Stop complaining about the right to bear arms

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I was thinking to post here a template to respond to this new law they are proposing to get rid of all hi-cap magazines so you can write, call and email your local representatives.
If anyone has a template please feel free to post it.

The criminals got to love this laws and in the middle of all this time of economic crisis and political corruption the legislators have no problem in start cutting where is needed the most, closing libraries, schools, and downsizing police and fire. Why don't they fire their secretaries, bodyguards, paper-pushers, and even themselves first?

Do not relax watching the American Idol and ACT, do something.
Be a patriot.
+1 1stmarine! IMHO, too many people sit back and do nothing because they think the $25 they sent the NRA that one time is good enough.......well, it's not.
Agree. if we think that $25 dolllars to the NRA and keep rocking our lazy boys is going to fix anything we are in trouble. Actually with this attitude is how we got in the current situation in the first place.
I have been asking folks to post ideas, concrete actions.
What are you doing to change things?

The White House has warned us: They are about to start a massive push for gun control within the next few days. For confirmation, see this link from another thread: If that link goes down, try a search. This is all over the news.

It is time to get ready for an equally massive letter-writing and phone campaign. Let us all please keep this "high road:" calm, peaceful, and well-reasoned. I also think it is imperative to send actual dollars to gun-rights lobbying groups.

Many (if not most) are strongly against us: all of the media, many in the government, and the vast majority of the population who have been lied to and mis-educated by movies and the ignorant gun-grabbers in the education system. Make some gentle inquiries... you will be amazed! Their beliefs and determination run very deep.

I do not know what specific proposals are coming. But even if those proposals do not affect my favorite types of toys, I strongly stand on the side of individual liberties and human rights. We must remain politically aware and active in defense of all liberties.

This is NOT a left-vs-right issue. This is an issue of freedom.

You can be sure that if a campaign to limit the freedoms and rights of another group is ever successful then another campaign will come to take away your rights.
It is time to get ready for an equally massive letter-writing and phone campaign. Let us all please keep this "high road:" calm, peaceful, and well-reasoned. I also think it is imperative to send actual dollars to gun-rights lobbying groups.

Being well reasoned is a personal aptitude. It cannot be done as a group.
I don't think that anyone should be compelled by any other person or organization to do what others want them to do. I think that averyone should use this and other information, get well informed and then make a personal well formed and objective opinion to whether they want to call their senators, send letters, make donations, or any other means they consider appropriate and if they think it is necessary.

I will be the first one to support any efforts to make sure that a mentally unstable person does not own or operate a firearm the same way I would not want them to operate a truck rig, an airplane, a train, etc...

At the same time the laws should show no interference for responsible gun owners and law abiding citizens to exercise their most fundamental right given by the constitution.
So any laws that are in a collision course with the any constitutional rights are immediately invalid and they will not be accepted.

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