SHTF What is coming with me?

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RAT ROBB - " With a firearm you can get anything you want ;"

Uh huh.... until you run up against someone who also has a firearm and has no intention of allowing you to steal his goods. :uhoh:

"Oh, btw, how well is the glock going to function when you accidentally drop the magazine into a street sewer? :)

How well is any gun going to function when you drop the mag into a street sewer?
And how/why would you you "accidentally" drop a mag into a street sewer?
Hey, put in another mag and keep going...
in an attempt to keep this handgun specific, i'll say my GI Colt M1911A1.
if nothing else, i have and can find enough .45acp to fight my way to someone's 9mm and burn up all the 9mm ammo lying around.

truth be told, if i had to grab only one firearm for both zombies and supper meat, it'd be the AK. (and don't you think for a moment that the 1911 and the .22 Browning Buckmark won't both still be tucked in the waistband as i flee into the woods and head in the opposite direction of y'all who insist on facing the zombies)
I am talking about the handgun I will take, I will have a long gun with them. Most likely and AR. I was merely talking of my handguns which will be strapped to the belt
Those who dismiss the whole SHTF idea should spend some time here.

This guy’s experiences prove the need for firearms in SD especially handguns, you see TSHTF already in Argentina and it has nothing to do with zombies or the Apocalypse but SD when LEO’s can’t or won’t protect you.
Those who dismiss the whole SHTF idea should spend some time here.

I'm not sure if this was directed at me or not, but it's a good discussion anyway. I've read ferfal's blog before and it is very enlightening, and hopefully it serves as a warning to all those who don't think the dollar could ever collapse.

My point was that I think most people fantasize about slinging a bunch of weapons on them and running out into the woods to 'live off the land'. In reality, if you really think about what emergency situations could arise, I think people would spend much less time trying to find the 'perfect' handgun and spend much more time on stuff that actually matters in a real emergency. The truth is, while not ideal, most handguns would get you through if you needed one, and not many would work if you really needed a rifle.

I still don't understand where the OP is intending to go? Could you specify what type of situation you are talking about? SHTF covers way too much, that without further details it's impossible to have a meaningful conversation.
The bottom line is that "an army of one" isn't going to cut it in a SHTF scenario. You can have all the gear you want, but you can't watch your back by yourself. That's where neighbors, church, & community comes into play.
I have to concur with esquare.

I've lived through major hurricanes and the aftermath, done a lot of backpacking, and seen a lot of the bad side of people.
Which scenario is pretty important.

If you're just being generic, then I'd have to go with my Dan Wesson 357.
I don't want to look like a cop or a bad guy. I want to look like a citizen just trying to get by, should I run afoul of cops or bad guys.

I've seen how lawless certain elements (generally the revolving door criminals) can be when the power goes out and things get unsteady. They like easy targets because they know that the Emergency Room isn't just a phone call away. Even a flesh wound can be dire.

Unless you're in a remote area, you'll find that other people like you want to do what humans always have: form a tribe and share resources in exchange for shared security. No man is an island, nor should he try to be in one of these happenings. You don't have to get kitted out like Rambo unless you're really in a remote area.
Oh, btw, how well is the glock going to function when you accidentally drop the magazine into a street sewer? :)

It would probably work just fine if you inserted another loaded magazine. :neener:

FWIW, I prefer revolvers. ;)
Tribe, clan, kin, call it whatever.

The honorable gentleman from Tenn.,Wheelgunslinger got it right.

Being old and infirm, bugging out is not an option. We plan, think and practice. My wife has my six.

Semi rural that we are, my BIL is one side, cousin across the road.

Choke points covered, fields of fire cleared.

Think, plan, act and hope you never have to execute the plan.
Ever since I have grown older I have lost a lot of my fanasy abilities. Too much reality Just ain't no end of society going to happen. Sorry. Yet I have tons of guns cause I like them.
Not sure why locking would be an issue. Someone would have to have their mangina way out of whack to think this wasnt firearm related.
Uh, I guess that would be me. Way to go.

SHTF threads are generally locked becuase several things happen; they devolve into survivalist fantasies that have little to do with fostering the RKBA, or they wind up in bash-fests over what firearm will save you from the Coming Hordes.

In this case, I've let the discussion go far longer than my good sense told me was appropriate. I hope y'all enjoyed it while it lasted.
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