someone misunderstands "stand your ground"

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Nov 8, 2004
Spring Hill, Florida
Cliff notes: :uhoh: Terminal stupidity + "feeling threatened" + gun = murder 2.

Apparently a group of brothers were drinking at a bar to mourn the recent passing of a brother in a car wreck. They come out of the bar to find out that someone has taken their car. They determine that it was a tow truck company and that rather than take the car to an impound lot, they took it down the street to another commercial parking lot.

This part is murky, not sure of exact course of events:
They walk to the nearby lot, tow truck guy apparently demands money and has a bunch of burly looking friends. The brothers basically flip them off, get in the car to drive off. Tow truck guy pulls out Sig 229 (I think) and SHOOTS the driver. He was standing off to the side because the bullet went through the side window and into the driver. Driver dies a few hours later at hospital from chest wound.

Shooter claims "stand your ground allows you to shoot someone if you feel threatened and this was self defense." Looks like someone read too many Brady press releases.

Prosecutor consults actual lawbook, sees that it must be an actual threat to one's life- murder 2 plus other felonies are charged. Sucks that someone had to die because of this s***stain. I really hope the shooter wasnt a CCWer.
Maybe. Maybe not. The article shows two different stories, one which may justify the shooting, and one that would not. Physical evidence will be muy importante in this one.
Somehow I don't think deadly force is justified when trying to keep someone from reclaiming their property that you took from them.
Rich, 30, was shot in the upper right side of his chest by PPCI owner Donald Montanez as he supervised the impounds, police said. Montanez's attorney, Roger Rigau, said his client fired only after Rich hit a PPCI tow truck driver with his car and then fled, steering his car at Montanez and his company's manager.

"Montanez and the manager both dove out of the way," Rigau said Wednesday. "He doesn't know where the shot went, but it was during the process of the dive."

IF TRUE, possibly good shoot. Still, shooting while diving it a great way to hit an innocent.

Problem here, is as CB said.
Complex issue, and not really enough information to judge one way or another.

Was the private property the brothers parked in posted as such? If not, the tower company are little better than highway men and deserve nothing for their labors but a sound beating.

If the tow was legit, the validity of the shooting would still be in question in my mind, given that the fatal shot went through a SIDE window.
IF TRUE, possibly good shoot.

Funny, I would have said "imposibly good shot". Sounds like a lie to me.

This story gives me flashbacks to the time a mechanic stole a part off my car. When I asked him where the part was he pulled out and began brandishing a 357 revolver.

Intimidating their victims with a gun could be standard operating procedure.
Is not every shooting done in "self-defense"?

I had a drug dealer tell me the reason that he shot a fellow drug dealer in the head was "self-defense" even though the other drug dealer was not armed and was looking in a duffel bag when he was shot through the top of the head.

When one does violence to a fellow human being and then Problem #2 arrives with the prize bracelets, "self-defense" is most likely the excuse used (accident is big to, or combination of the two--I was jus' shootin' in his direction, not at him).

Wait and see what happens. The media never gets anything about a case correct.
Ok... so let me get this strait.

Two drunks come to an impound lot, blow past the truckdriver trying to stop them, get behind the wheel of a car and start to peel off.
One of the bystanders(?) then opens fire on the car, killing the driver.

Details unknown, I'd agree its possible this was not a bad shoot.
Ive got no love for drunk drivers. To me its just as well one was shot rather than left to careen down the road until they kill innocent people.

Spin the story right, you could claim the shooter saved many lives.
One fact I would also like to know if when that guy pulled out his gun? It was him and several other guys supposedly. There was no threat until the two guys got in the car. If he pulled his gun before they got in the car, how can he then claim self defense when he was basically threatening deadly force against the two brothers first.

It is certainly hard to analyze this one since the stories are completely different and there is no other information.
Shooter claims "stand your ground allows you to shoot someone if you feel threatened and this was self defense." Looks like someone read too many Brady press releases.
I've wondered if the Bradyites intentionally tried to mislead people about the law, not only to scare people who don't think for themselves, but perhaps hoping that come CCW'er would believe them and commit a murder. Probably not, but sometimes I wonder. Anyone with a high school education could read the actual law and see that the Bradyite claim is false.
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