Soon to Hit the Presses

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I couldn't wait:

Albert Einstein said, "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the Constitutional Rights secure." Each Article and Amendment are vital and it is the 2nd Amendment that's under serious attack in New Jersey. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms (whether one exercises that Right or not) is as essential to freedom as air is to breathing.
The gun control movement was initiated by very well intentioned, thoughtful and sincere motives. It made good sense on the surface and politicians immediately used it to gain votes. As it turned out, overwhelming evidence proved it to be wrong. Gun control is now more about being "right" than about being a noble cause.
Why a woman is not allowed to assume peronal responsibility for her own safety in New Jersey (should she desire to do so) to at least give her a fighting chance in the event of rape (or worse) is beyond rational thought. Our Founding Fathers knew that a government that does not trust its honest, law abiding, tax paying citizens with the means of self defense is not itself worthy of trust. Why should criminals respect our lives and liberty when we ourselves do not value them enough to assume the responsibility to defend them?
Severely restricting the inalienable rights of the law abiding because of the behavior of criminals is why many of our anestors fled their homelands in the first place. Just because a criminal may use a firearm is no basis whatsoever on the individual rights of the law abiding citizen to keep and bear arms.
No one detests violence, desires peace and cherishes life more than those who wish to be personally responsible for their own safety. Freedom is always at risk both at home and abroad. Fortunately, there are good people in and out of uniform commited to making a difference. Now would be an excellent time for those who favor politics over fact and logic to rewrite their agreement with reality.
A list of quotes from the internet, of course. Seems legit.
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