Someone Please Help Arizona, The Government Won't

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Dec 25, 2002
the city


By: Jim Moore

Glenn Spencer, head of the private American Border Patrol, prowls the lonesome dirt roads of the Arizona-Mexican border in an ATV, looking for illegal immigrants sneaking over. And he packs a gun.

He hasn't used it yet, however, because he knows the onus connected with the term "vigilante". So he tracks them down and calls the U.S. Border Patrol. For all the good that does, because only one in five illegals is ever caught.

According to Spenser, this constant flood of illegal aliens is doing more than just overwhelming America's social services and importing poverty, which is bad enough. It also represents the forward guard of Mexican leaders determined to eventually take over the American Southwest.

Oh, haven't you heard about Mexico's recent drive to regain the southwest territory that America bought from Mexico in the Gadsden Purchase of 1853? Well, the drive is on and there seems to be no hope in stopping this tidal wave of illegal aliens who are turning the lives of Arizona cattlemen and their families into a hellish nightmare.

Ranchers have been complaining about this for years, but they get little help from the U.S. Border Patrol. So they have formed self-help groups to protect their property and themselves---Glenn Spencer's private American Border Patrol being one of them.

Just how bad is this problem in Arizona? Read this, and be glad you're not there.

"Every day of our lives, every facet of our lives is threatened," says B.J. Kuykendall, an ER nurse, who owns a ranch. "We can't leave here for any length of time because there might be nothing left when we come back. We're afraid of losing everything if this keeps up."

Illegal aliens have chased B.J down, and used their vehicles to run hers off the road. They've piled boulders across the road in an effort to steal her truck. They tried to steal her horses, too. One day, B.J found her Mastiff dog had been poisoned with strychnine "for the crime of barking". One of B.J.'s neighbors found his dog dead too, its throat slashed.

Arizona ranchers wake up in the morning to find their water lines cut, cattle gates opened, and their pastures full of garbage and human waste. "Every fence they hit they destroy," says Anna Magoffin, a Douglas area rancher, "and that was before they discovered wire cutters."

Here's Hereford rancher Bob Strom's take on it. "If I see drugs, or what I think are baled back-packs, I might call Customs, because I don't have a vigilante mentality. But when you turn around and find illegals standing in your kitchen, what do you do? And if you're a woman alone, and step from corral and suddenly find yourself surrounded by twenty or thirty men, how do you avoid them?"

Gary McBride, a rancher, recorded 101 calls to the U.S. Border Patrol to report dozens of illegal aliens on his property. "Night before last," says McBride, "I had an illegal hollering at the back door, trying to get into my house. It's unbelievable!

"What burns our butts," McBride continues, "is that the U.S. Border Patrol won't let agents on the ground do their job, and that's damn sure our biggest problem. They get their asses chewed if they make too many arrests because the chiefs don't want big numbers going to the higher ups."

But "higher ups" are only one of their problems.

The ranchers, cattlemen, and farmers are between a rock and several hard places.

One of the hard places is, being law-abiding citizens, they're concerned about having themselves branded as "vigilantes" (for protecting their own land).

A second is, they fear reprisals from Mexican gangs operating drug rings, who cross their lands, but don't want any Americanos interrupting their "food chain."

A third is, even politics is against them. For example, Rep. Raul Grijalva. D-Ariz. sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Phoenix in which he wrote: "An atmosphere exists in southern Arizona that threatens to ignite in a flashpoint of violence. The words and actions of these groups are evidence of an armed racial movement intent on taking the law into their own hands. We cannot allow the complex issues in U.S.-Mexico border policy to be hijacked by individuals who have chosen to break faith with our government and take matters into their own hands."

In reading this letter, I had to wonder, which people are being "hijacked"? Why is the stigma of "racism" put on the backs of these innocent ranchers? And who the hell is breaking faith with whom?

Is it the law-abiding ranchers who simply want to protect their lives and property? Or is it their representative in Washington whose obligation is to protect American citizens from harm and property damage by alien intruders---a representative, by the way, who seems to have abrogated his responsibility where his own state of Arizona is concerned?

And the fourth hard place the ranchers find themselves in is the dealing off the bottom of the deck they get from the federal government itself.

Reporting in the American Free Press, writer C.Parvin Foner informs us that Political Advisor Carl Rove keeps pressuring President Bush to put the Republican Party ahead of patriotism to increase his votes in 2004. This is why Bush resists protecting American citizens on the U.S.-Mexican border.

Rove is also pushing "open borders', amnesty for illegal aliens, and allowing them to "feed at the taxpayers' trough."

Furthermore, he reminds Bush that Hispanics are the fastest-growing voting bloc which, of course, pushes the President's hot button, and prompts him to say things like: "U.S. migration policies must treat Mexican men, women, and children with respect and dignity." (Treating American men. women, and children, with the same dignity and respect was not mentioned)

Columnist Parvin Fonerhas has this to say about that: "Pandering to illegal immigrants may be politics, but it's not patriotism, or good government."

"Pandering," rebuts Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich (R) "is an inappropriate term."

It is indeed. I'm sure that Arizona's beleaguered ranchers would call it something much less charitable...

As for me, I see this whole migration travesty as our government putting the Constitution on hold, while they play their dirty little game of political advantage at the expense of our Southwest citizenry.

But then, this government has never taken seriously the job that our founders fathers created it to do, so why would we expect anything different in Arizona?

"Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
>> Just how bad is this problem in Arizona? Read this, and be glad you're not there. <<

Ah .... 2dogs,

I am there .....
I think Arizona needs the "trespassers will be shot" law that Texas has...
Former U.S. Border Patrol Agent Speaks Out
By Anonymous Sierra Times Reader

In response to this article, BorderNews: Armed civilians stir border fears in anti-migrant effort
Mr. Johnson,
I am a property owner in a rural ranch area west of Tucson and 30 klicks from Sasabe, Arizona and the Mexican Border. Protection of property for those who live in these areas has always been through the efforts of armed individuals. The situation the past few years has been a nightmare for Southern Arizona residents who live near Douglas and Naco North due to constant invasions of homes and ranches by masses of illegal Mexican aliens.

Until official retirement, I spent 30 years as a U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Aircraft Pilot and Criminal Investigator with DOJ. Through the early years, we controlled the territory until Politics and Carpetbaggers in D.C. dictated open borders policies and mindless agendas which '"hamstrung'" an effective agency. From Presidio, Texas on the Rio Grande to the Tohono Reservation at Sells, Arizona, Mexican Border crossers in a span of twenty years rarely created problems, burglaries were rare as was destruction of property. Politicians from both parties in Congress, in pandering for Votes and Cheap labor and refusing to revamp an inept Immigration Service, created a different caste of border crossers who care nothing for the laws of the U.S. nor property rights, and upon reaching interior cities are basically "home free".

This new wave of illegals realize little will be done if they are arrested, and leave a trash trail that a Blind Agent could follow if they were not hampered by political directives, "hold the line" madness. Hundreds that cross east or west and travel beyond sight of an Agent sitting on an "X " are free to move without intervention.. They cut fences, commit home intrusions, and any number of criminal acts that should be of concern to State Politicians and the President, yet it seems unimportant in D.C.

Representative Tom Tancredo was here with Arizona citizens at Lukeville for the funeral of Cris Eggle, a park ranger slain by AK-47 fire in August, 2002. I was proud to meet my first honest politician, who stood in baking heat with people far removed from his congressional district, to pay " last respects" to a young officer. Our own state representatives could not be bothered or reached for such Border trivia, including John McCain .

Now we have a new reconquista Congressman Raul Grijalva whose concerns and loyalty are to the Mexican Government and goals, and believes U.S. Citizens in high risk border areas should be investigated as Racists, Hate Groups when they take up arms for their own safety as well as their neighbor's.

I know the people of Southern Arizona, long time ranchers , good people who, in years past, would give water or food freely to small groups of " illegals', and assist those in need of help. Illegals crossed the land, with few problems involving property crime. And the Border Patrol responded. Those times are over. Now Cattle tanks are fouled and punctured. Livestock is killed, burglaries, drug runners, rapes and threats are today's reality in a politically correct society condoned by Congress.

An example of politically correct nonsense is a bronze statute, erected against the will of the majority of the people, in the courtyard of downtown Tucson ten years ago. The statue is of Pancho Villa, notorious Bandit, rapist, and murderer whose gang of outlaws terrorized Southern Arizona residents for years on border raids in the late 1800s. I'm sure Congressman Raul Grijalva is proud of that statute as a part of Mexican history, past and present.

Arizona is a "right to carry" weapons state, with many people possessing Concealed Weapons permits. If the government will not protect taxpayers, property owners from constant invasions from Mexico, citizens must rely on their own resources. I love this nation, and spent most of my natural life defending political ideals from Viet Nam to decades on the Border. Bandits, drug runners, and Mexican Military escorting loads is nothing new, yet few news media report the facts nor do they report the real life situation on the borders. Being an armed civilian in a time of need for any person on Arizona's borders is a matter of survival for their family or neighbors.

J. S.
Three Points, Arizona
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