Songs about guns?

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Loyd Price: Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee went to the barroom
And he stood across the barroom door
He said, nobody move and he pulled his
Forty-four, Ooh
Stagger Lee, (oh Stagger Lee) cried Billy (oh Stagger Lee)
Oh, please (oh Stagger Lee) don't take my life (oh Stagger Lee)
I've got three little (oh Stagger Lee) children and a very (oh Stagger Lee)
Sickly wife (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee)
Stagger Lee (oh Stagger Lee) shot Billy (oh Stagger Lee)
Oh, he shot (oh Stagger Lee) that poor boy so bad (oh Stagger Lee)
'Till the bullet (oh Stagger Lee) came through Billy (oh Stagger Lee)and it broke the bar (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee)
Tender's glass (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee) (oh Stagger Lee)
Carabina Treinta-Treinta

With my 30-30
I'm leaving.
To thicken the ranks of rebellion
If my blood asks, I give blood to them
For the inhabitants of our nation


Eminem: "I'm going to get my gun"
Eminem: "Pistol, Pistol"
Sumblime: "Santeria" Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him
He best go run and hide
Daddy's got a new .45
And I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat
Believe me when I say that I got something for his punk***
I never thought of Black Betty as a rifle - she just sounded like a fun girl to know! :D

There is an opinion that the song originated from an XVIII century combat cadenza about a flintlock gun with black stock paint; the words «bam-ba-lam» refers to the sounds of gunshots. From the early XVIII century, the standard musket had a walnut stock and was therefore known to the British Army (at least by 1785) as the «Brown Bess.» There is also an opinion that Black Betty is a cannonball. (

I still cannot recall the source for this song being about a weapon. I did find this reference.
Regardless, I like the song.
Here's a few...

Johnson Machine Gun Blues (I'm pretty sure they meant Thompson, but there was a Johnson machine gun too...):

And who could forget Hogjaw?

Or Lynyrd Skynyrd. Here's two songs from them that have very different messages (of course, the later one is "new" Skynyrd, so...):

Marty Robbins
Big Iron
You bet! And I also love that other Marty Robbins song, "Mr. Shorty." While it's not exactly about guns, Marty Robbins sings about Mr. Shorty having a "short-barreled bad 44" on his hip. And when Mr. Shorty shot the bully in the song, Marty Robbins sung, "The 44 spoke and sent lead and smoke - 17 inches of flame." :D:D:D
When given the option, I'll typically choose Johnny Cash's version of most things. Steve Earle definitely did "Devil's Right Hand" better, though.
If just getting shot and dying counts for anything and a gun is only briefly mentioned, Sgt. MacKenzie.
Can't get YT links to post, but gotta have some Social Distortion "Machine Gun Blues" in the mix too.
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When Elton John was “good”…1970/71…lol

Tumbleweed Connection

My Father’s Gun-

Ballad of Well Known Gun-
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