so, say that our nightmares come true and....

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Mar 5, 2007
McLean, VA
....Obama and the Democratic supermajority in Congress enact the legislation that Obama has spoken out for in the past, including:

1. assault weapons ban
2. ban on semi-auto rifles and shotguns
3. ban on magazines
4. ban on handguns
5. ban on CCW
6. gun shops +5 miles from schools or parks
7. ban on most centerfire rifle ammo on grounds that it can "punch through armor"

Obviously none of us want this to happen. BUT, say that it does. What would be the most likely course of action? Obviously, a concerted political effort to get them all out of office would come into play, and we could take the legal route courtesy of the Heller decision.

All of this would be far more extreme than any of the previous anti-gun-rights laws. Would we simply accept it as reality and move on? Would efforts go primarily into the legal/political realm? Would mass protests erupt in the streets? Would something more drastic happen?

The reason I am throwing this out there is because, quite frankly, it doesn't look good right now. The election is less than 3 weeks away and the polls are trending further and further towards the most anti-gun candidate ever put on any presidential ballot from a mainstream party. Furthermore, the Dems are heavily favored in most congressional races right now. It's got me VERY spooked.

What would you advise the gun-rights movement course of action to be in case the big bans happen?
The reason I am throwing this out there is because, quite frankly, it doesn't look good right now. The election is less than 3 weeks away and the polls are trending further and further towards the most anti-gun candidate ever put on any presidential ballot from a mainstream party. Furthermore, the Dems are heavily favored in most congressional races right now. It's got me VERY spooked.

The outcome does seem grim. However, i don't believe polls. Polls had Gore and Kerry ahead, both of which lost. The polls are skewed.
I agree that the polls are usually skewed. However, barring a mass conspiracy by the pollsters, its essentially unanimous at this point that Obama has a significant lead. The financial blowup has really hurt the GOP.

I don't want to turn the thread into a broader political discussion since we're all here to talk guns, but from a gun-guy perspective it is looking rather frightening....
I agree. The polls are cooked. The mainstream media is setting up a scenario where polls show obiden ahead and then McCain/Palin win. This of course will give people the right to riot and claim the election was stolen, thereby giving the race baiters like Jesse, Al, and company a few more years of longevity.

It's not over until all the legal votes are counted or until all of the legal and illegal votes are counted and the GOP and Feds don't fight with it.

If we allow this election to be stolen by the forces of evil, our will to fight (and live in freedom) are at their twilight.
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