as apparently there was some sort of impending doom). The only thing they had was some sort of scoped, wood-stocked, bolt-action hunting rifle chambered in some caliber I've never fired (I want to say it was .270 or something... maybe 7mm-08?).

Let me just say that I have no experience with "hunting rifles" at all. Thing could've been a Weatherby Vanguard or Winchester 70 or Remington of some kind. I like my military stuff.

Lo and behold, though, I was doing just fine with it. Recoil wasn't bad, the image through the scope was hardly wiggling at all (something impossible in the real world that only happens in video games and movies), whatever I was shooting was sufficient in dropping the zombies/whatevertheywere, and somehow I was able to feed rounds one at a time fast enough to keep the badthings at bay. :)

Woke up this morning wanting this in 7mm-08 with one of these up top. :)

I have no idea why. :uhoh:
You will be eating maggots, and whatever insect protein you can obtain when the deer, cattle, chickens, dogs, and other food animals have all been cleaned out. Most "survivors" will eventually turn to cannibalism in an epic SHTF world.

This is exactly the stuff I hope this thread avoids, This is about dreams. Thanks,
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I had an SHTF dream, but it ended with me having a harem of beautiful women, so I guess it's not completely relevant in that regard.

Still encouraged me to be prepared!

That's the rifle I currently have. I'm looking at a Leupold 2-7x scope for it.

But, back to topic. I've had a dream like the OP's, except was not armed. Managed to run until I woke up. Wish I actually had that kind of endurance :)

I will say this:

When the zombies come, you'll thank me.

I wish I had a dime for every time I said that when one of my buddies asked me why I have so many guns and ammo.

They always joke and say I pray at night for it to happen. :D

Maybe just a little bit.:evil:
I am not having any trouble figuring out the premise of your thread. Nor do I see what you gain by insulting me.

Premise: You had a dream wherein your .22lr and its rounds were more important than in the daily grind outside of dreamland. This dream encouraged you to care for your weapons more.

I think I got it.

My point, by way of an illustrative example, was simply that those who dream or fantasize about SHTF need to learn to dream or fantasize a little more realistically. Then maybe what they'd be left with as a lasting impression is to do everything in their power to hold civilization together when it gives every indication of falling apart.

No one should want, or dream about performing well in, a world where the most likely endgame is cannibalism.
My personnal nightmare............

I once had a nightmare that went like this.......
I reported to my company C.P. at Ft. Lewis WA and was immediatly surprised to see everyone already gearing up, they looked serious and the talk was of war. I reported to my squad and was immediately called into the office of my commanding Officer. His first words "SPC Spartan I know you have many personaly owned firearms, We have orders across this country to confiscate all personal firearms. I can not let any leave the post, so I need you to have your wife gather them all up and bring them in. This is a general amnesty, bring them in now before the deadline, and we can prevent a whole lot of trouble by us taking them."
My heart pounded, I felt sick. I do not know how I was able to speak, although somehow I stuttered, "Sir, my wife is a TEXAN she will never give them up, however let me go home and I'll get them and bring them in." My C.O., Captain Jack was a good man, good commanding officer I could not believe his words. He shifted in his chair then replied "Ok I'll let you go, with an escort, hurry there, hurry back. We are expecting a lot of resistance and I need every trooper here ready to fight." I saluted barely fighting back the tears then exited the office.
I did not wait for any escort I started home breaking a few speed limits along the way. The news of the confiscation was all over the radio, over zealous law enforcement was already setting up road blocks, check points, reports of shootings by people refusing to give them up were being reported. Total mass confiscation in the whole United States. Just as I was pulling into the drive the only good news. A few states TX, LA, AZ, OK had succeded from the Union, they were refusing the new total ban on firearms. A spokes person briefly stated "If you value liberty, if you value your rights, head SOUTH."
I ran into the house saw my wife and said "get packed, get your gun were headed SOUTH"

I bought a new gun that week and a case of .308, once discharged we moved back to TX.
now see, there's what I'm talking about. Now amount of logical rebuttal can quite hit home like a dream that makes you feel it. . .
My friend is sitting here and told me he has a SHTF dream where all he has to defend himself is a black brick. At least it's black.
I live in the Bay Area, Ca. A major earthquake is what I have nightmares about. The earthquake is about what hit SF in 1906. But factor in the major jump in population. If such a quake happened again, Katrina would be a drop in the bucket compared death toll and human suffering that it would cause. I have these dreams on a regular basis. I now have a 55 gallon drum of water, and a 55 gallon drum of dry supplies. A pipe wrench next to the gas valve coming in to the house outside because at 2am in the morning if it hits, I dont want to be fumbling around the garage trying to find a wrench while gas is filling the house. Tent, canvas cloth, rope, batteries, Coleman stove, lantern and 3 gallons of white gas. Flashlights, batteries, chocolate to keep my wife happy. More guns and ammo than one person should be allowed to have (at least in California). My Friends call me paranoid, but I say I am prepared.
Yeah. I had a dream. There were Soviet troop transports in the air, and...wait a moment. I thought that SHTF scenarios like there were not allowed on THR. This thread needs to be locked. In a SHTF Scenario, there may be people illegally carrying a concealed weapon or fighting to survive. Breaking the law or hypothetically breaking the law is not THR material.
Being from Southern Louisiana, my SHTF nightmares revolve around hurricanes in Hershey, Penn. I don't know why Hershey, though!?:evil:

Anyway, my dreams tend to have a theme of complete isolation of myself and some randomly assorted collection of former classmates and friends. Usually somewhere near the coast where the destruction from the hurricane was catastrophic. For some reason I always tend to drop my gun into a puddle of water only for it to never be seen again. I don't understand that part. Then the men in black from head to toe appear in their black vehicles on the horizon with a purple sky back-drop.

I guess more than caring for my guns more, this dream leads me to be thankful for my rights to have these guns. Its a really helpless feeling to see those vehicles, knowing their purpose.
I had an interesting dream the other night. I was coming home from the range (or somewhere I was shooting. I had my G19 locked in it's case in the car) and I saw a friend talking to some unsavory looking guys. Then I saw her bolt. as she was running I yelled her name, and she made a beeline for me... but so did the unsavory looking guys. I immediately unlocked the case and loaded the weapon and when I stood back up, the two guys were 15-20 yards away, and had bandanas covering their faces. I realized they both had weapons, but weren't pointing them at me.

My first thought was, "I can't shoot, they haven't threatened me. I don;t want to go to jail." then I thought, "****, they have guns" and engaged the closer of the two. fired twice over the roof of my car and hit a little high, but he dropped like a sack of bricks, as I engeged the second target, my pistol wouldn't fire. I tried clearing it, no dice. Then I dropped behind the car to try and figure out what the malfunction was, and I realized it was a dream. I kept telling myself to wake up, and eventually I did. When I woke up my heart rate was through the roof, and I was sweating.

Then, the next day at the range, a couple of my buddies thought it would be funny to take all but two rounds out of one of my loaded mags. When the slide locked back after two rounds, I broke out into a sweat.

Now I leave at least one full magazine in the range bag. Silly I know.
Now since that time I have matured, perhaps, a great deal in understanding various elements of fallacy in this or other SHTF type scenarios, nevertheless, TO THIS DAY, the feeling I got in that dream so long ago has haunted me and helped keep me motivated to be alert, fit, and ready in whatever form is most appropriate for the unexpected.

They can, indeed, motivate ... or terrify.

Motivation? The American dream: a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage.
(Or four cars in a 4-bay garage attached to a 4000 SF house.)

Terrify? See nightmare.

Dreams can be powerful.

If yours "helped keep [you] motivated to be alert, fit, and ready
in whatever form is most appropriate for the unexpected",
then I'd say it did what dreams have evolved to do.

My dreams? The ones that help keep me motivated to be alert, fit and ready in whatever form is most appropriate for the unexpected? The ones that brought me to THR, that motivated development of a minimalist gun toolkit for a semi-nomadic lifestyle in anticipation of "the unexpected"?

Explanation of those dreams could be grounds for thread closure,
so I'll not go there.

The scenario doesn't matter anyway.

What matters is that you be alert, fit and ready
in whatever form is most appropriate for the unexpected.

Molon labe.


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