Springfield 1915 (Stevens?) 16 gauge double --stock removal/repair

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Jan 3, 2005
Hi y'all:
Bought a 16 gauge Springfield (1915, Chicopee, Mass) double side by side at the gun show. Most of the blue is gone, stock is cracked but the price was right ($100) and the seller says its a good shooter. I was looking for a replacement stock but have had no luck. After looking at GB and GA, I see that it is very similar to a Stevens double, several model numbers, also Chicopee, Mass.

I would like to repair the stock, but after removing screws at top and bottom of receiver (front and back of trigger guard, I get no movement. I don't want to break it any worse than it already is, but how do I remove the stock from the action?

As always, thank you for your help, Rich
There is probably a long bolt underneath the buttplate attaching it to the back of the receiver.
There are several variations on the rears of the receivers,so if the original isn't too badly cracked,you may be better off repairing the original.
These are usually cracked,so a repaired one may be stronger than a replacement anyway.
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