So what exactly happened today?

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Sep 27, 2011
There's a lot of excitement going about on what didn't make it today. However, I am a little confused as to where we ACTUALLY stand at this point in time. Has the UBC, mag ban, and AWB been OFFICIALLY killed? If they haven't yet, when will they be voted on?

Please only credible sources.


Someone wanted to see a list of who voted for what. Here ya go!
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Read the last page of the debate thread. So far all amendments to the bill have failed with one or two left to go.
The bill is scheduled for tomorrow, but Reid may simply pull it so it doesn't get a vote.

Either way, with no amendments passing, the bill is as good as dead.
It's a rout. Of course they will be pushing hard in 2014 to get their own people in. And we will need to push right back supporting our friends (D & R alike) and ousting our foes (also regardless of party).
What happened was the POTUS threw a pre-adolescent temper tantrum on national news. His unbridled rage and contempt for elected officials who don't line up with his socialist agenda was disgusting and demeaning of the office he holds.
POTUS is just showing his true colors, "My way or the highway!" Harry Reid even voted against it, said that way, "We'll be able to bring it up again." Whatever kind of nonsense that means.
I would like to see this "POTUS temper tantrum"... any links to this? I love seeing him act like a fool.
POTUS is just showing his true colors, "My way or the highway!" Harry Reid even voted against it, said that way, "We'll be able to bring it up again." Whatever kind of nonsense that means.
Under Senate rules (actually Roberts Rules of Order), only people on the "winning" side can make a motion to reconsider a vote. By voting against it, Reid is giving himself the ability to reintroduce the amendment if he can get enough votes.
Our system of legislation set forth in the Constitution actually worked...if Obama thinks that is shameful, then he needs to resign immediately.
Round 1 is over. The battle to keep our freedoms rages on....we cannot let up.....keep calling...keep the pressure on...take back state legislatures (in NY & CT and CO)and the Us Senate in 2014....
Please consider giving the NRA and GOA as well.
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Does no good to contact my senators, they both vote however Feinstein tells them to. They already know how I feel about that. :cuss:
Both of my senators are bought and paid for by bloomberg and nobama. Their replies to my letters and emails said "go fly a kite", or words to that effect!
"This bill represented progress, moderation and common sense"

It represented none of these things Barry. That's why it was voted down.

Go find something to fix that IS broken.
Nice to see that, despite both of my senators (MT) being Democrats, they voted against it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Just a small victory in a much larger, longer battle to maintain Constitutionally-protected freedoms.

Stay vigilant -- this is not the last time.
Yeah hearing much more of the anti rhetoric today. They are so angry they were kept from TAKING. That is all they are interested in...TAKING. TAKING our guns. TAKING our money.

They will bully, and exploit and con their way to their legislative goals....but when they don't get their way, they play a 5 million member organization.

Let's see in this mid-term election...will those who voted against the UBC bill be ousted as vehemently as those who voted for Clinton's 1994 AWB? That will tell the real tale. Although you will never hear the media or the antis admit that....nope, they actually want to push the crap on us that the NRA...and only the NRA is shaping gun politics in this country. :rolleyes:
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