slightly different 5.11 questions

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Mar 5, 2003
out north and west
having used the 5.11 and Royal Robbins stuff for quite a while I am very fond of it. One of my vests was purchased used and came with all the velcro goodies, velcro panels, holster, mag pouch, baton pouch, handcuff pouch. Having never used any of them they sat in a box for a while. A little while ago, I found them and decided to try them out......

HOWTHEHELL are these things supposed to work?

The hidden pockets on the vest has some strips of hook velcro, then you are supposed to apply a thin velcro double sided pile panel, THEN you have to apply a thick double sided hook panel, THEN you put on the holster. If you put any kind of decent piece in the holster, it tends to pop off from the weight (their ads show a 1911 or glock), sometimes right out of the vest and onto the ground. Just about anything you put in there bulges akwardly. The thumbsnap on the holster is pretty worthless, not much "snap" and rather flimsy. Just about the only place the things are stable is if you put them in the bottom, where the add to the bulk of the stuff in your pockets and it pretty much looks like crap. I just find it easier to carry the stuff in the regular pockets. Does anyone have any tricks? I am thinking that if I really care, I could sew a thin flat holster or baton pouch into the hidden pocket and then it should work okay.

Otherwise I pretty much love the vest, and the tall skinny pocket on the inside liner face is actually great for tossing my piece in there, you can snake your hand down the pocket like a shoulder rig and it is narrow enough that the gun is held upright nicely. If I do not care about concealment, I sometime stick it in one of the external mag pouch pockets.
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