Solvent trap suppressors - Some basic questions

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Not true at all. Another person can absolutely build a Form 1 suppressor, in part or whole, for you, as long as you are physically present to maintain dominion and control over the parts throughout the process.
Oh. Cool! Now I have to find the whip and get my old man up and around!:evil:

I 100% agree, @jmorris.

I use a solvent trap all the time, @CoalCrackerAl . It keeps my table clean. I admit, mine is usually a 20oz bottle to catch the patches and Schmutz from cleaning and then evaporate the solvents, but I suppose a reusable one would be the same. And look cool doing it.:)
IIRC the GSG-5 carbines had a similar “problem” except they had the “can” part vs the guts. Had also sold some 13,000 of them too before hand.
I remember getting the "please collect all your customers fake silencers and return them to us" letter.:rofl:
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