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So it looks like I'll be leaving for awhile...

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OEF-VET said most of what you need.... keep your skin covered, and don't become complacent (it will get you killed) You should contact the State Dept. and get the current threat assessment
Be careful over there... use your down time to take notes. Travel is a great inspiration for writing.

One other piece of advice I've heard from a lot of guys who have gone far away to make a little money.. don't spend it. Don't learn to play cards for money. Save plenty. Set up a direct deposit back home, if you can't get to it easily, you can't spend it easily.
Watch your back Nightcrawler. Soft targets are in for Al Qaeda.
Like tcdrennan I was in that area 30+ years ago with the US Navy. Things will probably have changed alot but some things will still be the same.

1. Lotsa good sunscreen.
2. Light colored, long sleeved, cotton clothes.
3. Consider good wide brimmed hat.
4. Should look for info on the differences in day to day culture. Navy had a guy that would teach us how to avoid doing stupid fatal, troublemaking actions while there. Don't know if the DOD would have anything like that accessible on the Internet. Check with people hiring you to see if they can offer suggestions.
5. Look into some kinda language course in Arabic/local lingo. Even if you cannot be fluent the ability to get a glimpse of what the locals are saying might give you that little heads up when things go south.
6. Visit several used car lots in your locale and see if you can get the salesmen to help you practice haggling skills. Most in this country have no idea about doing this. Will stand you in good stead in an area where people learn to haggle at their mothers breast.

As for the heat, It is still the only place where you can drink a case of beer and hour and not get drunk or worry about overloaded bladder. :D
Going to 'net cafes or american restaurants will make you a target, so minimize exposure with a laptop and eat at the commissary.

PolySci majors with a knowledge of Arabic and the ME should be able to write their own ticket after grad school.
I wish you the best Nightcrawler, hurry back and keep your ass in one piece while you are in-country. Remember the reasons why you are there and be aware that there are folks here thinking about you. Good luck and carry an extra ammo mag or two... just in case.
Just remember, let the OTHER guy die for his country. Everything either burns, itches, stings or bites. Eat only from containers that YOU opened. You are a evil foreign occupier. Watch your six. Do not gamble. Direct deposit IS a good idea.
Heh. Maybe I'll see you over there. Look for me around January. I'll be one of the guys riding a Bradley, instead of my natural habitat, an M1A1.

Good Luck to you.
I have some friends doing the same, paying off some debts working for security contractors. Seems the job is incredibly dull, but the pay is nice :). Well miss your presence around here. Good luck, and watch your six.
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Good luck, stay safe, and bring back some stories with happy endings when you come home. :D
Good luck!

I'm one of those guys that would consider joining you if one or two things were different. In my case it is only 4 months military (bad ankle, discharged after basic), no clearance, 50-60 extra pounds, and my religion isn't exactly popular over there.

Anyway, I've never been there but I am interested in Qatar. From what I read it seems you are going to one of the most open and cosmopolitan of the Gulf states certainly, and possibly of all the Arab states. I don't think it should be a bad experience, and if you do it right it could be a great experience.

With a poli-sci degree and experience in the Middle East you are setting yourself up for some good job opportunities later (esp. if you already have a clearance). Be sure to learn the language as best you can, both now and once you get there.

Try not to only hang out with other Americans and other Westerners. Get to know some locals. Maybe visit a mosque now and again, one of the best ways to get strangers to open up is if you seem genuinely interested in their religion (and Arab and Islamic culture tend to be very generous in this respect- they make great hosts).

As Unlucky said, if you play this right, and come out of it with a real knowlege of the country and/or region you will be in high demand, possibly able to write your own ticket.

Also, as other's have said, you may want to consider buying a laptop either before you leave (check up on whether our appliances will work over there- most of the rest of the world uses a different system than we do, I think it is the voltage that is different) or when you get there. If you have your own computer and can sign online whenever you wish when off duty, that should do a lot to alleviate homesickness.

If you won't be able to do this, and you want some THR penpals to keep up with things in general, PM me. I'll be happy to give you my address and be one of your penpals (hmm, I wonder if I still remember how to write a "real" letter :rolleyes: ).
i applied for an international police position on kosovo through dyncorp, but was offered the same job that you took in qatar. i thought about it, but the pay wasnt' quite good enough. i would really like to have them call me and offer that kosovo job though. $90,000 tax free for a one year contract is a LOT of money. the qatar job was only going to be $41,500, not bad, but if i'm voluntarily going into harms way, i want to be getting paid well. enough of my yacking, good luck, and keep your head down.
Yes, $90,000.00 would be nice.

But, for my training level, with nothing more than my Guard training as experience, and no special security clearance, I'm happy with what I'm getting. The pay will be enough for college money.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for the words of support. I tried to buy my laptop from the university. No dice, as I've only had it for one year. I asked if I could buy a different laptop; nope! "We don't do that", I was told.

So to hell with it. If I need a laptop I'll buy a cheap one when I'm over there. I'll have no use for it back in the States anyway, so maybe I can find an old one that runs on 220 volt current.

Thing is....I do want to go to graduate school, for either political science or international relations. As of yet don't necessarily want to focus on middle eastern studies (if international relations); I was thinking of focusing on Asia, actually! LOL Who knows.

I'm going to try to learn as much Arabic as I can while I'm over there.

Anyways, I get two weeks paid vacation with travel expenses. I think, if I can, I'll go to Switzerland. But there's plenty of time to worry about that yet.

Biggest adjustment is going to be the weather. I come from a cold place.

Oh, I've heard you shouldn't eat the beef overseas. Am I going to get some strange disease eating in a McDonald's in Doha?
Hope you get hooked up over there, I'm usally hanging out here overnight also :D Good luck and stay safe.
I have lived in several Asian countries and it's a good idea to research or find out right away when you get there whats "okay" to eat and whats not. I can't anwser your specefic question about the beef but your employer or others in the area should be able to help you out. I too would like to go over, but I like my wife and kids quite a bit more. That said, if I was single and could qualify I would have been there already.:)
Hey NC,

My good buddy just gave me the word too.. He's leaving end of May, so about a week or so ahead of you.

He finds internet access somehow, whereever he goes, I'm sure you will too!
Desolate like Utah? :p Dude, we are like frickin Hawaii comapared to where you are going!

Seriously, good luck and be careful.
I'll have no use for it back in the States anyway, so maybe I can find an old one that runs on 220 volt current.

You'll have tons of use in grad school and most PCs will accept 110 or 220 w/o incident. Look in your local penny shopper rag or the local paper for a used one.

Am I going to get some strange disease eating in a McDonald's in Doha?

Lead Poisoning, perhaps? McD's would be target #1 for anyone trying to off Americans.

Beef should be better than something like chicken for number of parasites and BSE is the main thing I think about with beef, which should not be a problem if you don't eat neural tissue. Lamb/mutton and goat (maybe camel) would be the local meats of choice, along with fish or chicken.

McD's would likely keep US level meat inspection standards and the beef is likely US, Australian or Argentinian.
Am I going to get some strange disease eating in a McDonald's in Doha?

Probably not, but it's been my experience that in the ME, hamburgers taste like hot dogs and hot dogs(when you can find 'em) taste like potted meat. The first place most folks hit after getting home is the steakhouse. Take it for what it's worth.
So to hell with it. If I need a laptop I'll buy a cheap one when I'm over there. I'll have no use for it back in the States anyway, so maybe I can find an old one that runs on 220 volt current.

Pretty much any laptop on the market (Or made in the last few years) is dual voltage and able to run on 110 or 220.

I know my iBook can, it's just a matter of getting an adaptor plug (Or replacing the plug on the AC adaptor, since it just slides off just for this purpose.)

Good luck, stay safe (Shouldn't be much of a problem though, since Qatar is one of the better places in the middle east from what I understand).

Also, don't they have drinking and gambling allowed in Qatar, or am I thinking of a neighboring country?
You'll have tons of use in grad school and most PCs will accept 110 or 220 w/o incident. Look in your local penny shopper rag or the local paper for a used one.

True enough. BUT, here's the thing. My univeristy has a "laptop initiative", where all students are required to rent laptops from the univeristy at considerable expense. Most of us get IBM suckpads, a few (those friggin' snotty art students I love so much) get Macintoshes. (Fitting.)

So, if I buy a laptop there, I won't have any use for it here, as once I get back to school I'll have to rent one. (Yes, they still make you rent one even if you have your own.)
Generally, most folks don't go to grad school where they did undergrad and you probably can use what ya brung elsewhere.

I'd buy a used one and write it off, such that it can get broken, stolen, etc. and you're out a few hundred bucks and if it survives, then it's gravy and you can use it or sell it as you please. You may find that it would bring a premium overseas among guys who didn't think ahead or with a local and that you can get cash for it and buy something else you need on the way home from the ME.
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