Still think the Prez is pro gun???

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Dec 25, 2002
Near the border of occupied Azlan and Mexico.
This is for all you that ravaged my opinion that "W" was not pro gun, during the election!! :scrutiny:

I hate to say I told you so!! :banghead:

A former NYPD Commissioner??
Pro gun??
I think NOT!!!! :what:

He's endorsed by Chuck Schummer!! :eek:
That should be your first clue!!! ;)

Bush Picks Kerik for Homeland Security Job

Thu Dec 2,11:58 PM ET Politics - Reuters

By Steve Holland

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites) has picked as his homeland security secretary former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, who helped the city respond to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and trained Iraqi police, administration officials said.

Reuters Photo

AP Photo
Slideshow: Homeland Security

Kerik Named to Lead Homeland Security
(AP Video)

The officials said on Thursday that Bush chose Kerik to replace Tom Ridge, who announced his resignation on Tuesday, to lead U.S. efforts to protect the country from Sept. 11-type attacks. An announcement could come as early as Friday.

As Bush continued a broad overhaul of his second-term Cabinet, there were indications that he was close to nominating a replacement for Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham (news - web sites), who has announced his resignation.

In addition, Health and Human Services (news - web sites) Secretary Tommy Thompson appeared close to announcing his anticipated resignation.

Kerik, 49, rushed to the site of the World Trade Center towers moments after the Sept. 11 attack and helped then-New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (news - web sites) during the Sept. 11 crisis, to coordinate rescue efforts, restore order and develop a plan for securing the city.

New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record) issued a statement of support for Kerik, whose position must be confirmed by the Senate.

"Coming from New York, Bernie Kerik knows the great needs and challenges this country faces in homeland security. He has a strong law enforcement background and I believe will do an excellent job in fighting for the resources and focus that homeland security needs and deserves in our post-9/11 world," Schumer said.

Kerik has been a strong Bush supporter, and Bush's re-election campaign turned to him to react to charges about homeland security thrown at the president by his Democratic opponent, Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites).

"Kerik spent a lot of time on the campaign trail with Bush and was a real political asset," said Scott Reed, a Republican strategist.

Kerik was Iraq (news - web sites)'s interim minister of the interior and served as senior policy adviser for then-U.S. envoy Paul Bremer. Later he joined the ex-mayor's consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, and spent three months in Baghdad in 2003 helping train Iraqi police.

An Army veteran, former undercover narcotics cop and black belt in tae kwon do, Kerik published in 2001 a memoir, "The Lost Son: A Life in Pursuit of Justice," in which he described how he came from a broken home in Newark, New Jersey.

In the book, he said his parents divorced when he was 3 and his mother, an alcoholic and prostitute, was murdered when he was 4.

Miramax has purchased the movie rights.

(Additional reporting by Caren Bohan)
Hey, with enemies like these...

denfoote, All I can say on the topic is that I hope in the future, all other gun controllers are as successfull as the President has been so far--first major national gun control measure to fall fell on his watch.

Yours, TDP
Yes, Bush is still pro-gun in my estimation.

Read his book "Lost Son" as I did a few months ago....Kerik is AMAZINGLY impressive, and probably VERY well-suited for this job.
Check out the endorsment by the little Democrat doll!! :barf:

The AWB fell only because gun owners kept it off the Shrub's desk!!

Now that he does not have to worry about getting elected (read: He don't need us red neck pistol pack'in fools any more), his true colors are starting to come out!!

"Still think the Prez is pro gun???"


And particularly so when compared to that thing from Massachusetts that ran against him! :D
Appointing a man with a stellar military, police, and reformist career is hardly a betrayal of gun owners. Do some research, and you'll find Kerik to be a very impressive, no-nonsense administrator.
That's not the only reason...

denfoote wrote:
The AWB fell only because gun owners kept it off the Shrub's desk!!

It also fell because the Shrub at the least did nothing to ensure it hit his desk, and I suspect took some steps to ensure it never got there.

denfoote, please name the measures Bush took to support the AWB, and compare and contrast them with bills the President really wanted.

Yours, TDP
It's the endorsment by the Demon Doll that troubles me!!
Call it angst, if you will.
I have no doubt that he is technically capable for the Job.
That's not my point!!
I want to see him questioned about his committment to the Second Smendment at his confirmation hearings.

This is the first appointment by the Shrub that may directly effect our Constitutional Rights. I want to make sure that his philosophical leanings are in the right direction!!!

If he is anti, then it gives all of us a glimpse of how appointments to the Supremes probably will go!!

denfoote, please name the measures Bush took to support the AWB, and compare and contrast them with bills the President really wanted.

It seems to me that early on in his first term, he said that he supported it and would sign it if it crossed his desk!!!
Well, if you follow the trend in Cabinet position replacements, you will see that Republicans are appealing to their weaknesses (or Bush's) in the voter base. NYC was a big one. The NE US is solidly blue state. Blacks, women, and Hispanics have already been honored by appointments so far. Rumsfeld will be next...probably next year. He will be 76.

I don't know what you think this person will do to your gun rights. It is interesting that a police administrator was chosen, but to a great extent it's policing we are talking about, right? Frankly, there are so many agencies, with a new kingdom created for every nuance, that I don't know who is responsible for what anymore. Cooperation among agencies is a real concern to me.
Appointing a man with a stellar military, police, and reformist career is hardly a betrayal of gun owners. Do some research, and you'll find Kerik to be a very impressive, no-nonsense administrator.


Contrary to the belief on this board sometimes not EVERYTHING has to do with guns and the second amendment. :rolleyes:

Just because a man might not be a gun enthusiast like us does not mean he's not suitable for this job. What is it again that the HLSD does that effects our gun rights?? He's not in Congress, or the Executive Branch......or even the Judicial Branch. Let the man do his job and stop worrying about Bush. If he wanted the AWB passed he would have put pressure on the Congress which he DIDN'T. Look at the force he's putting out for this Intelligence Bill now, even though certain Republicans are opposing it. Don't tell me he won't go against the party if he agrees with something.
It amazes me how someone who probably has libertarian ideals (what other type of person would claim GW is antigun?) would require some sort of defacto affirmative action in hiring decisions, hiring on the sole basis of whether or not the candidate may or may not have pro-2nd a pro-2nd philosophy rather than simply hiring the best and most qualified person for the job. :rolleyes:
Check out the endorsment by the little Democrat doll!!

So you have to ask yourself why Schummer is endorsing him? Kerik played a prominent role in the reelection of George Bush. He gave a prime time speech for him. Therefore it seems unlikely _to me_ that Kerik has similiar ideological ideas as Schummer. So what's going on? You COULD always take the obvious explanation: Schummer is endorsing him because Kerik is a prominent New Yorker. Period. It's "favorite son" politics without any connection to actual policy positions.

Kerik was an undercover cop in NYC...maybe he knows something about someone Schummer cares about. You never know, Kerik may have brought somebody's kid home instead of to the precinct for some relatively minor but embarrasing escapade.

Sometimes the world (and politics) works that way. When I was a reserve cop, if we encountered the mayor's teenage daughter a little drunk or partially clothed in the backseat we were generally inclined toward giving her a ride to daddy's front porch rather than having him come down to the police station to fetch her home to the woodshed. Cops know darn near everything about everybody in their back yard.

I also agree that there should be no 2nd Amendment "litmus test" for every government appointment, but it would be more important fodder for conversation regarding the AG appointment than HLS director.
"I want to see him questioned about his committment to the Second Smendment at his confirmation hearings."

While most of us on this board understand that if you do NOT have the Second Amendment as your primary concern in life that you are not fit for ANY job anywhere in the free world, perhaps there just might be more immediate concerns such as can he balance the need for protection against terrorists with the need to maintain the dignity and the basic rights of the American citizen?
What is the big deal. What decisions and policies will the Director of Homeland Security be able to do that is going to change our Second Amendment rights? Now I can see how the Attourney General might have a little more influence in prosecution and enforcement, but Homeland Security? Talk about knee-jerk reactions. Relax. There's nothing you can do about it and we haven't seen AWB II yet, so I don't think you can quite give a big "I told you so". Second, your only other option in the election would have been John Kerry, so if you were trying to warn us about Bush, I have to ask what your point was there as well. Should we have voted against Bush because he was anti-gun? So if Bush was clearly the lessor of two evils and most of us are happy with him rather than Kerry, really there is no point in warning us. It is sort of like being the guy to tell us, "The sun is going to set later today! You watch. I am telling you, it is going to set." Darn, you told us.
I also agree that there should be no 2nd Amendment "litmus test" for every government appointment

"I do solomnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
A homeland-security provision was written into the Constitution in 1791. In part, the violation of this provision allowed the September 11th attacks to succeed, which led to the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. Therefore, a few of us view this powerful new state-security agency with no small amount of suspicion and trepidation.

~G. Fink
A homeland-security provision was written into the Constitution in 1791. In part, the violation of this provision allowed the September 11th attacks to succeed, which led to the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. Therefore, a few of us view this powerful new state-security agency with no small amount of suspicion and trepidation.

Which is why the Senate's civil rights oversight provision must be retained in the Homeland Security bill to be addressed again on Monday or Tuesday. Beware the last minute slam dunk.
To me anyone who gets an appointment to something like homeland security and they are from as anti gun state as NY gives me reason to worry. You have to remember for him to have been head of the NYPD he had to play ball with the ones running the city. I think how someone looks at the 2nd amendment should mean allot as to if he gets the job or not. That is unless they took the 2nd out of the Bill Of Rights When I went to the CCW banquet in Phoenix about a mo. ago I talked to people way up in the pro gun organizations I talked to a few pro gun authors. Funny thing when you talked to them in private none of them relly looked at GWB as strong 2nd amendment and pro gun. Most admitted they looked at their vote for GWB as more a vote against Kerry
Yes I do.

The President has a lot more to deal with right now and like him or not, Kerik is probably the best man for the job.

In my estimation, being pro gun or not has nothing to do with getting the job. I don't imagine it was even a topic of discussion.
I always find it funny that folks say the President isn't pro-gun. Typically, they point to his statement that he would sign the AWB renewal if it got to his desk without any sort of expansion. But the interesting thing here is that the President doesn't make laws, rather he is the check and balance to Congress. What he meant with his statement is that he would play ball with Congress, and that is was truly in their hands. If an overwhelming majority of their constituents wanted the bill passed, Congress would approve it, and the President would acknowledge that it is truly the will of the vast majority of people. Since most of Congress felt that this topic would cost them dearly in the next election, they obviously felt that AWB renewal was not supoorted by an overwhelming majority of their constituents, so they didn't press the issue.

And even if they did, and it came to a tied vote like last time, I am pretty sure that Cheney would have cast his tie-breaker against renewal, thus keeping it from the President's desk anyway. I am sure that he knew it wouldn't get to his desk in the first place.
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