Smith 586-3 Question/Prices

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Jun 14, 2007
I was out and about today running down a few things and stopped in two different pawn shops and saw these.

#1 Smith 586-3 Overall great condition with a slight cylinder turn ring, rubber grips and a 6" barrel for $429 before haggling.

#2 Smith 586-3 OK condintion few carry marks here and there, target grips and a 4" barrel for $499 before haggling.

I have no idea what prices are going for these days, what do yall think? They were both no lock guns. I really dont need another 357 but I have a hard time passing up a super deal.

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get them both for $800. the 6" for hunting and the 4" for carry. :D
Both sound like OK asking prices to start haggling from. Either is likely a good deal. The lack of original grips on the 6" detracts $50 from it's value off the top.

The 6" and 4" models handle and carry very differently. I think it depends upon what exactly you hope to do with the gun, and how well each passed the revolver-check out for mechanical condition. Did you check at least the b/c gap and endshake on each, and check for hammer push-off to make sure a "bubba" trigger job isn't lurking underneath?

These issues are much more important than a $70 difference in original asking price. Much more important. A 586-3 is a desirable gun in my book, and if I had that selection local to me, I'd sure hope to own one of them before all was said and done.
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