Stray Cats - Can I, should I shoot them?

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Let me just chime in with my 81 year old aunt's solution to stray cats in the back yard - a sling shot and a bag of marbles. Quiet and non-lethal on mid-town felines. It's also a hoot to consider this little old lady skulking around to get a good angle on her prey's butt.:p
If a neighbor's pet is on someone else's property, it's most likely doing some kind of damage (whether it's immediately noticed or not).
Simplistic attitude that has very little basis in truth

I think you have mw confused with someone that gives a damn about chipmonks. Not that I have any animosity towards chipmunks. It's just that I live in Fla and we don't have them here that I'm aware of.

If any of your comments were directed toward me, please note that I have prefaced all my comments with a comment on unnecessary killing. And that goes for killing anything.
None of my comments were directed toward you, but to those that revel in shooting cats in half, drowning , letting dogs kill them or indescrement poisoning, as if the actions somehow make them more manly.

My family's homestead in a once rural section of Mobile Ala was 200 acres of swamp and woods. Feral animals were a part of everyday lives. If an animal became a nuisance they were dealt with accordingly if they behaved themselves they were welcome. This is from a family that pushed the deer-a-day limit to the max and were taught the value of life at early ages by the matriarch of the clan who also taught us enough about self respect that we did not need to find our pleasure in our ability to inflict pain on lower animals
No good comes from feral cats. The "Animal Control" option is just asking for government to do what you can more easily do. Feral cats will never be adopted. A .22LR is humane.

I grew up on a farm and the barn cats had feral litters in the fields and woods. They always came back to create mischief around the cantonment area. Every spring it was my job to search and destroy. They are mean little suckers.

When you have them in the cross hairs, think of the a-holes who abandoned them, un-neutered, to roam around your property wreaking havoc on your pets and wildlife.

Hollow points to the head. Follow up shots quickly if it is not a one-shot kill. I have no problem baiting them to get a clean shot. YMMV.
joab wrote:
In other words any body that gets their jollies by a sick pathetic POS

So all the people who post in the "Hunting" section of this board fall under that category? After all, none of them hunt solely because they have to. They kill animals because they enjoy it. I'd hardly consider them sadistic because of it. Although I would agree with that description for people who torture animals.
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