Simply add paint layer to Maadi AK's original layer? Durability?

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Sep 15, 2007
The Mid-South.
The receiver has a bit of scratching and overall lack of any shine. For the unfamiliar, Egyptians with "Soviet" supervision manufactured these guns, applying a layer of black paint to protect the outer metal.

Any old CLP would first be removed-but I'm Not going to sand off all the original paint. A light sanding is ok if needed for new paint to adhere.

If there is a low-cost type of paint which is possibly a 'low gloss' or semi-gloss, and is resistant to fairly high heat (--I Never let barrels or handguards get hot enough to smoke--), then such a black paint could be a good candidate for the receiver and possibly gas port, barrel area.
>>If this entire idea is 'out to lunch', just say so and I won't bother.<<
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Roughing up the original paint will help in adhesion of the new coating.
The best way to do it would be to bead blast the surface to both remove the old paint and give the new paint a "tooth" to bond to.
You can also remove the original paint with lacquer thinner then roughen with fine wet or dry sand paper.

Many people use heat proof auto engine block paints to coat guns. This is more durable then BBQ paint.
You can buy it in any auto store and most Walmart's in flat or gloss black.
A satin black would be best. Gloss is too shiny and flat paint tends to wear to a blotchy look as the paint is handled.
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