Smallest handgun in the world

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I can't view the video because I'm at work but I recall seeing a Worlds smallest gun years ago at a small firearms museum in St. Augustine. The bullets were the size of small needles and when viewed under a lens you could see the case and projectile together. I'm pretty sure it was a rimfire. Didn't have my camera at the time so no pictures.
So that second noise, I assume, was the bullet hitting a wall/door/etc. behind the shooter after it ricocheted off of the metal plate? Brilliant guy. But cool gun.
There's quite a lapse of time between firing and the impact of the bullet.
I don't know if that "thump" is the bullet hitting. Doesn't really sound like that type of impact.
This was probably built by the same guy who made the world's smallest violin ... you know, the one that's playing just for your ex-wife.
Smallest auto handgun is what it says.

Let's see, it isn't auto or semi-auto. The slide doesn't function and it didn't recock. It isn't smaller than the Swiss Mini. Hence, it is a farce.

Gotta love the gun handling skills where he scans his finger with the muzzle at the beginning of the video.
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