sportsmen for clark: you will not believe this

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Well, since there are only 30 members in that Yahoo group, I wouldn't get too concerned about a "Sportsmen for Clark" groundswell. The guy is too much of a wacko to have a chance anyway.
Several posters hit it right on the head

These 'sportsmen' (sportspeople ?? nah !!) are delusional.
That 30.06 scoped rifle you use for deer/elk/etc is
a deadly sniper rifle - just a matter of semantics.
That Remington 870 you use for pheasant/rabbits/etc.
is a deadly street sweaper/trench clearer - semantics again.
No one hunts with an AK47 - really - says who ??
No one hunts with a dreaded handgun - sorry
simply NOT true (even big game is taken with handguns)
These people are burying their collective heads in the
sand and lying to themselves (yes - you can do that).
They think anyone who doesn't use his/her firearms for 'sports' are
extremists/fanatics and shouldn't have firearms but as long
as the use is legitimate, they will remain untouched.
Frightening, to say the least.
Wesley wants Hillary to be his veep, he wanted to take a Bosnian airport away from the Russian troops that occupied it (by force, if necessary, there's a great idea), some of his former superior officers decline to even comment on his suitability for president, and he manages to talk out of six sides of his mouth during the course of an average week. No thanks.
You have every right to disagree with Sarah Brady or anyone else, but to call her "an ignorant slut?"

agreed. You don't know anything about her sexual tendencies.
**gets into gutter** besides "ignorant [other explitave]" would have been more accurate :neener: :eek: **gets back onto highroad**

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To MPayne

Yes, I remember those skits well. Sam Adams will have to speak for himself, but his comments were, at least up to that point, not intended to be humorous, so it's difficult to apply your interpretation.

It's this kind of vitriol and personal bitterness that makes all of us look bad and plays into the hands of the anti's.
IMHO, antis who own guns are the hardest to reason with. They seem to assume they have a supernatural understanding of the situation just because they have a shotgun for hunting in the closet, and are thus less apt to really listen. Sad part is, they do the most damage to our RKBA too. :(

Oh well. I still like shotguns!

Nightfall hit the nail on the head gentlemen. Our biggest threat, and worst enemy is the gun-owner who supports gun control.

The guy quoted doesn't sound like a non-gun owning blissninny at all. He sounds like an anti-gun Hunter. I know entirely too many of them.

I've heard the "The NRA is a bunch of fear-mongerers. No one is trying to make my guns illegal." argument before, a LOT.

We need to do something about it rather desperately. The assumption that "80 million gun owners in the United States will resist even harder" is a *very* faulty one. Sad, sad fact is many of them could care less.

Someone should show these hunters a copy of Oleg's recent poster dealing with this issue. I know a gun store owner who'd be willing to put one up in his store.

Then again, maybe these hunters would just dismiss it as "fear mongering". It ain't fear mongering if it's true...
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