So we respect ea others views :)

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May 26, 2003
And we respect yours, Dena. Like everything else in a free country, self defense/ owning a firearm is totally a matter of personal choice. How one handle a rapist or rapist wanna-be, or any other type of preditor, is totally up to the individual.

----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:05 AM
Subject: I respect your opinion

But I don't think guns are the answer. We are already seeing in increase in juvenile crimes where the assailants are girls! Girls are increasingly becoming more violent, not in terms of self-defense but in terms of perpetuating the violence on others. Columbines are fast becoming every day occurences and I just don't believe arming ourselves and acting like this is Bosnia and not America is the answer to allievating crime. I believe in the power of knowledge, I think the more we lift people out of a life of poverty the more the crime rate will drop because it will not be seen as a solution to their problems. When you got a roof over your head, food on the table and are able to lead a productive life than crime is the last thing on your mind. This is no way excuses criminals and their behaviors. There will always be those who like living outside the law and they have to be punished. For every hardened criminal there is someone who is stealing food to feed their family. For every cold blooded act of murder there is a kid being initiated into a gang more for the safety of himself and his family then because it is something he truly desires. These are the people we need to reach. The borderline people that if we don't catch them early will be become the hardened criminals and the cold blooded killers. Don't confuse me for some bleeding heart liberal! I don't go around praising abortion-stupid freaks! I don't go around saying-hey let anyone marry whomever they want-I called my senator to tell her if she didn't support the Federal Marriage Amendment I would do whatever was in my power to make sure she didn't get re-elected! I think public schools are a wasteland of conformity and I will die before I let my son step foot in one! I am extremely pro-life and I don't see deadly violence as a way to solve problems. And to answer your question if I was being attacked, I would crush his balls with my bare hands and give him a few good kicks once he was down there to make sure he stayed down and then get the hell out of there. I will always have my body but I may not always have a weapon so it is better if I learn how to use my body as a weapon so I will always be prepared no matter what happens. And I would rather not kill you because I would rather you become a prison bride for the next ten years for attempting to assault and rob me. See how he likes it when someone robs him of his manhood. So while I do agree with the premise women need to better learn how to protect themselves. We shouldn't turn them into thugs like men. Then we will be no better, and we are better. Or at least we should be.

Dena Leichnitz
Columbines are fast becoming every day occurences
Really ...? I hadn't noticed.

Unless Dena means the state flower of Colorado, it is July and they should be blooming about now. The prickly pear are blooming here.

Girls are increasingly becoming more violent
if I was being attacked, I would crush his balls with my bare hands and give him a few good kicks once he was down
Yeah, I guess you are right .... :rolleyes:
yeah, I was wandering the same thing.....

I sent her a few GSL stories and asked her if her "karate" could help her in those situations. Why is it that some women think that just because they can handle a 200lb 6 ft 3in male , everyone should be able to or even wants to get that up close and personal with him. Yeah , I know it's good to know some moves/ places where guys are most vunerable and IF caught off guard, that would probably be my line of action , if the firearm was not handy., but I love the fact that I have that SECOND choice :) - that back up .... if need be!
Gee, Dena, there isn't a ban on Assault Paragraph Breaks! :D

Try this:
But I don't think guns are the answer. We are already seeing in increase in juvenile crimes where the assailants are girls! Girls are increasingly becoming more violent, not in terms of self-defense but in terms of perpetuating the violence on others.

Columbines are fast becoming every day occurences and I just don't believe arming ourselves and acting like this is Bosnia and not America is the answer to allievating crime. I believe in the power of knowledge, I think the more we lift people out of a life of poverty the more the crime rate will drop because it will not be seen as a solution to their problems. When you got a roof over your head, food on the table and are able to lead a productive life than crime is the last thing on your mind.

This is no way excuses criminals and their behaviors. There will always be those who like living outside the law and they have to be punished. For every hardened criminal there is someone who is stealing food to feed their family. For every cold blooded act of murder there is a kid being initiated into a gang more for the safety of himself and his family then because it is something he truly desires. These are the people we need to reach. The borderline people that if we don't catch them early will be become the hardened criminals and the cold blooded killers.

Don't confuse me for some bleeding heart liberal! I don't go around praising abortion-stupid freaks! I don't go around saying-hey let anyone marry whomever they want-I called my senator to tell her if she didn't support the Federal Marriage Amendment I would do whatever was in my power to make sure she didn't get re-elected!

I think public schools are a wasteland of conformity and I will die before I let my son step foot in one! I am extremely pro-life and I don't see deadly violence as a way to solve problems. And to answer your question if I was being attacked, I would crush his balls with my bare hands and give him a few good kicks once he was down there to make sure he stayed down and then get the hell out of there. I will always have my body but I may not always have a weapon so it is better if I learn how to use my body as a weapon so I will always be prepared no matter what happens.

And I would rather not kill you because I would rather you become a prison bride for the next ten years for attempting to assault and rob me. See how he likes it when someone robs him of his manhood.

So while I do agree with the premise women need to better learn how to protect themselves. We shouldn't turn them into thugs like men. Then we will be no better, and we are better. Or at least we should be.
I think the more we lift people out of a life of poverty the more the crime rate will drop because it will not be seen as a solution to their problems. When you got a roof over your head, food on the table and are able to lead a productive life than crime is the last thing on your mind.

I believe part of the problem is that society has tried to "lift" people out of poverty. We need to give them the knowledge, skills and opportunity to work their way out of poverty. It seems to me that the biggest result of welfare is to create one or more generation of people who have never seen their parents work at a steady job, and who have come to expect others to give them whatever they decide is their "right" to have.

Giving people a roof over their heads and giving them food on their table (if they even decide to spend the money given to them on room and board) does not make them lead a productive life.

if I was being attacked, I would ...

You'd only be able to retalliate, if you were able to defend yourself. Do you really think you could physically overpower any attacker? Tell me that if you had an attacker coming at you, you would not welcome a gun in your hand. The only sure thing I can tell you about if I was attacked, is that I would use my gun, or my knife, or my hands and feet, or the pots on the stove, or my dinniing room chair if that was all I could grab. How can you tell me I shouldn't have a dinning room chair because someone, somewhere used a chair illegally?

Unlike in movies and on TV, you don't wax a car and suddenly become a black-belt karate master. I've not had the time or inclination to spend the years of practice it takes to be truly proficient in unarmed combat.

But at the bottom line, I don't really care what you think about guns or what choices you make when you decide how to defend yourself. But why should you decide for me? Why, just because you decide you don't want to use them, should they not be available if I decide I'd want to use them?

But I don't think guns are the answer

What exactly is the question? If it's, will guns stop the violence, you're right they won't. And if it's, are guns the problem, you're still right, because they aren't But if the question is, is there anything that can help protect innocent, law abidding citizens from the low-class slime that commit violence against them, then ONE answer to the question is guns!
Whoever this girl is, she has obviously never been in a violent confrontation before. The weakest men on earth are still stronger than the average woman. Without an equalizer, her proposed tactics will result in her being beaten to death in addition to being raped. I hope she never has the occasion to learn that lesson the hard way. Sad.
So while I do agree with the premise women need to better learn how to protect themselves. We shouldn't turn them into thugs like men. Then we will be no better, and we are better.

Well there is your problem right there, she is a female supremicist. Like any other type of supremicist you cannot rationalize with her type.
some blissninnie said:
I believe in the power of knowledge, I think the more we lift people out of a life of poverty the more the crime rate will drop because it will not be seen as a solution to their problems. When you got a roof over your head, food on the table and are able to lead a productive life than crime is the last thing on your mind.


Our poor, underpriveleged, kept down by society, bereft of any opportunity in their suburban, upper middle class, white upbringing Columbine shooters would never have entertained violence against their peers, if only they hadn't been so...poor.


Crime and violence are spawned by a deficit of respect and moral accountability...not money.
I'd imagine Dena has been conditioned to believe that a swift kick to the nether regions of a man can stop any attack. I also would bet that she has never really thought out how great a difference there is between the upper body strength of men and women. 30% is a big whoppin difference.

Let Dena and some male volunteer (preferably a smaller male to drive the point home) get all dolled up in protective gear. Now, let them beat the heck out of each other. I think she would "get it" then.
That's some good stuff, she sounds pretty angry. I can tell that she has never had her bell rung, nor kicked a determined attacker in the nads which can take several seconds before it really starts to hurt. Knowing how to defend oneself is cool, but only a fool would limit themselves in what they will defend themselves with.
I don't think these people that believe they can handle an attacker unarmed have any understanding of the real problems. Hard to handle one person, what about two or three?

I am about 5'10" & 215lbs, lift wts regular, etc. And I KNOW I don't want to mess in hand to hand if I can avoid it. One part time night job I had some years ago used to bring in temps when we got real short handed.

Many of those people couldn't get regular jobs because of their criminal records. Or because of how their drug use messed them up to much.

I still remember this one guy. He was about 230 about my height, had a ridiculous pain threshold. He set a very heavy pallet down on his foot one night by accident with electric pallet jack. Instead of reaching over and using electric button to raise pallet, he bent down and tried to lift it off for several minutes.

From this and other events I saw working with him I would not have felt safe facing him with my 44 mag (sure it would kill him but I don't think it would stop him).
The media has created to many Bruce Lee wannbes. The sad part is the day they learn that all that talk of what they will do just doesn't work like in the movies.
Her attacker will probably be bigger than her. When she's close enough to grab a handful of nads she will probably have his hands wrapped around her. She has no idea what a powerful grip can do you. If she's lucky she may see those 4 large knuckles heading straight for her head.
People need to wake up to the reality of close quarters combat. Your a$$ pays dearly for the wolf tickets your mouth has sold.
That woman needs to do some more hand-to-hand experiments. We did that in one of my martial arts classes and even with a couple of different submission-hold starting positions none of the ladies in our class could stop me from getting free nor resist a couple of follow-up wrestling moves (though they thankfully avoided jabbing my eyes...).
Why is it that some women think that just because they can handle a 200lb 6 ft 3in male , everyone should be able to or even wants to get that up close and personal with him.

Hell, I'm 6'6" and 210, and I can probably handle another guy my size. In fact, with what I know, and my general self-defense mindset, I'd be willing to bet on it...

... but I got jumped by six guys one night. Doesn't matter that you're big when you're outnumbered like that, and I have the knife scars to prove it. I think a lot of people seem to forget in these hypothetical little situations that there can easily be more than one assailant. Sure, your 5'2" 110-pound female with karate training might get one or two guys between the legs, but they could have friends and they'll be up in a few minutes. Nothing short of a gun can help you out there.

Whenever I see people spouting such nonsense I know they've never been in a real fight.
Monkey see, monkey do.

Kids join gangs and get into the thug lifestyle because TV glorifies it....not because mom and dad can't feed him enough.

Hmmmm, what Columbine style event happened today? Oh that's right - more assaults on our rights....
You know, I keep seeing "guns (or war, or violence, or whatever...) is not the answer."

Okay. What is the question? Okay. What is YOUR answer? Will it work?

You know, that _really_ tends to irritate some folks.
Columbines are fast becoming every day occurences

*gameshow buzz noise*

Sorry Dena, you answered incorrectly. School shootings, as well as crime in general in schools, has been dropping since 1990 or so. But there is always the consolation prize.

I am extremely pro-life and I don't see deadly violence as a way to solve problems

It sure does seem to be mighty effective though...

I will always have my body but I may not always have a weapon so it is better if I learn how to use my body as a weapon so I will always be prepared no matter what happens.

Not a bad idea actually, at least to an extent. Unarmed self-defense will always be with you as long as your body isn't broken... but your body stands less of a chance of being twisted, poked, perforated, snapped and otherwise discomforted if you have, and train with, a good weapon.

And I would rather not kill you because I would rather you become a prison bride for the next ten years for attempting to assault and rob me.

Real compassionate lady....

So while I do agree with the premise women need to better learn how to protect themselves. We shouldn't turn them into thugs like men. Then we will be no better, and we are better. Or at least we should be.

Well gee, I feel so much better. All men are thugs and women are "better."
Is it just me..

When was a kid, I saw a friend get kick "there" so hard it made MY eyes water. Had no effect on him...
Another poster said it, she has no idea the what could happen, if she thinks TV Ninja moves will save her bacon.
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