Songs about guns?

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And we're all off to Dublin in the green, in the green
Where the helmets glisten in the sun
Where the bayonets flash and the rifles crash
To the rattle of a Thompson gun
As Skynard's Gimme Three Steps was a song that actually happened to me in a Hells Angels bar in SoCol back in 1980, I always remember
"In walked a man with a gun in his hand" and "'Cause he was lean, mean and big and bad, Lord, pointin' that gun at me" and finally,
"And I'm telling you, son, well, it ain't no fun, staring straight down a forty-four..."
The Aussie singer Steve Lee (mentioned above by zdc1775)) visited hickok45 in Middle TN and tried out some of his guns.

In This video, no guitar visible, but Steve and some Ozmate characters shoot some exotic weapons in Cambodia. One is a belt-fed Soviet PKM.

If we ever get into another war, I really hope that the Ozmates will help us because they have spirit.
The artificial intro ends at about :27----

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The night was icy cold, I stood alone, waiting for a Army foot patrol, and when at last they came into my sights I squeezed the trigger on my Armalite….

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